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Links #50

Finally catching up on these almost a month later.

Diffusion Bee lets you install Stable Diffusion locally on an M1 Mac. Haven’t actually tried it yet, though.

Jacob Kaplan-Moss on software quality being systemic and not as dependent on individual performance. I think I agree.

Tom Warren on Adobe buying Figma. Dang it. It was nice while it lasted.

Walt Hickey on the percentage of Congress over the age of 70 over time. Whew.

The Center for Latter-day Saints has a new online magazine, The Season. I’ve been enjoying it so far.

Jonty Wareing on the Cyrillic multiocular “o” in Unicode 15. Ha.

Baldur Bjarnason on the danger of reasoning from first principles.

Jennifer Ouellette on fire ant rafts and the Cheerios effect.

Terence Eden on modern tech being a bit rubbish. I sort of agree but also think a lot of modern tech is amazing compared to what I grew up with in the 1990s.

Forecast Advisor. See who has the most accurate weather in your location.

Daniel Eckler on Stable Diffusion. Things are moving fast.

David Crawshaw on software he’s thankful for. A good practice.

James Stanley on FreeCAD vs. SolveSpace. I haven’t done anything with either (or CAD in general, really), but now I want to.

Klint Finley on the future of the command line. And a fair amount about Charm.

Warp, a new terminal written in Rust. I’ve been meaning to try this out to see if I like it more than Kitty.

Wikipedia on farang, the Thai word for foreigner. I didn’t realize it referred to the Franks (the tribe).

NASA’s DART mission hits asteroid. Cool!

Matteo Mazzarolo on named element IDs being available as JavaScript globals. I had no idea. Not sure if I’d ever use it, but cool.

Enryu on lookism in TikTok. Interesting.

Neale Van Felet on the design of Audio Hijack 4. Enjoyed this retro.

Infinite Canvas, a catalog of apps with infinite canvases (which make me happy).

Chuan on an interesting new syntax for writing SVG.

Kottke on ten hours of walking in NYC as a woman. From 2014 but either way, whew.

DreamFusion, text to 3D. Things are getting interesting.

Joey Camacho’s Raw & Rendered, daily 3D renders. Beautiful.

summarize.tech does AI-powered summaries of YouTube videos.

Nathan Raw’s Stable Diffusion morph videos.

Stable Diffusion Conceptualizer. A style library, kind of.

Daniel Eckler with a thread on AI art. And a second thread.

Felix Kreuk on textually guided audio generation. Intrigued to see what all of these AI tools mean for things like filmmaking, especially given another ten or twenty years of progress.

Theatre.js, motion design in the browser.

David Hoang’s arrows. Love those shadows!

Hyperlinks in handwriting.

Eliot Peper on writing being a tool for making new ideas.

Herbert Lui on writing as a way of thinking, in a similar vein.

Edward Slingerland on his method for writing nonfiction books.

James Stanley on alternative revolutions (CAD-wise).

CHARL-E Stable Diffusion package for Mac. Haven’t tried this one either.

Ben Myers on semantic selectors in CSS.

Jay Alammar’s illustrated Stable Diffusion, explaining how it works.

Andy Heriaud on how bad the Mexican week episode of The Great British Bake is. Wow.

DALL-E-Bot, diffusion meets robotics. Cool!

Kim Zarins on aphantasia and science fiction and fantasy.

Oliver Burkeman on how to get out of a rut, a different take on GTD next actions.

WebVM, a WebAssembly VM with networking.

Creating holograms with your phone. Old but intriguing. I need to try this.

Amanda Petrusich on Steve Keene, prolific painter.

Surma on transpiling JavaScript to C++ for WebAssembly. Agreed on it maybe not being the best take, but interesting nonetheless.

Massimo with a video of the Taipei 101 skyscraper’s damper during an earthquake. Whoa!

Q&A with Fiona Hill on Putin. Worthwhile.

Matthew Butterick’s legal investigation into GitHub Copilot.

