Blog RSS feed
1,401 posts
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Tag index
- Booknotes 4.1
- Another four new religious art pieces. That They Might Not Suffer: Before I Formed Thee: Remember Th...
- Four new religious art pieces. By Him, and Through Him, and of Him: A Falling Away First: Prove Me N...
- Housekeeping note: if you’re subscribed to the RSS feed via the crusty old Feedburner URL — http://f...
- Moving to Cast
- Links #138
- Booknotes 3.30
- Pleased to announce that I have a handful of pieces in Esther Hi’ilani Candari’s D&C and Church Hist...
- Ministering changes scratchpad
- Booknotes 3.29
- Links #137
- A short update so I don’t entirely forget how to write posts that aren’t booknotes, links, or new ar...
- Booknotes 3.28
- Links #136
- Booknotes 3.27
- Links #135
- Favorite books in 2024
- Booknotes 3.26
- Booknotes 3.25
- Three new art pieces. Nearer, My God, to Thee: Come unto Christ III: Abide with Me; ’Tis Eventide: (...
- Links #134
- Quick minor note: I’ve redesigned the art page, grouping the pieces into collections. I’ve also adde...
- Booknotes 3.24
- Two new typographic art pieces (a thing I’m experimenting with) and two new religious art pieces. Am...
- Links #133
- Booknotes 3.23
- Four new art pieces (three religious, one family). “Our Savior’s Love” hymn print: “Joy to the World...
- Italian Book of Mormon reader's edition
- Booknotes 3.22
- Pleased to announce that my painting When the Light Shall Begin to Break Forth is the cover art for...
- Links #132
- Booknotes 3.21
- Scroll
- Links #131
- Booknotes 3.20
- Links #130
- Booknotes 3.19
- Five new art pieces. How Great Shall Be Your Joy: A Place to Manifest Himself: “Come, Lord Jesus” hy...
- Links #129
- Booknotes 3.18
- Links #128
- Two new art pieces. That All Men Might Repent: Till We Meet Again III:
- New hymn day! “Amazing Grace,” “This Is the Christ,” “My Shepherd Will Supply My Need,” and “Come, L...
- Four new art pieces. The Lord’s Passover IV: That Bitter Cup: Even as I: Until After the Trial of Yo...
- After a decently long stint with Literata as the font on this site, I’ve switched to EBC Garamond. I...
- Links #127
- Booknotes 3.17
- Links #126
- We’ve started playing a new game as a family, dubbed the journal game. One person picks a random ent...
- Links #125
- Booknotes 3.16
- Links #124
- Four new art pieces. In the Celestial Kingdom of Heaven: Be Still and Know That I Am God: Behold You...
- My piece Harrowed Up No More was featured today on episode 31 of Behold: Conversations on Book of Mo...
- Links #123
- Booknotes 3.15
- Links #122
- Links #121
- Family descendancy list generator
- Four new art pieces. Why Weepest Thou? VI: My Grace Is Sufficient: If Ye Shall Ask: Hearts of the Ch...
- Booknotes 3.14
- Grepping by Unicode range
- Some small site changes: I’ve added a timeline page, listing the types of projects I’ve worked on ea...
- Three new art pieces. Neither Doth He Vary: In Wisdom and Order: He Hath Talked With Me Face to Face...
- Links #120
- Booknotes 3.13
- Links #119
- Links #118
- Links #117
- Booknotes 3.12
- Links #116
- Booknotes 3.11
- Excited to see the first batch of songs from the new hymnbook show up this morning, particularly “Co...
- Links #115
- Links #114
- Things on my mind #11
- Links #113
- Four new art pieces, including one at the end for Mother’s Day. Follow Thou Me: That Ye May Stand Sp...
- Links #112
- Booknotes 3.10
- Four new hymn prints, experimenting with some new styles. Amazing Grace: I Am a Child of God: Silent...
- Links #111
- Four new art pieces, with style experiments on some of them. Come unto Christ II: In Your Mind and i...
- Links #110
- Links #109
- Links #108
- Links #107
- Some new pattern art, just for fun. (There’s no symbolic or religious meaning behind these; they’re...
- Links #106
- Booknotes 3.9
- Links #105
- Things on my mind #10
- Four new art pieces. When Ye Are in the Service: That They May Be Light III: Upon the Rock: Without...
- My piece Harrowed up No More was featured recently in Jennifer Champoux’s Religious Educator article...
- Links #104
- Four new art pieces. To and Fro in the Earth: That They Might Have Joy: I Will Show unto Them: With...
- Links #103
- Four new art pieces. And Putteth Off the Natural Man: For Thy Good: In Every Time of Trouble: Were I...
- Just added a Doctrinal Mastery index for my religious art, going off the Church’s list. (Thanks to B...
- Three new art pieces. All Are Alike unto God: Pray Always: Free to Choose:
- Booknotes 3.8
- Just added a guestbook to the site. (I came across Manu’s and nostalgia kicked in a bit. Figured it...
- Links #102
- Links #101
- A handful of new art pieces. There He Preached to Them: Give Me Strength: He Will Deliver Me II: I W...
- Bookshelf in 2024
- Things on my mind #9
- Links #100
- Booknotes 3.7
- New artwork: In the Celestial Glory.
- New artwork: He Remembereth Us Also.
- Links #99
- New artwork: This Is Eternal Lives.
- New artwork: Whatsoever You Seal on Earth II.
- Things on my mind #8
- With Marvin’s recent disappearance from the iOS app store, I’ve started feeling an itch to get my ow...
- New artwork: We Shall See Him as He Is.
- New artwork: By the Holy Spirit of Promise.
- Links #98
- New artwork: That Same Sociality II.
- Booknotes 3.6
- Links #97
- New artwork: The Long Absence.
- Things on my mind #7
- Links #96
- Links #95
- Booknotes 3.5
- New artwork: The Power of the Lord Came upon Him.
- Links #94
- Links #93
- New artwork: The Light of the World.
- Links #92
- Booknotes 3.4
- Links #91
- I’ve been playing around with making EPUBs look more like print: Why the madness: ebooks feel kind o...
- New artwork: Whither Thou Goest.
- New artwork: By the Gift and Power of God.
- Booknotes 3.3
- Favorite books in 2023
- Booknotes 3.2
- Merry Christmas! New artwork: Born Is the King of Israel! This piece has three different symbolic me...
- New artwork: Where Two or Three Are Gathered.
- New artwork: Ninety and Nine IV.
- New artwork: And God Shall Wipe Away All Tears from Their Eyes II.
- New artwork: Not of Me.
- New artwork: Prepare Your Minds for the Morrow.
- Booknotes 3.1
- Links #90
- New artwork: Annunciation III. Experimenting with a looser style.
- New artwork: She Knew That It Was the Power of God. I’ve wanted to do an Abish piece for a while. (E...
- New artwork: Nevertheless III. Inordinately pleased with how the texture turned out on the red squar...
- I’ll be doing another ARTbook signing at 6 pm next Thursday, December 21, at Havenlight Frameworks G...
- New artwork: A Welding Link.
- New artwork: How Oft Will I Gather You.
- New artwork: In the Midst of Them. (I almost called this one There Am I II, but the Roman numerals d...
- New artwork: In Their Own Image III.
- New artwork: I Will Give You Rest V. Channeling Mondrian a bit.
- New artwork: I Give unto You Power II.
- The Return of Fitzroy Angursell, by Victoria Goddard (2020, fantasy). Oh my goodness, I loved this....
- Anxious People, by Fredrik Backman (2019, fiction). I read this for book group. It’s a little batty....
- Pleased to announce that I have a few pieces in Esther Hi’ilani Candari’s ARTbook volume 1: Book of...
- New artwork: Wherefore Didst Thou Doubt? IV.
- Released an Arabic–English parallel language edition of the Book of Mormon. This edition only goes t...
- The Great Divorce, by C. S. Lewis (1945, fantasy). Reread. In fact, according to my log I’ve read it...
- New artwork: My Yoke Is Easy III.
- Losing the Long Game, by Philip Gordon (2020, nonfiction). A review of U.S. attempts at regime chang...
- Memories of Ice, by Steven Erikson (2001, fantasy). Very long (around 1,400 pages) but oh so good. T...
- Just released a Traditional Chinese–Hanyu Pinyin–Simplified Chinese parallel language edition of the...
