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Links #132

Helga Stentzel’s clothesline animals are lovely. I also enjoyed her Food for Thought and Edible Creatures series and her Hope piece.

Jesper on Andy Matuschak’s post about learning from textbooks. Particularly the last bit: “I’ve been doing way too much silent reading, and though I rarely stop thinking about things, I’ve been doing way too little writing and processing.” I feel the same.

Swissmiss on having a “no excuse hour” at the beginning of the day. I like this idea, though an hour may be unrealistic for some (see the next link).

Eleanor Konik on what it means to not have time. A good counterpoint and reminder. “But it’s okay if you just pick one thing you really care about, and it’s okay if that thing is ‘being a good friend’ instead of ‘maximizing your potential’ or ‘journaling daily’ or whatever.”

The First Presidency has authorized garment changes for women in hot and humid climates.

Matt Sarnoff’s subpixel text encoding. Ha. Not new (it’s from 2008) but still quite cool.

Heikki Lotvonen on a font with built-in syntax highlighting using OpenType features. Interesting idea. I’m not sure how realistically usable it is, but either way, fun to see the experimentation.

Michael Lopp on writing. Seems about right, particularly the last line.