The Give Up GitHub movement. I’ve been planning to move off it, still need to set aside some time for that. (Thinking of just hosting my code locally on my server.)

Manohar Vanga on fifteen ways to draw a line. I especially love the convex hull method. Planning to borrow that!

Manohar Vanga again, this time on generative overlay textures. Thinking about incorporating something like this into my art.

Léonie Watson on why we need CSS Speech. Hoping this happens!

Brad Frost on breaking up with CSS-in-JS.

Alix E. Harrow on writing and bodies. I think about this a lot in my own writing. I default to the Le Guin side but I’m trying to move more to the middle.

Jonn Elledge on London station names. Naming is hard.

Dan Hollick with an explainer on blending modes.

Bayt Al Fann with some beautiful examples of Arabic calligraphy. Love these.

Oliver Darkshire on small bookstores and capitalism. Agree, agree.

Martha Wells on getting unstuck with discovery writing. Good. I keep wishing I were an outliner.

Maggie Appleton on programming portals, her name for GUIs that bring up CLIs.

Pushing the Needle comparing the timelines for the space race vs. building a bike lane in Seattle.

Brad Heitmann on Mike Lee’s unsavory ties to Russia. Oh how I hope Lee gets voted out.

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Links — Prints 2.9

Tyler Cowen and Russ Roberts on reading. Enjoyed this. I almost always enjoy reading about reading.

Movemap, a map of the U.S. to help people decide which county to move to, based on selectable factors.

Nassim Nicholas Taleb on Dominion, the new book by Tom Holland. (No, not that Tom Holland.) Appears to be a somewhat unedited draft, and there are parts I don’t agree with, but I found it interesting. I liked Holland’s Rubicon. Looking forward to Dominion.

Bastian Rieck on which Neal Stephenson books to start with. Snow Crash is next for me. Cyberpunk doesn’t appeal to me all that much, but still looking forward to it.

Kara Manke on a new inhaled Covid therapeutic. Hopeful.

Simon Willison on Stable Diffusion.

Integrating Stable Diffusion into Photoshop. Wow.

Alberto Romero on Stable Diffusion.

Stepan Parunashvili on Lisp and parentheses. Gets at the underlying idea behind Lisp.

Wouter Groeneveld on cool things people do with their blogs, via Jim Nielsen.

Antonio Cao on a Figma plugin using Stable Diffusion. Crazy.

Adam Symington on creating river maps with Python.

Aaron Reed at NarraScope 2022 on five lessons from fifty years of text games.

Heydon Pickering on using flex-basis with clamp in CSS. Nice.

Tom Critchlow on generating agency through blogging.

The blue Fugate family. Had no idea this was a thing.

Maggie Appleton on folk interfaces.

Cliff Jerrison on water actually being blue.

Wu Peiyue on Zhemao, who wrote a whole bunch of fake Russian history on Wikipedia over a decade. Fascinating story.

Carlos Fenollosa on no longer self-hosting his email. I wish I could self-host mine but yeah, it doesn’t seem feasible anymore.

Tsung Xu on performance biomaterials.

Artful season 3 has begun.

Fergus McCullough against alcohol.

Smell Dating, a mail odor dating service (har har). Anthropologically interesting.

Austin Gil on the HTML capture attribute.

Dave Rupert on modern alternatives to BEM (in CSS).

Ollie Williams on what’s new with forms on the web. Learned several new things here.

Denis Stebunov on why public chats are better than DMs. Agreed. Trying to do better at this at work.

Use.GPU, a “set of declarative, reactive WebGPU legos.” Interesting.

WASM-4, a WebAssembly fantasy console.

Tom MacWright on Wilderplace, a lovely looking new game by Saman Bemel Benrud. The blog for it is also worth reading through.

BBC News is available in Pidgin English. Had no idea! Love it.

John Regehr on teaching C.

Ben Sparks on why the A4 paper size is a thing of beauty. Had no idea about this, but it does make me happy.