- The Girl Beneath the Sea, by Andrew Mayne (2020, thriller). Enjoyed it. Looking forward to reading t...
- New artwork: Why Weepest Thou? V. I originally wanted to paint all these rectangle pieces in Procrea...
- New artwork: First Vision XVII. This is a bit more abstract than most of what I’ve done before, but...
- New artwork: Through the Veil.
- New artwork: I Am a Child of God V. A reference to the Primary song. The rectangles represent (botto...
- The Secret History, by Donna Tartt (1992). I’d say this is dark academia, though there’s not actuall...
- What Moves the Dead, by T. Kingfisher (2022). A creepy novella based on Poe’s story “The Fall of the...
- New artwork: There Am I.
- Pleased to announce that my painting Behold My Beloved Son is now the cover art for Seven Gospels: T...
- Happy to announce that I have a piece of art recently published in Wayfare issue 2. It’s based on my...
- New artwork: Deliverance to the Captives. (If I’d known that all I needed to do to get through that...
- For the past couple months I’ve been wrangling some artist’s block. (Thus the lack of new work.) I’v...
- Ways of Being, by James Bridle (2022). Wow, what a fascinating book. Loved it. It’s nominally about...
- Cage of Souls, by Adrian Tchaikovsky (2019). I’d heard good things about this, and for me it deliver...
- Just posted two new parallel language editions of the Book of Mormon: Simplifed Chinese–Hanyu Pinyin...
- Links #89
- The Nine Tailors, by Dorothy Sayers (1934). I read this for book group. Sure learned a lot about bel...
- Avid Reader, by Robert Gottlieb (2016). A fun read, with plenty of publishing history. Gottlieb edit...
- Leadership, by Doris Kearns Goodwin (2018). Loved it. So, so good. It’s a study of leadership (no su...
- Robin Rendle: I’ve always seen the browser as a printing press. Because of that, I’ve always seen my...
- The Devil You Know, by K. J. Parker (2016). Novella. In the same vein as some of his other novellas...
- Sex Educated: Letters from a Latter-day Saint Therapist to Her Younger Self, by Bonnie Young (2023)....
- Three Parts Dead, by Max Gladstone (2012). First in the Craft sequence. I liked the legal aspect (an...
- Let’s Talk about Race and Priesthood, by W. Paul Reeve (2023). I think every member of the Church sh...
- Links #88
- Booknotes 2.10
- Links #87
- One year later
- Links #86
- Links #85
- Booknotes 2.9
- Links #84
- New artwork: The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
- New artwork: Through a Glass, Darkly.
- New artwork: Strait Is the Gate. A new take on Narrow Is the Way. Also, Inkscape’s roughen and simpl...
- New artwork: In the Waters of Mormon.
- Links #83
- New artwork: Into the Wilderness.
- Things on my mind #6
- Links #82
- New artwork: He Saw and Heard Much.
- Links #81
- New artwork: No Man Can Serve Two Masters. Made in Blender. This also uses a displacement on a plane...
- New artwork: Wise as Serpents, and Harmless as Doves. This uses the Blender heightfield technique I...
- It took me a while to get around to this, but I’ve finally posted the code for tabular pedigrees, fa...
- Links #80
- New artwork: Only One. And yes, it also looks like Froot Loops or Cheerios.
- New artwork: They Who Were Converted.
- New artwork: As Many as Believed. And yes, my secret goal is to get y’all to think of my art wheneve...
- New artwork: Suddenly a Light Descended.
- Links #79
- New artwork: That They May Be Light II.
- Booknotes 2.8
- Links #78
- New artwork: On These Two Commandments II. I think this new (to me) style might end up being a good...
- Links #77
- For the Lord God Giveth Light
- Introducing Life of Theseus, from Plutarch’s Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans. Available as a fr...
- Things on my mind #5
- Links #76
- New artwork: Face to Face III.
- New artwork: My Yoke Is Easy II.
- Things on my mind #4
- Booknotes 2.7
- A few more parallel language editions of the Book of Mormon: Georgian–English Nepali–English Simplif...
- New artwork: Family Prayer VI.
- Links #75
- New artwork: Well Done, Thou Good and Faithful Servant.
- New artwork: Single to the Glory.
- New artwork: Exalted Above the Hills. And yep, I am fully aware it looks like a triforce. And like a...
- Things on my mind #3
- Booknotes 2.6
- New artwork: Hearts of the Children V.
- New artwork: Before Our Journey’s Through II.
- Things on my mind #2
- Links #74
- Booknotes 2.5
- I meant to post about this a few weeks ago, but BCC Press has published a print edition of In the Im...
- Links #73
- New artwork: Mourn With Those That Mourn.
- Things on my mind #1
- New artwork: In Their Own Image II.
- New artwork: Even as unto Thee.
- I’ve occasionally used ImageMagick’s erode and dilate filters to make art look a little less digital...
- I’ve added a scripture reference index for my religious art, to make it easier to find pieces relate...
- New artwork: I Am a Child of God IV.
- New artwork: I Will Give You Rest IV.
- Booknotes 2.4
- New artwork: I’ve a Mother There V, for Mother’s Day. Also experimenting with more ornamentation thi...
- New artwork: Where They Shall Rest from All Their Troubles.
- New artwork: I Am the Door.
- New artwork: For Time and All Eternity VI. On this one I painted the original pixel art (5x4px) in P...
- New artwork: Prodigal Son III.
- New artwork: Annunciation II.
- Booknotes 2.3
- New artwork: Come Forth.
- Happy to announce that today I started a new job at Planet (as a full stack engineer with a frontend...
- New artwork: When He Saw That He Was Healed.
- Some dinky pixel art experiments, exploring what it looks like when you add texture and make them lo...
- Links #72
- Two new pieces, this time playing around with drop shadows for a faux 3D effect: First Vision XVI: B...
- New artwork: The Lord Is My Shepherd.
- Booknotes 2.2
- Links #71
- New artwork: Behold the Man! Less on the abstract side this time, though it’s still just triangles....
- Two new pieces for Easter: Into Thy Hands: Why Weepest Thou? IV:
- And some more parallel language editions of the Book of Mormon: Amharic–English Armenian–English Sim...
- More parallel language editions of the Book of Mormon: Afrikaans–English Albanian–English Aymara–Eng...
- New artwork: If Ye Give Place.
- Links #70
- Links #69
- Booknotes 2.1
- Links #68
- Learning WebAssembly, part 2
- Book of Mormon parallel edition
- Two new pieces: The Keys of This Dispensation: The Mount of Transfiguration:
- A fun little bit of etymological exploration (and note that all of this assumes that Wiktionary is a...
- My friend Lindsay sent me a link to this podcast episode where Blair Hodges interviews John Swinton...
- Robin Sloan on Tolkien in his latest newsletter: Tolkien, for all his vaunted designs, only got to T...
- After holding out for a few months, I’m finally on Mastodon at I’ve wan...
- Recent nonfiction reads The Rise and Fall of Ancient Egypt, by Toby Wilkinson. While it admittedly t...
- Links #67
- Learning Elixir, part 2
- Dot grid paper
- New daily goal charts
- Links #66
- Recent nonfiction reads The Soul of a New Machine, by Tracy Kidder. Really good! I especially enjoye...
- Links #65
- Latin declensions chart update
- Learning WebAssembly, part 1
- Thoughts on a little language for generative art
- Links #64
- Learning Elixir, part 1
- New artwork: O That We Had Repented.
- New artwork: For Time and All Eternity V.
- New artwork: Wherefore Didst Thou Doubt? III.
- New artwork: Taught by Their Mothers.
- Links #63
- New artwork: When Our Heavenly Parents We Meet IV. The colors in my art normally don’t represent ski...
- New artwork: Harrowed up No More, continuing the Alma the Younger thread.
- New artwork: God Sent His Holy Angel.
- I heard about Exercism’s 12in23 challenge and while I don’t care much about doing the official chall...
- Links #62
- Just got the framed prints back from the framer, and they’ve turned out lovely: For those interested...
- Recent nonfiction reads The Rules We Break, by Eric Zimmerman. A fun exploration into game design th...
- Another scripture poster, this time in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish: Go...
- Scripture posters
- New abstract hymn print: Be Still, My Soul. I’m experimenting with a slightly new style here, maskin...
