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Two new pieces:

Together Forever II. This one came out of losing my father. (That said, it isn’t actually a depiction of my own family — my parents were divorced and I have more siblings than this.)

Red circle-and-triangle figures arranged in a family portrait. The father is all white.

Abide with Me II. This has felt applicable to me a decent number of times these past few months.

A white circle-and-triangle figure next to a blue circle-and-triangle figure.

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Robert A. Caro’s The Power Broker is finally available as an ebook! (On the Kindle store, anyway. I haven’t checked other places.)

Recent nonfiction reads

  • Terry Pratchett, by Rob Wilkins. Quite liked this one. The end is sad, but that’s usually the case with full-life biographies. Probably about time to read another Discworld novel.
  • Chokepoint Capitalism, by Rebecca Giblin and Cory Doctorow. Maddening. I really, really do not like big, hungry capitalism, and I hope we as a society can push things back to a healthier level. Job guarantees sound amazing.
  • Human Errors, by Nathan H. Lents. So fascinating! I jabbered about this book to my wife and coworkers ad nauseam — the RLN, throat structure, wrist bones, DNA copy rates, sickle-cell disease, retinal wiring, I’ll stop now. For me the takeaway that I think I’ll remember most was that animals in the wild are constantly on the edge of starvation and so we’re evolutionarily wired to eat as if it’s our last meal before winter, which also leads to it being really easy to gain weight but really hard to lose it.

Recent fiction reads

  • I tried to read China Miéville’s The City & the City, but the central conceit — two cities interleaved in the same space where each city’s residents straight up ignore the other city — just wasn’t doing it for me. Probably because I went into it expecting there to be a magical/supernatural reason people couldn’t see the other city (a ghost city of sorts that occasionally leaks through).
  • The Expert System’s Brother, by Adrian Tchaikovsky. A novella. Enjoyed it, and looking forward to the sequel. And to the rest of Tchaikovsky’s books (including City of Last Chances, which came out today, I believe).
  • The Ballad of Black Tom, by Victor LaValle. A novella. Quite liked it. A bit graphic at the end, which reminded me that this was horror and not just dark fantasy, and that horror isn’t my thing most of the time.
  • A Mirror Mended, by Alix E. Harrow. A novella. Really liked the variations and folktaleishness.

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Not much going on here lately because I’ve had a fairly bad flareup of back pain since early Thanksgiving week.

(This is from my grade 2 spondylolisthesis at L5-S1, which I’ve had for nineish years now. Every once in a while I move wrong and get a flareup. The more flared up it is, the more back pain — mostly lower but often upper too — and the harder it gets to walk. When it’s really bad I’m hobbling around like a ninety year old.)

Lots of lying in bed on a heating pad trying to recover and to avoid flaring things up further. Lots of reading, but not much else outside of work. I’ve got a handful of projects in progress, though, that I’m hoping to get to a presentable state before long.

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In the Image of Our Heavenly Parents: A Couple’s Guide to Creating a More Divine Marriage, released today, edited by McArthur Krishna and Bethany Brady Spalding, with illustrations by yours truly.

Title page of the book
Table of contents page
Doctrinal foundation page
Chapter illustration

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New artwork: On These Two Commandments.

On These Two Commandments

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Links #53

Lin Kayser on Hyperganic’s 3D-printed rocket engine using an algorithmically generated model. So cool.

Marcin Wichary’s Shift Happens, a book-in-progress about keyboards. Looks interesting!

Leah Rodriguez on NASA sending a person of color and a woman to the moon as part of the Artemis program. This is admittedly from back in April 2021 but I hadn’t seen it till now.

Relativity on how they 3D print rockets. I didn’t realize 3D printing rockets was a thing. Wow.

Miriam Suzanne on how our tools might be holding us back, in respect to CSS.

The 2022 Web Almanac.

Paul Stamatiou on product quality. Some interesting thoughts.

Blender Conference 2022 video playlist. Putting this here to remind myself to go watch these. I really struggle to make time to watch videos, though.

Christopher W. Jones on the earliest complete sentence in written Canaanite. “May this tusk root out the lice of the hair and the beard.”

Chris Randall with a video of a Brocken Spectre. Whoa. That’s just…whoa.

A lyrebird impersonating an evacuation notice in Sydney.

The United Nations on the world reaching 8 billion people last week.

The Bledwel Test, a catalog of movies mentioning menstruation. A fairly short list.

The Artemis 1 rocket launch. It still blows my mind that we can successfully launch rockets into space.

Mandy Brown on time and rest. Yes.

UNSW Face Test. I got 69% (31/40 on the memory, 52/80 on the sorting). It’s surprisingly hard.

Ear2Face, which can take a photo of just an ear and create a photo of what the face looks like straight on. It’s nowhere near perfect but still startling how well it does.

Andy Matuschak on doing-centric explanatory mediums. If I recall correctly, Figma’s tutorials are all like this. It’s great.

ByteOverlord’s port of Quake to the Apple Watch. Wow.

Harry Vangberg’s Foreign Dispatch, a project to take ideas from code editors and apply them to writing in foreign languages. Cool.

Ethan Hawke’s TED talk on giving yourself permission to be creative.

NASA’s list of citizen science projects. Quite a few. Reminds me I need to read Mary Ellen Hannibal’s Citizen Scientist book.

David Heinemeier Hansson on the bubble popping for unprofitable software companies. I think the current model (unprofitability + VC funding) is completely bonkers. Also not a huge fan of growth capitalism, where you have to grow just to survive. This has been on my mind a lot lately.

Howard W. French on coastal west Africa over the next century. “By 2100, the Lagos-Abidjan stretch is projected to be the largest zone of continuous, dense habitation on earth, with something in the order of half a billion people.” Fascinating.