Serge Zaitsev on learning new programming languages by writing Forths.

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Links — Prints 2.8

Mary Holstege on the metaphors we code by. Fascinating analysis.

Uri Bram on happiness and unhappiness. A useful take, I think.

Stephen Doyle’s book sculptures. Love these.

Dave Rupert on the madness of frontend web development. Seems like this is only useful where you have enough people to be able to specialize.

Tim Bray on slow travel. Yes. Hard to pull off, but yes. Also, I’m not sure I’d use this myself, but the decade part of the URL (/202x/2022/08/16/...) sparked some joy for me.

Eliot Peper on what writers do. A useful way of thinking about it.

Austin Kleon on breaking out of writer’s block by transcribing yourself thinking out loud. Need to try this sometime.

Ari Lamm on the tower of Babel. Loved this — it makes way more sense to me now. (And seems even more applicable to today.)

Unicode confusables. Use this for good, not evil. Ha.

James Brown’s Lego brick computer. Delightful. This reminded me of my master’s thesis, where I built lots of little widgets out of Raspberry Pi Zeros. One was a screen widget similar to this — though nowhere near as cool.

Ben Eater’s tutorials. I haven’t actually gone through any of these, but they look great.

KiCad, an open source tool for schematic design and PCB layout. Every few months I get the itch to make something physical and electronic — design the PCB, get it printed on demand, 3D print some housing, the works. Haven’t yet figured out what I want to build, though.

Wokwi, a tool to simulate IoT projects in the browser. This is so cool! (See the Arduino calculator, for example.)

Flux. Figma for circuit design and simulation, basically. Very cool.

Physically Based, a database of real-world values for rendering physically based materials. Part of me is adamant that the colors are less useful because real-world materials vary so much, but it’s still a nice project.

Riley Goodside on GPT-3 interpreting long instructions. Crazy.

VisiData, a terminal-based spreadsheet tool.

Luke Plant on “Everything is an X” in system design. This was good.

Luke Plant again, this time with his recommendations on writing Django views. I haven’t been doing as much Django lately, but I was pleased to see function-based views recommended. (I much prefer them to class-based views.)

Adam Mastroianni on good conversations having lots of doorknobs. An interesting way to think about it.

Eric Barker on Michaeleen Doucleff’s parenting advice. Both of these suggestions are great.

Jen Simmons on what you can do with the new :has selector in CSS. So glad to see this.

Suketu Mehta on India’s unraveling democracy. Yikes.

Graham Nelson on upcoming changes to Inform (for writing interactive fiction). IF was a huge part of my childhood but I haven’t done much with it since. Hoping to at least play through one whole game sometime.

Hillel Wayne on path objects in Python. I didn’t know this!

Nick Morgan’s Easy 6502 tutorial. Only partway through this (for fun) but it’s a good tutorial.

Mike Crittenden on stay interviews (the opposite of exit interviews). Interesting.

Nathaniel on websites under 14kb. Little performance hack.

Stable Diffusion’s public release. Very interesting, especially after I found that apparently this is what’s powering Midjourney. Haven’t actually tried it, though.

Mary Fetzer on a new material Penn State researchers have developed. Sounds cool.

Scott Galloway on TikTok. Yup.

Oven, Jarred Sumner’s new company for developing Bun. I tried Bun with my family sheets project but it didn’t work with the yaml library at the time. Need to try it again sometime. (The built-in TypeScript and NPM install speed are very intriguing.)

Josh Comeau on why React re-renders. Helpful.

Hillel Wayne on why arrays start at 0, though not with a definitive answer.

Carlin Eng on a critique of SQL from 1983. Interesting to see where it was and where it is now.

Christof Damian on the thinking behind his Friday link posts. I’ve been subscribed to his blog ever since we met via Lunchclub a couple years ago, but I hadn’t seen this page till now.

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Links — Prints 2.7

Dan Davison’s delta, a Git differ. Started using this a couple weeks ago and it’s great.