- New artwork: Behold My Beloved Son. Basically a Christ Visits the Nephites but with a different titl...
- I’ve got a new exhibition coming soon! It opens next Friday, February 3, at Writ & Vision in Provo,...
- A few new pieces tonight. First, To Fulfill All Righteousness III: And then a scripture print from 2...
- New artwork: The Time Is at Hand.
- New artwork: Behold Your Little Ones.
- A new abstract hymn print for As Sisters in Zion:
- New artwork: I Give unto you Power. This takes the idea from Principles and Ordinances II and By the...
- Links #61
- Post mortem patris
- New artwork: No Tongue Can Speak.
- Links #60
- Scripture prints
- Abstract hymn prints
- Hymn prints
- Links #59
- Favorite books in 2022
- A reminder for my future self: when the making well runs dry, it’s good to spend some time on learni...
- Bring Back Blogging is putting together a directory of creators who blog. Recommended.
- Links #58
- Minor prefatory note: I’ve updated the reading page with a slight redesign and (for 2022 reads) the...
- Reading stats for 2022
- Links #57
- Links #56
- Links #55
- Links #54
- Four new pieces tonight. Away in a Manger: Heart, Might, Mind, and Strength III: I’ve a Mother There...
- New story: Saying Goodbye. About eight pages long, science fiction. This one came from wanting to wr...
- Two new pieces: Together Forever II. This one came out of losing my father. (That said, it isn’t act...
- Robert A. Caro’s The Power Broker is finally available as an ebook! (On the Kindle store, anyway. I...
- Not much going on here lately because I’ve had a fairly bad flareup of back pain since early Thanksg...
- In the Image of Our Heavenly Parents: A Couple’s Guide to Creating a More Divine Marriage, released...
- New artwork: On These Two Commandments.
- Links #53
- Matt Webb posted about a book blogging thing from days of yore, and I figured I’d have a go at answe...
- New artwork: Before the World Was VII. Exploring the idea of using semicircles to represent Heavenly...
- Grief hit a little bit harder the past few weeks and made reading more difficult. Recent nonfiction...
- New story: Bag Field. About twenty pages long, fantasy. I started writing this story in March 2021 b...
- A few new pieces of art. He Will Deliver Me, about David and Goliath: Everlasting Covenant: Neverthe...
- Links #52
- A short followup to what I wrote last year about Press, my abandoned typesetting engine project: I’m...
- My ill-timed return to Twitter has ended. I’ve thought about moving to Mastodon (supporting the fede...
- After linking to Felt not too long ago, I actually tried it out and goodness, it’s a delight. Easy t...
- New artwork: Lamb of God.
- Links #51
- Recent nonfiction reads Karachi Vice, by Samira Shackle, about contemporary Pakistan. Really good, l...
- New artwork: Their Work and Glory V. I wanted to do a warmer, more subtle version of TW&G IV with (I...
- Links #50
- Family source list WIP part 1
- New artwork: When Our Heavenly Parents We Meet III.
- The Doors of Death, based on a conference talk instead of a scripture (which is something I haven’t...
- I’ve started adding short reviews to the reading log, to make the page a little more useful. Just th...
- I’m back on Twitter. We’ll see it sticks this time. I still see this blog as the main channel for wh...
- More new artwork: Though Your Sins Be as Scarlet II. I haven’t been happy with the original and want...
- New artwork: Holiness to the Lord II. I wanted to make a new version of Between Heaven and Earth and...
- I Need Thee Every Hour II
- Observations on grief
- After nine months of issue blogging (posting issues of Prints), I’ve decided it’s time to return to...
- My dad died this week. He went missing on Tuesday and we found his body in the mountains on Friday a...
- Projects — Prints 2.9
- Links — Prints 2.9
- Reading — Prints 2.9
- Projects — Prints 2.8
- Links — Prints 2.8
- Reading — Prints 2.8
- Links — Prints 2.7
- Reading — Prints 2.7
- Projects — Prints 2.6
- Links — Prints 2.6
- Reading — Prints 2.6
- I’ve been doing a lot of genealogy lately, and as part of that I’ve been refining the family sheets...
- New story: Research Notebook 17, about ten pages long, fantasy. This one was surprisingly easy to wr...
- Links — Prints 2.5
- Reading — Prints 2.5
- New story: Mother Tongue, about twenty pages long, fantasy. I started working on this story back in...
- Links — Prints 2.4
- Reading — Prints 2.4
- Family sheets
- Family sparklines
- Tabular pedigree chart
- Links — Prints 2.3
- Reading — Prints 2.3
- Links — Prints 2.2
- Reading — Prints 2.2
- Links — Prints 2.1
- Projects — Prints 2.1
- Reading — Prints 2.1
- My friend McArthur and some others made a lovely new video, Mother in Heaven: A Cherished Doctrine....
- Prints 1.10
- Prints 1.9
- Prints 1.8
- Prints 1.7
- Prints 1.6
- Prints 1.5
- Prints 1.4
- Prints 1.3
- Prints 1.2
- Prints 1.1
- New artwork: But If Not.
- For those who feel inclined to reply via email: what was the best book you read this year? Any genre...
- Things I’ve found helpful when reading hard/old books: Slow down Speed up Read out loud (or subvocal...
- Lately I’ve been thinking about small VMs, thanks to Uxn. Long-term sustainability and portability i...
- Just added diagonal graph paper to the note paper page. It looks like this: Why would you use this?...
- In this time of being thankful, and in close connection with what I wrote yesterday, I see now that...
- On my walk early this morning I looked up and noticed to my surprise that stars twinkle. I once knew...
- I’ve adopted a new rule for myself: create before consume. Each day, I have to do creative work for...
- Small milestone I almost forgot about: this website turned twenty this year. January 23, 2001. It’s...
- Links #49
- Historia Calamitatum
- A couple quick updates: Today was my last day at Cedar (formerly OODA Health before the acquisition)...
- Links #48
- Links #47
- Update on Press (the PDF compiler). I haven’t worked on it at all lately, but I wanted to document i...
- Two new pieces. First is He Sent Forth a Dove, a reference to Noah and the ark: Second is Taken Home...
- For those subscribing via RSS or JSON Feed: I’ve added the post tags to the top of each post, mirror...
- Came across Miriam Suzanne’s CSS scope proposal this morning (via Jeremy Keith). Looks good.
- My friend Stephen Cranney wrote a guest post for Times & Seasons about Church growth in the United S...
- Eons ago in 2006, I apparently — I have no memory of this and happened to stumble across it tonight...
- Lately I’ve been playing around with implementing genealogy sparklines on the web. Still very much a...
- Since the phone is now the window to the soul, here’s my current home screen: Things of possible int...
- Three more new pieces: An High Mountain Apart (the Mount of Transfiguration), By the Laying on of Ha...
- New artwork: One in Mine Hand.
- New artwork: From Everlasting Death.
- New artwork: Beginning of Miracles.
- New artwork: Glories.
- Links #46
- Links #45
- We’re overdue for some kind of general life update, I think. Weeknotes-that-are-not-weeknotes: The h...
- New artwork: As Sisters in Zion II.
- Another new piece: Veil, in which we finally break free of our two-dimensional habits and get an ort...
- I seem to have forgotten how to blog. (Actual blogging, as opposed to merely linking to new art.) In...
- New artwork: Wherefore Didst Thou Doubt? II.
- And another new piece: Principles and Ordinances II.
- Two new pieces: My Yoke Is Easy and The Word of God. (Exploring this hollow circle style a bit more....
- New artwork: The Waters Were Divided II.
- New artwork: For Time and All Eternity III and For Time and All Eternity IV. (Two variations on the...
- New artwork: The Love of God II.
- New artwork: Their Work and Glory III. Another exploration in symbolic ways to represent our Heavenl...
- New artwork: Principles and Ordinances.
- New artwork: Of These Emblems II.
- New artwork: The Gathering of Israel. For a few months I’d been thinking about how to symbolically r...
- New artwork: Alpha and Omega.
- Brief and no doubt boring update on internal tooling: As of a few days ago, I’m planning to take Vin...
- New artwork: Why Weepest Thou? (a variation on Woman, Why Weepest Thou?).
- New artwork: A Broken Heart and a Contrite Spirit. Another style experiment to find something that I...
- At work I recently had a use case for Go 1.16’s new embedding feature. Incredibly easy to implement...