Christopher Ekeroth on little languages — DSLs — being the future of programming. I like this a lot. It’s a space I’ve thought about in the past, and this has nudged me back into thinking about it some more. (Little languages for generative art, text processing, web apps, etc.)

Roy Tang on word people and web people. I’m very much a word person, which is probably why I struggle to watch videos as mentioned above. Also very much a web person.

David Nield on SuperGPS, which apparently can pinpoint location to within four inches. Which would be much more exciting if we didn’t live in a world run by surveillance capitalists.

Chris Young on a new hybrid EV battery that can recharge in 72 seconds. Can’t wait till electric minivans come down in price enough that I can justify getting one.

Gabriella Gonzalez on the end of history for programming. Some interesting thoughts here. I’m not far enough into the functional programming mindset for this to resonate, though.

Jim Nielsen on natural language inputs. Love this. I’ve done a little of this on some personal apps but want to do more.

Stable Diffusion v2 is out.

Matt Welsh with a cautionary tale about using Rust at a startup. While I do like Rust, this take makes sense to me.

Nat Friedman is hiring a tech lead to help solve an archaeological puzzle. Mildly gimmicky but still fascinating. I wonder what it is.

John Scalzi on weaving the artisan web by blogging. I look forward to more people blogging post-Twitter. I love blogs so much.

Thai Wordle. I already know I would not be very good at this.

Spline, a browser-based collaborative 3D modeling app. I remember hearing about this a while ago (before it launched, I think), and it’s nice to see how far it’s come.

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Matt Webb posted about a book blogging thing from days of yore, and I figured I’d have a go at answering it.

How many books do you own?

Somewhere around 1,500 physical books and 3,200 ebooks. I haven’t counted recently.

What is the last book you bought?

The Comanche Empire, by Pekka Hämäläinen. (Purchased five hours ago.)

What is the last book you read?

Rob Wilkins’ biography of Terry Pratchett. (Which I’ll talk about in my next recent reads post.)

What are five books that mean a lot to you?

This question was hard, not only because there are a lot of books but also because my brain is completely awful at retrieving things this way. There is no index on those columns. And what does “mean” mean, anyway? But here’s the best I can do right now:

  1. The Book of Mormon, for spiritual guidance and being my daily companion through life. This was the easy one.
  2. The Last Battle, by C. S. Lewis, for its depiction of the afterlife at the end. I don’t remember it being a particularly long part of the book (I haven’t reread it in ages — sixteen years this month, apparently), but that ending always made me cry. If I read it again right now I’d probably think of my dad and almost certainly cry some more.
  3. The Dark Is Rising, by Susan Cooper. I haven’t reread this in ages either (eighteen years next month), but what a book! One of the best fantasy novels I’ve ever read, at least in my memory. I’m a little wary of rereading it in case it doesn’t hold up now that I’m older, but wintertime is the perfect time of year for reading it so I’ll probably try it soon.
  4. This Changes Everything, by Naomi Klein. I’ve written before about its pivotal effect on me.
  5. How the Word Is Passed, by Clint Smith. I’ve also written recently about this book, which has also been pivotal for me.

I won’t tag anyone, but if you do this on your blog, send me a link!

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New artwork: Before the World Was VII. Exploring the idea of using semicircles to represent Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father. (The other ways I’ve tried so far include interlocking circles, yin/yang shapes, whole circles, triangles, and circle-and-triangle figures.)

Before the World Was VII

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Grief hit a little bit harder the past few weeks and made reading more difficult.

Recent nonfiction reads

  • The Anna Karenina Fix, by Viv Groskop. A short, enjoyable survey of Russian lit. The part that stuck with me most: “[Ann Patchett] describes reading Anna Karenina at the age of twenty-one and believing that Anna and Vronsky were the most charming, romantic people in the world and that Kitty and Levin the most boring, pathetic people in the world. She writes, ‘Last year I turned 49, and I read the book again. This time, I loved Levin and Kitty… Anna and Vronsky bored me.’ As we get older, she concludes, ‘we gravitate towards the quieter, kinder plotlines, and find them to be richer than we had originally understood them to be’.” I feel like I’m getting to that point, where I’m more interested in quieter, kinder plotlines.
  • Out of the Software Crisis, by Baldur Bjarnason. A bit more prescriptive than I was in the mood for. I also haven’t run into a lot of the programming culture he describes. That said, I did find a couple of the ideas interesting: first, programming as a branch of design rather than engineering — more like filmmaking than bridge building. I’m still thinking on this and haven’t yet decided whether I agree. Second, programming as pop culture, with a neverending stream of faddish new technologies. This one resonates with me. It’s exhausting. The older I get, the better “use boring technology” sounds.

Recent fiction reads

  • Snow Crash, by Neal Stephenson. Some parts have not aged well at all, and there are definitely some cringey bits, but ignoring all that, overall I liked it. (This in spite of cyberpunk not being an aesthetic I really care for.) Interesting ideas, and the linguistic angle appealed to me.
  • The Golden Enclaves, by Naomi Novik, third book in the Scholomance trilogy. Not as good for me as the first two — in fact, I almost gave up a third of the way in, and then again two-thirds in. I struggled with the voice, which surprisingly started grating on me for some reason. But I still liked some of the reveals later in the book.

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New story: Bag Field. About twenty pages long, fantasy.

I started writing this story in March 2021 but didn’t get very far. Picked it up again at the end of August and here we are. Ten minutes of writing a day is still working well, by the way, especially when I look back at the year — six stories finished, roughly 90 pages together. Much better than not finishing anything. (That said, I do hope to spend more time on writing going forward.)

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