Jeremy Keith on defaulting to a search interface.

Marco Heine on just hitting publish (on one’s blog).

Randall Munroe with a long thread of DALL•E Pokemon. The more historical ones are incredible.

Kathryn Hymes on the psychology of naming inanimate objects and how it’s the opposite of thoughtless consumption.

Lj Miranda on thinking with pen and paper. After reading this I thought about getting back into notebooks, but I don’t know, I think I’m beginning to realize that I’m digital forevermore.

Dreamworks is open sourcing Moonray, their rendering engine. Cool.

GitLab is changing their repo size quotas, for free-tier accounts.

Arne Babenhauserheide’s Wisp, a Lisp using whitespace instead of parentheses.

Patrick Wyatt on building Starcraft. Enjoyed this, along with his first and second posts on building Warcraft.

Adrian Holovaty on websites framebusting out of native apps.

Soundslice’s responsive music player. Nice to see something happening with the responsive sheet music idea.

Lynn Cherny’s Things I Think Are Awesome newsletter. Enjoyed this.

Mathieu Jacomy on drawing maps with Disco Diffusion. Loved these, particularly all the tilt-shift maps along the way.

Douwe Osinga on using DALL•E to create infinite zoom videos. Cool.

Stable Diffusion appears to be quite good at generating faces. This AI art stuff is improving at a startling pace.

BBB3viz with scenes from Piranesi as generated by Midjourney. Haunting.

Anders Brams’ svg-path-morph library. The project video is quite cool.

Piter Pasma’s Skulptuur generative art project. (I’ll mention here, by the way, that it’s annoying how NFTs have taken over generative art. I get why, but it’s still irritating.)

Tissue, a tessellation addon for Blender.

Sverchok, a parametric CAD addon for Blender.

λ-2D, Lingdong Huang’s visual programming language. It’s especially interesting to watch the flow of computation.

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Links — Prints 2.6

An interesting Hacker News thread about how to prepare for blindness as a software engineer.

Ryan Holiday on swarming to learn things. I like this idea but haven’t managed to do it yet. My interest keeps flitting around.

Bryan Braun on Scratch. Cool.

Steven Johnson on walking as a way to think. Agreed.

Jordan Eldredge on bugs caught by the newish no-constant-binary-expression rule in eslint.

Jeremy Keith’s In and Out of Style talk from CSS Day. Liked this a lot.

Josh Dzieza on writing fiction with AI. Interesting to see how some people have used it. For me, writing the words myself is most of the fun.

Chromium issue 1130512, a bug that vexes my chartmaking. It’s not the end of the world, but I do look forward to when it’s fixed and I can get 0.25pt lines out of Chrome.

Wikipedia page on the etymology of London. Quite liked this.

Alex Chan on taking more screenshots. Something I need to do more often.

Google’s new Carbon language. I basically never write C++ anymore so I would never actually use this, but it’s interesting.

Robin Rendle’s essay in praise of shadows. Love the implementation here.

Robin Sloan on Miyazaki and plots animated by kindness.

Shepherd, a new thing for discovering books.

Axle that allows for 80-degree steering. The video was cool.

Daniel Kao on ArchieML. I’ve switched over to ArchieML for my genealogy charts and generally it’s been good.

Vaskange’s near-infinite zoom. It just keeps going!

The Cube Rule of food identification. Loved this.

David Stern on text rendering.

Olushuyi Olutimilehin on article vs. section in HTML.

British Summer Time, something I’d never heard of until now. I guess I’d just assumed that Daylight Saving Time was only an American thing and the rest of the world didn’t change times (sort of like imperial vs. metric).

Meta adds Rust to allowed server-side languages. I’m beginning to suspect I might like the idea of Rust more than Rust itself, but I also haven’t really written any Rust in almost two years. Need to change that.

Topi Tjukanov’s map of notable people. I’m in love with the way the labels fade in from behind the sphere.

My friend Matt Haggard on a cool wordprint visualization technique.