- Links #44
- New artwork: Take up Thy Bed. (This was an attempt to go back to a style that I think isn’t as hard...
- Quick update on projects, or rather the general lack thereof these past few months. Since messing up...
- New artwork: Let God Prevail.
- New artwork: Before the World Was III.
- Booknotes 1.6
- New artwork: Keystone.
- Booknotes 1.5
- Links #43
- I used to use Fabric to deploy my personal apps, but I often ran into issues with it, so several mon...
- Blog-driven productivity
- Links #42
- Links #41
- Booknotes 1.4
- New artwork: This Is My Beloved Son.
- New artwork: I Will Give You Rest II.
- New artwork: He Is Not Here II.
- Weeknotes 2.2
- Booknotes 1.3
- Links #40
- Low-effort journaling
- Links #39
- Weeknotes 2.1
- Booknotes 1.2
- Links #38
- New artwork: Where Can I Turn for Peace? On this one I tried a new texturing technique which I’ll ex...
- Beats
- New artwork: New and Everlasting II and New and Everlasting III, a matching set.
- New artwork: That Same Sociality. I’m finding, by the way, that Cirque continues to come in handy. P...
- Links #37
- New artwork: Salt of the Earth.
- New artwork: Suffer the Little Children to Come unto Me.
- Release bundles reburied
- Links #36
- Release bundles reborn
- New artwork: Heart, Might, Mind, and Strength. This is the first piece I’ve painted in Procreate wit...
- My last day at BYU was this past Friday. It’s still a bit surreal — for a very long time I thought I...
- New artwork: How Great Is His Joy.
- New artwork: Already to Harvest.
- New artwork: It Shall Be Opened unto You.
- I’ve decided to ditch Adobe’s Creative Cloud apps — Photoshop, InDesign, and Illustrator, mainly. I...
- New artwork: In Every Thought.
- New artwork: In Your Mind and in Your Heart II. A bit more abstract than my first attempt at this id...
- New artwork: Upon This Mount.
- New artwork: Son of the Living God. (I decided the Monday/Thursday release schedule is a little too...
- New artwork: Pillar of Light.
- New artwork: Fishers of Men.
- New artwork: Always Have His Spirit to Be With Them. It was a little hard to keep this one from look...
- Booknotes 1.1
- Links #35
- Links #34
- Links #33
- New artwork: Yesterday, Today, and Forever.
- New artwork: Reunion III. A more minimalist take on my earlier reunion/veil pieces. I like the intro...
- Weeknotes #21
- New artwork: Woman, Why Weepest Thou? (Taking the idea from He Is Risen and going a little further w...
- Another in-progress bit of design, this time from a writing app I’m working on. (Which I’m thinking...
- New artwork: Seventy Times Seven.
- Weeknotes #20
- New artwork: Come unto Christ. This one started as a piece about Lorenzo Snow’s couplet “As man now...
- I’m slowly getting back into doing non-religious art, and What Do You Mean, “What Are You Doing?” is...
- New artwork: Ministering of Angels.
- The initial version of my design portfolio is now live. Whew. Time for a breather over the weekend a...
- New artwork: In Swaddling Clothes. (Figured it was time for another Christmas piece.)
- Weeknotes #19
- Links #32
- New artwork: The Waters Were Divided.
- New artwork: Servant of the Living God.
- Interested in helping with some UX research? I’m going to be revamping the information architecture...
- Links #31
- New artwork: Faith, Hope, Charity. Figma is working great for me, by the way. Right now I’m using it...
- New artwork: When the Light Shall Begin to Break Forth.
- Weeknotes #18
- As I’ve been toiling away on my design portfolio, I realized that a) I haven’t been working in publi...
- New artwork: Line upon Line. Going for a slightly more varied background texture this time.
- New artwork: Face to Face II. It’s a more minimal, more focused version of my earlier Face to Face p...
- New artwork: Oil in Their Vessels. I’m taking more artistic license than usual with this one (how oi...
- On Instagram, I’ve decided to split my non-religious art off to its own account, @bencrowderdraws, s...
- New artwork: Water, Spirit, Blood. Years ago, by the way, I first tried executing this idea, but I w...
- Weeknotes #17
- Links #30
- Links #29
- New artwork: I Am a Child of God II. A remix of I Am a Child of God using the recent loose stained-g...
- New artwork: In the Beginning. I’ve been trying for a couple weeks to figure out how to do this piec...
- Links #28
- Weeknotes #16
- Links #27
- Weeknotes #15
- Links #26
- Weeknotes #14
- Links #25
- Another new artwork: The Lord’s Passover II. (I’ve wanted to do a simpler, better version of The Lor...
- The hiatus may or may not be over. New artwork: Mother in Heaven. I used Cirque to create the small...
- A short update on Cirque: I took out the turbulence filters, because they shouldn’t have been there...
- This past week I turned off the self view for all my Zoom meetings, and it makes things feel a bit m...
- Weeknotes #13
- Introducing Cirque
- Links #24
- Links #23
- Weeknotes #12
- Weeknotes #11
- After twelve years at the library, I’ve realized it’s time for a change and have started looking for...
- Weeknotes #10
- Links #22
- Links #21
- Weeknotes #9
- A new poem: “Rusted Crowns.” I started this one almost a year ago with just the first stanza written...
- Some quick toolmaking updates: Not very long ago I felt like Storybook was a bit cumbersome, and in...
- Links #20
- As a spur to get myself writing more, I’ve put up a new writing statistics page. There you can see i...
- Weeknotes #8
- Weeknotes #7
- Links #19
- Links #18
- Weeknotes #6
- Links #17
- I ended up tweaking my Vim syntax highlighting earlier this week (after my first post), to be more i...
- New artwork: Christ Visits the Nephites III, a third installment in the series. This time round I ex...
- Links #16
- Over the weekend I read Ben Kuhn’s post on syntax highlighting and thought the idea sounded intrigui...
- Lately I’ve been thinking about this Sam Altman quote on focus: Focus is a force multiplier on work....
- Just wanted to say thank you to all of you for reading this blog. I realize the time you spend here...
- Weeknotes #5
- New artwork: Nothing Shall Be Impossible unto You II. A slightly different take on the same idea as...
- Brain dump time. These are some of the things I think about re: art, specifically the type of art I’...
- Links #15
- New artwork: Peace, Be Still. I dialed up the SVG turbulence filters to get the effect on the left....
- New artwork: Body of Christ. For this piece I re-used most of the code from Tree of Life II, with mi...
- My subconscious seems to be on a quest to turn this blog into more of a magazine, with regular colum...
- Links #14
- Two new pieces: They Could Not Hit Him (Samuel the Lamanite on the wall) and Pearl of Great Price (a...
- Links #13
- New artwork: The Night Shall Not Be Darkened. On this one I used an erosion filter along with turbul...
- Weeknotes #4
- Playing around with generative orthogonal cubes, just for fun (which probably means I’m avoiding my...
- One of the most important tools in my productivity/creativity toolbox is carving out time to think....
- Links #12
- Some quick thoughts about the project space I see myself working in (meaning personal coding project...
- Made a new favicon for the site for the first time since July 2015. Old on left, new on right: The n...
- Links #11
- Weeknotes #3
- A few other new pieces: Nothing Shall Be Impossible unto You (about faith), Roll Forth (about the st...
- New artwork: Tree of Life II. I used the same circle packing technique to generate the circles, cons...
- Links #10
- Time for a short report on office hours in practice: I’ve held three sessions so far and all have be...
- Links #9
- I’m getting a bit of a nostalgia kick reading through the Standard Ebooks process. I haven’t made an...
- Links #8
- New artwork: Within the Walls of Your Own Homes. I realized (this is the very small breakthrough I m...
- Weeknotes #2
- A year and a half ago I started working on a REPL-based music composition environment called Trill....
- Links #7
- Links #6
- Achievement unlocked: today I finished the first draft of my (as yet untitled) novel, weighing in at...
- New artwork: Plan of Salvation. Inspired by a comment my friend Naomi made about another piece. This...
- Sacred Shapes walkthrough
- A mere two thousand words remain left to scribble down on the first draft of this novel. It seems a...
- Links #5
- In Robin Sloan’s week four POTO diary I came across three important-to-me ideas about writing. World...
- Office hours
- New artwork: Before the World Was II. It’s (in my opinion) a much better execution of Before the Wor...