Vim undo trick. I’ve been using Vim for twenty-six years and never knew about this.

Vim ranges. This past week one of my goals has been to train myself to use Vim’s Ex commands for moving ranges (e.g., :15,20m41). This is something I do often enough (and clumsily enough right now, with row-wise visual select — a lot of js in a row — followed by yank and paste) that I want to learn how to do it super fast. This way is less likely to cause RSI as well.

Forrest Allison on Bun.

Giant leafcutter ant nest in Brazil. Whew, that thing is huge.

Cozy fantasy subreddit discussion on what cozy fantasy is. In my experience it’s a refreshing change of pace.

Thomas Bevan on kicking the news consumption habit. Once in a while I check the news but by and large I don’t (ditto social media) and it does feel better.

Scott Jenson on files. Also his followup. I like files.

Reddit thread on writing advice. Some helpful things.

Aaron Gustafson on equality vs. equity in the context of building software. Great points.

Jennifer Chu on MIT’s new ultrasound stickers. Looking forward to see what this enables.

Elisia Guerena on Angélique Schmeinck’s hot-air balloon restaurant. Great idea. I’m terrified of heights enough that I don’t think I’d ever want to eat at a place like this, though.

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Links — Prints 2.5

Baldur Bjarnason on better web apps. Agreed.

Anton Howes on why Dungeons & Dragons wasn’t invented until the 1970s. A fun question.

Bun, a new JavaScript runtime. Such speed! The built-in TypeScript and npm compatibility is nice, too. Planning on trying this out for some upcoming projects.

Rasmus Andersson on making fonts in Figma. Had no idea this kind of thing is possible in Figma.

Garrett Scott on Pipedream, a hyperlogistics startup. Kind of mind-blowing. I don’t know how I feel about the security aspects of having a chute into my house that other companies can access, though.

Laundry Jet, another interesting startup. Also something I probably wouldn’t want to use, this one because a) my house isn’t that big and b) if stuff gets stuck in there…

Matt Webb on tubes. The source of the above links.

Tree & Leaf, a lovely online genealogy site. I’m now itching to do something similar. (It’ll probably wait until after I’ve gotten this printed genealogy chart itch out of my system, though.)

ArchieML, the NYT’s markup language. A potential alternative to YAML that I’m looking at for some of my genealogy projects.

Darshana Narayanan on the dangerous populist science of Yuval Noah Harari. I haven’t read Harari yet and now will go in with more skepticism than I would have otherwise.

Tess Joosse on recent research showing that quiet background noise can numb pain. Intriguing.

Matt Levine on Elon and Twitter. An entertaining read.

Gwendal Uguen and Luc Guillemot’s visual guide to the Aztec pantheon. A cool bit of educational material.

Yi Fuxian on China’s population peaking earlier than anticipated. I’m not actually tracking this closely or anything, but it did seem interesting.

The content-aware typography Tumblr. Ha.

Steven Johnson on not looking back while drafting. I tend to do this, though maybe with a little bit more rereading than he recommends (just the last page or so of what I’ve written).

Nolan Lawson on memory leaks on the web. Something I need to do better at checking for.

Matthias Ott on just putting stuff out there on the web. This makes me want to write more often. Still trying to decide if this two-week cadence is right for me or not.

Google Docs URL shortcuts for creating new documents. Had no idea these existed. Wow.

John Christensen’s Webb vs. Hubble comparison site. Double wow.

Ahmad Shadeed deep diving into some Figma CSS.

Nolan Lawson on style scoping vs. the shadow DOM.

C. J. Chilvers’ personal publishing principles. An interesting idea for a page. I like it.

Frontend Mastery on the new wave of React state management libraries.

Klim Type Foundry on The Future, a new Futura typeface. Mmm, I love type design writeups like this.

Robin Shreeves on scruffy hospitality. I.e., not worrying so much about cleaning your house before guests come over. We haven’t had guests since Covid began, but when we start up again (which will be soon, now that our youngest are almost fully vaccinated), this is good to keep in mind.

Kurt Schlosser on “parallel reality”. It’s a new type of screen with multidirectional pixels that can supposedly privately show up to 100 customers their flight information, all at the same time from the same screen.

Matt Webb on carbon dioxide detection. Makes me wonder if I should get a monitor for this.

Miriam Suzanne on why browser stylesheets have a default margin of 8px. CSS history!

Keith Peters on randomness in generative art. Cool.

Matthew Guay on documenting first before building (software). Love this. Every time I’ve done this, I’ve been glad that I did — implementation goes so much more smoothly.

Sheon Han on the hidden history of screen readers (JAWS and NVDA, mainly).

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Links — Prints 2.4

Stephen Cranney on using scriptural phrases with DALL•E. I played around with Midjourney a bit and wish I’d thought to try this when I still had free credits.

Bjørn Karmann’s Occlusion Grotesque, a typeface carved into the trunk of a tree and digitized over time. Intriguing.

Markwhen, Markdown for timelines. Cool.

Mary Gaitskill on the hidden life of stories.

Matthew Butterick on the legal implications of Github Copilot.

Kit Wilson on reading ourselves to death and an overabundance of text.

3D maps of every London Underground station. Mmm.

A look at the Onyx Boox 25″ e-ink monitor. I’m really excited to see how e-ink develops over the next couple decades. (In writing this, I realized that I would love, love, love to have a thin, lightweight, small pocket-sized 400+ dpi e-ink reader. Something like an iPhone 13 Mini but just for reading.)

Patrick Clancey on rethinking mobile-first CSS. Some good points, though it’s not as much about ditching mobile-first as I thought it would be.

Una Kravetz on style queries, coming soon to CSS.

Mitch Benn on the pronunciation of /r/ in various English accents. Loved this.

Brenan Keller on testing. Ha.

Rich Harris on Prettier making tabs the default in 3.0. Tabs do seem more accessible and better than spaces, honestly.

Slack on remote development (not that kind).

NASA’s new Hubble e-book on exoplanets.

Epanorthosis, a thing I didn’t know about till the other day.

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Links — Prints 2.3

Still Eating Oranges on the significance of plot without conflict. I ended up using kishōtenketsu with the story I’m about to release.

Erlend Hamberg’s short overview of GTD. Helpful refresher.

Swarthmore’s explanation of the rope-around-the-earth puzzle. Hadn’t heard of this before but I love it.

Alex Trost on generative SVG grids. Fun.

Victor Shepelev reverse engineering {Shan, Shui}*. Love this.

George Francis on generative textures. I haven’t been doing art lately but this makes me want to get back into it.

The Verge on being able to edit and unsend iMessages in iOS 16. Finally. Finally.

Joris Peters et al. on where chickens were originally domesticated. (Appears to be central Thailand.)

Artvee, free high-resolution public domain art. So much to see here!

Huge straw sculptures at Japan’s Wara Art Festival. These are amazing.

The Browser Company on optimizing for feelings. Intrigued to see where this leaads.

Blender 3.2 is out.

Paul Katsen using GPT-3 in a spreadsheet. Weird new worlds!

“Farm vehicles approaching weights of sauropods exceed safe mechanical limits for soil functioning.” Obviously a bad thing, but the title delights me for inexplicable reasons.

Robin Sloan on his new Spring ’83 protocol. I love new internet protocols. I’m thinking about borrowing the idea and implementing it as a “whiteboard” page on my site. Kind of like my now page, in that it would be updated periodically. But this would have its own style (rather than inheriting the overall site style). No idea yet if it would actually be useful or usable, but the idea intrigues me.

Len Falken on posting plain text. Interesting idea. The lightweightness of it, in particular.

Nicholas Rougeux’s 17th-century watercolor swatches. Love this. Also see the making of.

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Links — Prints 2.2

Global histories of the Church. Mini-Saints, basically. Looking forward to reading through these once I finish volume 3.