- Came across Marie Brennan’s AMA today and was struck by the bit about incubating story ideas. I writ...
- Weeknotes #1
- I recently discovered weeknotes, and I am excited. Extremely short posts (one or two lines, like a t...
- The productivity tools series has now come to its end, thankfully. (Thankfully because I’m more inte...
- Arc intro
- Lector intro
- Links #4
- Saturn intro
- I’m currently dealing with tendinitis — or some other kind of RSI, not entirely sure what it is. It...
- Storybook intro
- Taking a cue from Robin Rendle and Jonnie Hallman, I’ve added a “Reply via email” mailto link at the...
- Bookshelf intro
- Links #3
- In reading my journals this morning, I realized that what future journal readers — my grandchildren,...
- Momentum intro
- Links #2
- Quill intro
- Gate intro
- An update on the novel: I’m at around 226 pages on this first draft, which translates to roughly 87%...
- Some WIP experimentation with art. Brief backstory: when I’m doing my minimalist religious art, I us...
- I’m going to try batching links into groups of five from now on, since solitary links often feel a l...
- Slash intro
- While not all of these are actually one-liners, Una Kravets’s Ten modern layouts in one line of CSS...
- Enjoyed Anne Ewbank’s article on the invention of the rice cooker.
- Ditto intro
- Vinci intro
- For the last year or so I’ve been rereading some of my old journals each day, to remind myself of my...
- Two quick thoughts on reading: Over the last few years I’ve wanted to get back into reading classics...
- Recommended: Zeynep Tüfekçi’s article We Need to Talk About Ventilation from The Atlantic, on the im...
- Liszt intro
- Over the last several years I’ve built a number of personal productivity tools (almost all of them w...
- Lately I’ve felt a bit stuck with the minimalist religious art. Ideas aren’t coming as easily as the...
- Another First Vision lecture! On Sunday night, Eric Jepson gave a lecture entitled Triangulating God...
- From a Ted Chiang interview: For me, it is about identifying the things that you find interesting th...
- I recently came across Maggie Appleton’s article on digital gardens. Oh my goodness, this is delight...
- I have now passed 50,000 words on the novel, making this the longest piece I’ve ever written, period...
- I added an about the blog page (still somewhat of a rough draft) which also explains how to use the...
- Last night Richard L. Bushman gave a Center for Latter-day Saint Arts Zoom keynote: In commemoration...
- Yesterday I found out that one of my coworkers (not on my direct team, but in my division) passed aw...
- Came across Andy Matuschak’s note on working in public: One of my favorite ways that creative people...
- New artwork: Love at Home.
- Bubble Pursuit
- Today I came across some intriguing example uses of OpenAI’s new GPT-3 generator: Manuel Araoz’s art...
- I’ve been enjoying Emily McQueen’s The Green Hymnbook project (@greenhymnbook) — typewritten hymn te...
- New artwork: Prodigal Son.
- Atmosphere
- By way of the Glue chat comic (interesting ideas, by the way), I came across John Palmer’s excellent...
- BYU Studies cover
- Come, Follow Me reader's edition
- Two months ago I posted about the novel I’m currently working on and mentioned how smoothly it was g...
- This quote from Guy Gavriel Kay (from a 2014 article in The Guardian) has been comforting and inspir...
- Years ago when I was the lead web designer for the BYU library, I developed the (seriously unprofess...
- Hark! I’ve replaced the formerly anemic home page (a barebones list of recent work) with a more text...
- New artwork: The Lord’s Passover. Also, this one wasn’t digital. (Acrylic on canvas board.) Definite...
- New artwork: Mine Angels Round About You.
- Two new pieces of art: Pressing Forward (from Lehi’s vision) and New and Everlasting.
- New artwork: The Millennium.
- New artwork: Before the World Was. I wrote a DrawBot script to generate the circles and randomly dis...
- New artwork: To Save Us All. On this one I decided to go back to clean lines, rather than the distre...
- New artwork: Light of Truth and Love.
- New artwork: Families Can Be Together Forever.
- Another new piece: As Sisters in Zion. (Today is apparently an art day.)
- Another new painting based on a hymn: When Our Heavenly Parents We Meet.
- New artwork: I Am a Child of God.
- Last night Esther Hi’ilani Candari posted The Body of Christ, a good article about race in our relig...
- Father's Blessing
- My Soul Delighteth II
- Let the Lower Lights Be Burning
- The Angels of God Were There
- Their Work and Glory II
- The Third Day
- Accidentally spent a couple hours working on my Italian-side genealogy (late 1700s and early 1800s i...
- Our stake has thankfully decided that given Utah’s current COVID-19 numbers, it’s too early to start...
- No Respecter of Persons
- Trailing Clouds of Glory II
- My Soul Delighteth
- Abide with Me
- First Vision Triptych III
- I love this quote from Carl Sagan’s Cosmos: What an astonishing thing a book is. It’s a flat object...
- Yet in My Flesh Shall I See God
- Lately I’ve been reading a history of the Borgias, taking place in the late 1400s. In reading about...
- Family Prayer V
- Ninety and Nine II
- Of Heavenly Parents
- For Time and All Eternity II
- I recently came across this quote from Martha Graham (which according to Wikiquote is from page 264...
- Upon the Cross of Calvary
- I’m about a third of the way through the first draft of a novel. As it happens, this is the furthest...
- Hearts of the Children II
- Back at the beginning of the year I had a few days of reading over a hundred pages a day, and I like...
- I’ve been enjoying BYUtv’s new show Artful. In the three episodes that have aired so far, they’ve fe...
- I just read James Goldberg’s post Why I Hate White Jesus. It’s a good piece, well worth reading. Ove...
- I signed up for USPS’s Informed Delivery Digest a few weeks ago and it’s been quite handy: Digitally...
- Erin Bromage’s The Risks - Know Them - Avoid Them piece on COVID-19 is a good explanation of what it...
- In Your Royal Courts on High
- I've a Mother There
- Rocking a young baby to sleep is one of the joys of parenting I’ll miss dearly when my kids grow old...
- This Guardian article about “the real Lord of the Flies” (an excerpt from Rutger Bregman’s upcoming...
- Ready to Eat
- It Is I; Be Not Afraid
- Wherefore Didst Thou Doubt?
- Baptized for the Dead
- Spirit of Elijah
- I Will Give You Rest
- Whatsoever You Seal on Earth
- Every Knee
- Reunion II
- Slain for the Sins of the World
- In the Arms of His Love II
- Great news: Apple and Google are integrating COVID-19 contact tracing into iOS and Android. Earlier...
- To Keep It Holy
- My wife and I watched Free Solo last night on Disney+. What a stressful movie. Don’t get me wrong, i...
- A small ray of hope: I came across some COVID-19 projections for Utah by IHME (the Institute for Hea...
- It Is the Same
- April 6, 1830
- On the Third Day
- Prophets, Seers, Revelators II
- Nevertheless
- He Is Not Here
- Fire from Heaven
- First Vision XIV
- Brief update: still alive, doing fine, just staying home with my wife and kids in the hope of helpin...
- Tell Me the Stories of Jesus
- Gethsemane
- Holiness to the Lord
- His Holy House
- Their Work and Glory
- Before Our Journey's Through
- This rotary cellphone makes me happy. As does this GIF/Jif peanut butter jar.
- Last night I finished writing a ray tracer for class. Super basic, no antialiasing, only a couple pr...
- McArthur Krishna interviewed me over at the Seeking Heavenly Mother blog about I Have a Mother There...
- A Girl's Guide to Heavenly Mother
- Shoulder to the Wheel II
- There are two quotes that have been in my mind a lot lately. First, by Christopher McQuarrie (via th...
- From the Saturday issue of Heather Cox Richardson’s Letters from an American newsletter: People are...
- Recent reads: Cat’s Cradle, by Kurt Vonnegut. My first time reading Vonnegut. Not really what I expe...
- I completely forgot to post this earlier: back in November/December, I made a family prayer piece fo...
- Sacred Shapes exhibition
- Let Him Ask of God
- Weapons of War
- I was commissioned recently to do cover artwork for a new magazine, the Work + Wonder Collective. Th...
- The New Testament Doesn’t Say What Most People Think It Does About Heaven, by N. T. Wright (whose in...
- Portuguese Book of Mormon reader's edition
- The Christmas songs I love most tend to be more somber and haunting, at least to me: “In the Bleak M...
- Spanish Book of Mormon reader's edition
- Recent reads: Good to Great, by Jim Collins. I enjoyed this much more than I thought I would (having...
- New poem (a sonnet): The sight of you.
- Latin New Testament study edition
- Finally got around to trying CSS grid layout. It’s amazing. I’m very much looking forward to learnin...
- Came across Cal Newport’s phone foyer method this morning. My wife and I tried it out today and what...
- Tectonic is an intriguing modern TeX engine written in Rust and powered by XeTeX. What exactly that...
- New poem: Bernadette.
- Last year I posted a note about Curves, a Python type design library I was working on. At the time I...
- Delighted to hear about the changes to witnessing ordinances.
- Recent reads: Digital Minimalism, by Cal Newport. My favorite parts were the bits on solitude and on...
- Sixteen Small Stones
- Godhead II
- In Remembrance
- First Vision XIII
- First Vision XII
- First Vision XI
- Greek New Testament reader's edition
- Scanbook 0.1.0
- In Your Mind and in Your Heart
- In the Arms of His Love
- That We May Have Light
- Current status: geeking out over the 2019 in science Wikipedia page (and its sibling pages for other...
- Greek New Testament study edition
- Just posted some note paper PDFs which I made in PlotDevice. There’s lined paper — 30 lines/page up...
- Airplane
- Scripture Journals
- Posted EPUBs for On Fighallow Street and Box Man.
- Recent reads: Prisoners of Geography, by Tim Marshall. This was my first foray into geopolitics, and...
- epubdiff
- Weekend Adventure
- Maternal Bond
- For what it’s worth: I’ve redesigned the art page. It’s more visual now, and I’ve also tagged the ar...
- After Work
- Confession: I’ve recently taken up the habit of studying textbooks for fun. (Well, for knowledge and...
- Poor Notre Dame. While visiting London around a decade ago, I decided on a whim to take the Eurostar...
- Mozilla just announced their Pyodide project, built with WebAssembly and emscripten: Pyodide gives y...
- Together
- Long Time No See
- Nom Nom Nom Nom
- Nom Nom Nom
- Decided to stop posting my art to Instagram. Some of the features of social media — likes and favori...
- Box Man
- On Fighallow Street
- First Vision X
- Old Testament study edition
- Face to Face
- Sons and Daughters
- The World’s Writing Systems. It would be nice if each entry had more information rather than just li...
- Why the stereotypical pencil is yellow.
- Family Prayer IV
- Family Prayer III
- Family Prayer II
- Lost in a Book
- Reading Together
- As we were starting to review next week’s Come, Follow Me lesson tonight, my wife noticed that her c...
- Book of Mormon line edition prototype
- LiteCLI is a nice, new CLI client for SQLite. Recommended.
- Scrub
- Earth Below
- For people who want updates via email on what I’ve been working on (art, design, writing, coding, et...
- Good Tidings of Great Joy
- O Grave, Where Is Thy Victory?
- Together Forever
- In Good Hands
- Trailing Clouds of Glory
- Together Again
- Doctrine & Covenants, Pearl of Great Price, and New Testament large print study editions
- Daily goal chart
- Successfully defended my thesis proposal (not the final thesis) yesterday. Whew. Current plan is to...
- Going Home
- Not Very Far Away II
- Hearts of the Children
- Not Very Far Away
- Book of Mormon large print study edition
- Andrew Johnson’s article on his typographic experiments in augmented reality is good. Realtime 3D is...
- I’ve enjoyed Anne Trubek’s Notes from a Small Press newsletter. Recommended if you’re interested in...
- Fascinating chart showing the imprints and other divisions of the Big Five U.S. publishers (Penguin...
- Descending Like a Dove
- Emblems
- First Vision IX
- First Vision VIII
- Nom Nom
- I’m reading Daniella Martin’s Edible, on how eating insects is good for humanity, and I’m pretty clo...
- I used to keep track of genealogy research todo items in an app of my own make (Gent), but lately I’...
- Continuing along the lines of what I wrote on Friday: I’ve gotten into a bad habit of releasing new...
- President Eyring has an exhibit of watercolor paintings opening tomorrow at the Church History Museu...
- On Muslims at BYU, from The Christian Science Monitor: Like Islam, the LDS Church has at times been...
- On ebooks
- One thing I often tend to forget (and really need to remember) is that the first few drafts of somet...
- In my interactive systems class, we recently had an assignment to make something with either a laser...
- Productivity in small slices
- Update on projects: I’m working on a short story. All of my story drafts of late have turned darker...
- Current status: in the thick of thesis proposal revisions. (Just finished the first full draft, with...
- Book of Mormon reader's edition 3.0
- Just came across Flight rules for Git and it’s the kind of thing I’ve wanted for years. For example:...
- On wombats: Despite the fact that they do not look streamlined, a wombat can run at up to 25 miles a...
- The new IPCC report is alarming to say the least: The IPCC authors promise that we will see coastal...
- Bloomberg on the Chinese chip infiltration: Two of Elemental’s biggest early clients were the Mormon...
- When Magic Came into the World
- Downside of Firefox, courtesy of Google: Gmail’s performance in Firefox is abysmal. Not only is it d...
- Switched from Chrome to Firefox yesterday. (I don’t really trust Google anymore and figured it was f...
- Current school status: in the middle of writing my thesis proposal, with a deadline of mid-November....
- Yale has some cool new research on robotic skins that turn everyday objects into robots.
- The use of the letters A through F to represent the digits above 9 was not universal in the early h...
- Good post on ownership in Rust, using Python as an example.
- I Need Thee Every Hour
- My wife and I realized just now that we haven’t seen any daddy long legs in many, many years. (We bo...
- Just released version 2.1 of the reader’s edition of the Book of Mormon. (Fixes two minor typos.) Al...
- From The Lost City of the Monkey God, this unsettling description of smallpox: Epidemiologists gener...
- Ursula K. Le Guin in Words Are My Matter: Present-tense narration is now taken for granted by many b...
- Michael Swanwick on how fantasy is not about magic: So what is the beating heart of fantasy, its sin...
- Came across Joel Grus’s I Don’t Like Notebooks slides on the downsides of Jupyter notebooks. I don’t...
- Came across this good post on Mormon Women about the recent statement on the name of the Church: As...
- Nice recap video on the 2018 Mormon Arts Center Festival in New York back in June. (Also, Lita and K...
- Eye-opening photos of stacks of inflated Venezuelan currency. (First photo: 5,000,000 bolivars, wort...
- Pot is a problem: But cannabis is not benign, even if it is relatively benign, compared with alcohol...
- Came across En Masse, a Vim plugin that makes the quickfix list editable. Very useful. (Similar to S...
- On why there are so many Thai restaurants in the U.S.
- Per President Nelson’s announcement and the new style guide, I’ve renamed the Mormon materials page...
- I somehow missed hearing about this before now: El Pregonero de Deseret is a Spanish-language Mormon...
- Also, I’ve effectively retired my Twitter account (deleting almost all my tweets, cessation of posti...
- Steven Pressfield’s The War of Art is only $1.50 on the U.S. Kindle store right now. Such a good boo...
- Cube Family at the Pool
- Cube Family Portrait
- On the real reason people rent middle-aged men in Japan. It’s all part of his job as a rented “ossan...
- Tyler Cowen on the possible number of foreign spies: But I wonder if the actual number of foreign sp...
- abcjs is a JS library for turning abc music notation into SVG. Nice for embedding music on a web pag...
- A spectre is haunting Unicode: In 1978 Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry established t...
- Reading through the Preact source, I came across this short introduction to JSX. It’s clear and does...
- One of my favorite things: driving with the windows down late at night. (Though I have young kids, s...
- From The Varieties of Religious Experience by William James: By their fruits ye shall know them, not...
- Ten Years of Mormon Artist
- Just moved this blog to date-based grouping. It’s really only visible on the blog page — it shouldn’...
- Also, the San Francisco fire department makes their ladders from wood by hand.
- This history of steel from Popular Mechanics is fascinating. Highly recommended.
- Rewrote my about page to be somewhat more detailed. (The self-indulgence of it makes me cringe a lit...
- On flying spiders: Spiders have no wings, but they can take to the air nonetheless. They’ll climb to...
- Steve Yegge’s post on Grab back in January is fascinating, particularly the bit on how he thinks rid...
- Circles and triangles are good, but I’m getting bored with this minimalist style and I think it’s ti...
- Lullaby
- I’ve learned lately that I quickly lose interest in the fiction I’m writing unless it has the follow...
- Mountain of the Lord
- Just saw this review of the reMarkable tablet, which I hadn’t heard of before. E-ink paper + pencil,...
- Hear Him
- Came across a great tip on Python multiline strings using textwrap.dedent (so you don’t have to dede...
- Reunion
- An interesting grammar note from a book I’ve been reading on Proto-Indo-European: Indo-European verb...
- Over on r/Fantasy, they recently ran a poll to rank the top self-published books. It’s admittedly li...
- Name and Blessing
- Family Prayer
- By the Laying on of Hands
- For Time and All Eternity
- Just came across the Procreate Pocket update that recently dropped. It’s good! Very happy to see cus...
- Doctrine & Covenants, Pearl of Great Price, and New Testament study editions
- Fascinating article on parasitic wasps: Forbes studies parasitoid wasps. These creatures use their s...
- Just came across Frank Chimero’s essay Everything Easy Is Hard Again, on the rapid state of change o...
- First Vision VII
- The copy is the original: In China and Japan, temples may be rebuilt and ancient warriors cast again...
- He Is Risen
- The Soul's Sincere Desire
- Morning Feed
- Though Your Sins Be as Scarlet
- A Child's Prayer
- Eternal Progression
- Christ Visits the Nephites II
- Of These Emblems
- New to me: the history of the name Bluetooth. The logo (so obvious in hindsight) comes from the Dani...
- “Printers are essentially paper torture chambers”: New Yorker article on why paper jams still persis...
- Processing bulk natural wood into a high-performance structural material: Wood is among the oldest m...
- Between Heaven and Earth
- This is fascinating: Vernacular Economics: How Building Codes & Taxes Shape Regional Architecture.
- Maciej Ceglowski’s May 2017 talk Legends of the Ancient Web is a good warning about mass surveillanc...
- Louis Sauzedde’s videos on building wooden boats are fascinating.
- This post on why everything might have taken so long to invent is great. (Also see the original post...
- I’ve updated the rest of the scriptures in Word to match the new formatting, and I’ve added the rema...
- Scriptures in Google Docs
- Book of Mormon in Word redesigned
- A quick update: school’s starting today (I had July/August off, thus the burst of art), so posts wil...
- First Vision VI
- First Vision V
- First Vision IV
- First Vision III
- First Vision II
- First Vision
- The Abandoned Beanstalk
- That They May Be Light
- They That Be With Us
- Tree 001
- Till We Meet Again
- More scripture releases
- Reader's editions 2.0
- Book of Mormon study edition 2.0
- The Love of God
- Ugaritic alphabet chart
- Shoulder to the Wheel
- Recommended: Standard Ebooks. They’re doing the same kind of thing I’ve done — making nice EPUB/Kind...
- Quick update: In my limited free time, I’ve been working on some exciting new publishing projects th...
- Came across fsql, which does SQL-like filesystem queries (an intriguing idea): fsql SELECT name FROM...
- I enjoyed Simon Cozens’ talk The Journey of a Word: How Text Ends up on a Page. It’s a good explanat...
- Dodecaglotta is a lovely polyglot Bible in progress — Latin, Greek, Church Slavonic, Syriac, Coptic,...
- JSON Feed looks great — much nicer than RSS from a developer perspective, at least in my opinion. I’...
- Blogging is low on the priority list at the moment, thanks to school. The preliminary classes for th...
- Bubbles
- And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes
- After a break of several months, I’m getting back to working on Press. Status is pretty much the sam...
- George Saunders in The Braindead Megaphone, of the news but perhaps applicable elsewhere as well: In...
- Collected talks updated for October 2016
- Old and New Testaments in JSON
- General conference continues to get better the older I get. Clarity and light and revelation in pret...
- Updated scriptures in JSON
- As of a few weeks ago, I’m now planning to apply for the master’s program in computer science at BYU...
- The blog, merged
- More scriptures in JSON
- Book of Mormon in JSON
- Russian alphabet chart
- I’m working on a Russian alphabet chart at the moment. Things are mostly in place, with some spacing...
- I’ve reorganized my Mormon page, primarily to gather together all of the scripture-related materials...
- From Charles Mann’s 1491: Almost 150 years before Columbus set sail, a Tartar army besieged the Geno...
- Progress on Press has been a bit slower lately. I’ve fixed most of the errors I discovered by runnin...
- A quick update: I was stuck for a while on the Dagh story, but I’ve started spending my lunch hour w...
- Rather than starting work on Ink with the low-level typesetting engine, I’m thinking it’ll be worthw...
- Black Cat
- Press can now generate PDFs. For example: from press import Press with Press('press-demo.pdf', size=...
- Rule-based typesetting with Ink
- I’ve renamed inkpdf to Press (as in printing press). I reached the point where creating the PDF manu...
- Updated the Latin 1st conjugation chart — the passive subjunctive pluperfect plural was incorrectly...
- From Wedge, a history of the conflict between the FBI and the CIA: One famous undertaking was spawne...
- Making PDFs by hand
- Updated the Latin declensions chart with a fix for fructus, which was incorrectly feminine (it’s mas...
- Ink
- I’ve spent the last few months avoiding the heck out of writing the novel (Edge of Magic). The plot...
- Quick note: yesterday I pulled all my stuff off Redbubble (things seemed shady over there) and uploa...
- Brightness and Glory
- Learning Haskell, day 1
- To Fulfill All Righteousness
- Snakes
- Circlecells
- The difference between fantasy and science fiction
- Speed
- I enjoyed Kenneth Ormandy’s essay on efficient web type circa 1556.
- The Book of Shaders is a nice introduction to fragment shaders. Like Toby Schachman’s Pixel Shaders...
- Sahidic Coptic alphabet chart
- Back on December 3, I made a goal to write a thousand words of fiction a day, every day (skipping Su...
- Today I tried doing my daily writing via phone dictation, and it went surprisingly well. I had to co...
- I’ve been working on a piece called “To Fulfil All Righteousness,” on the baptism of Christ. My init...
- Lighting and background removal
- Lifter is “a lightweight query engine for Python iterables.” Looks nice. One of their examples: # va...
- The state of the novel: avoiding outlining. I ended up shelving the Cria/Iresha storyline (it’ll be...
- The blog, now split
- Quad
- Scriptures in Word
- Latin and Thai chart source files
- The splitting of the blog
- Edge of Magic update
- The Edge of Magic
- Scanning journals
- A thought on writing novels
- Latin declensions chart update
- Neovim 0.1.0
- Book of Mormon reader's edition WIP
- More collected talks
- Asteroids
- Collected talks of the Twelve
- Last conference talks
- Circle series process
- Sacrament
- Writing and retooling
- Momentum
- Redeemer
- Sweet Hour of Prayer
- Laying on of Hands
- Remission of Sins
- The Tarsier That Got Away
- Latin pronouns chart
- Occupations in 1292 Paris
- Cushion Fort
- Mormon Audiobooks Project
- Xcode 7 apps on device
- What We Did for FHE Last Summer
- Life sketches in Family Tree
- Thai consonants chart
- Latin conjugation charts
- Greek and Latin vocab lists
- The Circle Book paperback edition
- On mental frames and faith
- Home teaching slips
- First Vision Triptych II
- Tree of Life
- Ray Bradbury on writing
- Reading goals for 2015
- Hebrew alphabet worksheet
- Ogham alphabet worksheets
- One Quiet Night
- Loaves and Fishes
- Ninety and Nine
- The Circle Book
- Shadershop
- Egyptian uniliterals chart
- Mormon Artist podcast
- The Red Fairy Book
- Gent
- Christ Visits the Nephites
- Sustaining the presence
- A better OpenType user interface
- Some fun Anglo-Saxon words
- On digital Greek and Latin texts
- Ancient Greek OCR
- Queen of the Cruel Sea
- More PlotDevice experiments
- PlotDevice
- Queen of the Cruel Sea first draft
- Chesterton on being broad-minded
- A writing update
- Sparkline pedigree chart
- A slightly different kind of ebook
- No other success
- Body of Christ
- Unicode Inspector
- Simon, Scotty, and the Snake
- Truth will remain
- CreateSpace test picture book
- Wave GIF
- Why I believe: Heavenly Father
- When the aliens finally came
- Assertion-based genealogy proof of concept
- In defense of the prophets
- Experimental family pedigree
- Census source tracker
- Fledge
- Why I believe: Good and evil
- Some thoughts on prayer
- Shortform initial draft
- Why I believe: Introduction
- Mormon Texts Project's new home
- General conference reading tracker
- Experimental pedigree chart
- Picture book templates
- Teach Me to Walk in the Light
- Shutting down Mormon Texts Project
- Outline map of Britain and Ireland
- Book of Mormon study edition: Lulu
- Shortform mockup
- My DMCA takedown request experience
- Book of Mormon study edition
- On interviewing family members
- Update on Mormon Texts Project
- Prophets, Seers, Revelators
- Cantilever update 16 Sep
- Cantilever WIP
- Mormon Artist is back
- Curves mockup 1
- Thoughts on font editor design
- Pigna: fin
- Pigna: tracing finished
- Pigna: tracing, part 2
- Pigna: tracing
- Chiptune hymns
- Pigna: font in a month
- The coffinmaker and the metalsmith
- Postmortem: Daily Blender
- Daily Blender 25
- Daily Blender 24
- Daily Blender 23
- Daily Blender 22
- Daily Blender 21
- Daily Blender 20
- Daily Blender 19
- Daily Blender 18
- Daily Blender 17
- Daily Blender 16
- Daily Blender 15
- Daily Blender 14
- Daily Blender 13
- Daily Blender 12
- Daily Blender 11
- Daily Blender 10
- Daily Blender 09
- Daily Blender 08
- Daily Blender 07
- Daily Blender 06
- Daily Blender 05
- Daily Blender 04
- Daily Blender 03
- Daily Blender 02
- Daily Blender 01
- Chairman of the Bored
- Sine circle test animation
- The Accidental Jaywalker
- More Mandelbulber pieces
- Loss of a Loved One
- Open Shading Language in Blender
- Lazy Susan
- Mandelbox 001–003
- Mandelbulber sketches
- Genealogy notebook proof of concept
- General Conference scripture references
- The refreshing light of truth
- William Clayton's Journal
- Some small scripts
- New 2013 edition of LDS scriptures
- Alphabet app
- Typlate
- Spin
- Ordinals and degrees on OS X
- Letterdrip
- Botswana 2.0
- Responsive sheet music
- Graph function components
- The Morning Breaks: Paper Hymns #001
- Seb Lester calligraphy
- Pilgrimage
- Slow localhost in Chrome
- Why I'm a Mormon
- Gorgeous fountain pen demonstration
- The Great Apostasy EPUB/Kindle
- Using our hands as hands
- Unix date magic
- Hephzibah
- Hello, 2002
- Essentials in Church History
- Hebrew similar characters chart
- Even more etymologies
- Piggyback
- Cubic Petri Dish
- Morrone del Sannio microfilm index
- Reading statistics
- Candylope Lost in Grotto
- Vim-fu
- Utah County roads
- Line art experiments
- Key to the Science of Theology EPUB/Kindle
- The Light Princess
- Ogham alphabet chart
- Welsh mutations chart
- Greek alphabet chart
- Flannery O'Connor on writing fiction
- Boundless mercies
- Joseph Smith the Prophet-Teacher EPUB/Kindle
- Goodbye, PHP
- Life of Heber C. Kimball EPUB/Kindle
- Teddy Sphinx
- Praying before creating
- The Blue Fairy Book
- My First Mission
- Ouroboros
- Status update
- Red's Sanctuary
- More etymologies
- The Last Three
- A Voyage to Arcturus
- Ordinance tracker WIP
- Orthodoxy
- Jane Eyre EPUB/Kindle
- Elias
- Heretics
- Title etymologies
- Cadets and cephaloids
- Javascript name box
- Lost Among the Worldpools
- Joseph Smith as Scientist EPUB
- Here I raise my Ebenezer
- Coptic Latin
- Of adults and adultery
- Tyrk
- Jane Austen word frequency charts
- Updated reader's editions
- Book of Mormon word frequency charts
- Book of Mormon reader's edition updated
- Seventeen Steps
- Bookkeeper
- Pied-de-grue
- Humpty's Daring But Ultimately Futile Escape
- Nobody to Play With
- Installing PIL on Lion
- Book of Mormon study edition preview
- Family Outing
- Das Mädchen und der Froschkönig
- Family analysis proof of concept
- Mini timelines with CSS
- Family descendancy chart
- Many miracles
- Mormon Artist Issue 16
- Family group record redesigns
- The Iliad
- The Wanderer
- Scared Stiff
- Goodbye, Moon
- Dream of the Rood
- Formatting poetry for EPUB and Kindle
- Crime & Punishment Kindle edition
- Mediation and Atonement
- AML post on Mormon Texts Project
- Why I give stuff away
- Update on Mormon Artist
- The power of next actions
- Mere information
- Return from Exile
- Weaknesses
- The future of Mormon Artist
- Mozart on work
- Death be not proud
- NaShoStoMo final update
- The Departure
- Mormon Artist Issue 15
- Turning the hearts
- The Arrival
- Corianton
- More pedigree charts
- First Vision Triptych (Color)
- NaShoStoMo update (day twenty)
- Revelation every day
- Vim search and replace on funky characters
- NaShoStoMo update (day seven)
- NaShoStoMo update (day six)
- Parallax animation test
- Book of Mormon reading charts
- NaShoStoMo
- Bonjour
- Crosswrite (the real thing)
- Erasure
- Son of Sisyphus
- Fractal scriptures
- Humble and faithful
- Degree of differences
- The Mormons and the Theatre
- Prints of my artwork
- A Rational Theology
- Succession in the Presidency
- A Voice of Warning
- The Great Apostasy
- Reading Day
- Council of War
- Old DOS games
- Key to the Science of Theology
- Atonement
- More on Unbindery
- Mormon Artist Issue 14
- Blender Quicktips resurrected
- Joseph Smith the Prophet-Teacher
- Life of Heber C. Kimball
- Botswana
- Restoration of the Priesthood
- Botswana sneak preview
- MTP Q&A on AMV
- Wrong Turn
- Inside the Mormon Texts Project
- In-progress: Unbindery
- Oblivious
- Water Scene
- Mormon Artist Issue 13
- L-system animation tests
- L-system sketches
- Journal of Discourses completed
- Grimms’ Tales (1812/1815)
- Ruby glosses
- Moonchild
- Godhead
- Cube lattice animation test
- That Men Might Be
- Original Mother Goose
- Joseph Smith as Scientist
- Crosswrite
- Choose Ye This Day
- Iscariot
- Emperor
- Mormon Artist Issue 12
- The app I didn't release
- First Vision Triptych
- NYT mention
- Journal of Discourses vols. 5, 6, 7, 8
- Dropping the Nets
- Catiline Orations ePub (Latin)
- Javascript entity conversion
- Don Quijote ePub (Spanish)
- Mormon Artist Issue 11
- Journal of Discourses vols. 2, 3, 4
- Journal of Discourses pre-release
- Mormon Digitization Project: help needed
- Book of Mormon: Plates Edition
- Mormon Artist Issue 10
- Words of the Prophets EPUB
- Crime & Punishment EPUB (Russian)
- Book of Mormon reader's edition EPUB
- Pearl of Great Price reader's edition
- md2epub
- Pedigree charts
- Mormon Artist Issue 9
- Doctrine and Covenants reader's edition
- Hide and Seek
- Mandelbrot's Garden
- Sleeping Bird
- Secret Agent
- Mormon Digitization Project, resurrected
- Pedigree chart sharing
- Hatchery
- Mormon Artist Issue 8
- Project tracker PDF
- Project calendar
- D&C reader's edition: sneak peek
- Mormon Artist Young Writers Contest Issue
- The Standard Works
- Mormon Artist Issue 7
- Latin declensions chart
- Pedigree chart using HTML5
- Mormon Artist Issue 6
- Words of the Prophets
- Mormon Digitization Project
- Mormon Artist Issue 5
- Comet crash
- Latin declensions chart WIP
- Selected sermons
- Beyond dabbling
- An eye single to the glory
- Mormon Artist Issue 3