Nicholas Rougeux’s digital edition of J. G. Heck’s Iconographic Encyclopædia of Science, Literature, and Art. So cool.

Nicholas Rougeux’s making-of for his digital edition of A Dictionary of Typography. Also very cool.

Nicholas Rougeux’s digital edition of Byrne’s Euclid. Mmm. I really love those diagrams.

Mark Simonson on the thinking that led to his new Proxima Sera typeface.

Josh Comeau on pixels vs. rems in CSS.

Rest of World’s 2022 international book list. Looking forward to reading several of these.

Ryan Donovan on reading academic computer science papers. Reading papers was one of the highlights of my master’s degree, actually.

Papers We Love, “a community built around reading, discussing and learning more about academic computer science papers.” Lots here.

Katherine Cowley on how many hours it takes her to write a book. This inspired me to start tallying how much time I’m spending on my writing.

3D rendering of the earth without its water. I don’t know how accurate it is, but as art, it looks cool.

Nikhil Vemu on iOS’s built-in flight tracker. Didn’t know about this either.

Tom Critchlow on subterranean blogging. I prefer the subsurface discussions.

Seth Godin on the smallest viable audience. An intriguing idea.

BYU’s detailed 3D model of campus. Fun to explore.

Letter in Support of Responsible Fintech Policy, from computer scientists, technologists, and developers. Signed it.

Eric Barker on peer pressure. I finished reading this and immediately bought his new book.

Bert Hubert on reverse engineering the source code for the Pfizer Covid vaccine. So, so, so cool.

Matt Webb on DALL-E 2 and prompt engineering. I got access to the Midjourney beta a week or two ago and tried it out. It’s a weird, uncanny new world. Some of the outputs are incredible. (Hard to know how much is actually new vs. pulled straight from existing images, though.)

Phillip Isola with an interesting DALL-E 2 result.

Craig Hockenberry on IconFactory’s new WorldWideWeb app. Serve a folder up on iOS, accessible on your local network. Worked like a charm — I added a simple index.html to an iCloud Drive folder and started the server on my phone, and my wife was able to access it right away. This is great.

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Links — Prints 2.1

Budget Bytes. Low-budget recipes.

Hillel Wayne on Donald Knuth and that literate programming competition. Literate programming appeals to me. Haven’t done anything with it yet, though.

Matt Webb on how Apple seems to be mainstreaming Alan Kay’s inventions. Intriguing.

Waylon Walker on how he navigates in tmux. Planning to adopt some of this.

Hsiaoming Yang on styling RSS feeds with XSL. I somehow had no idea you could do this. Definitely planning to do this soon.

Andrew Blum and Carey Baraka on Google and Meta laying down underwater Internet cables for Africa. Not really a fan of big corporations anymore. Everything good that comes out of them seems laced with society-killing poison. (Too harsh?)

Ryan Dahl on JavaScript containers. While the post itself is so-so, the idea of web-specific containers intrigues me. Feels like there’s something useful in that space. (I’m mostly coming at this from the perspective of wanting to simplify running apps on the web.)

Ingvar Stepanyan on using WebAssembly threads with C, C++, and Rust. Good to know.

Tania Rascia on building a web accordion with the WebAudio API. Cool! Makes me want to build something like that. I’ve been avoiding it lately because the web is ephemeral and I’d prefer to spend my time on things that have a chance at lasting longer, but that argument doesn’t always matter.

Will Boyd with a deep dive into text wrapping and word breaking in CSS. Learned some useful things.

Rosemary Scott on the recent discovery of how and why infants die from SIDS. And hopefully in the near future we’ll be able to keep it from happening.

DALL•E 2 from OpenAI. This and Midjourney are getting crazy good. It’s a weird new world we’re entering. I’m intrigued by the idea of using output from these as reference for other art. (Still on the waiting list for both.)

Lincoln Michel on AI-generated literature. Agreed.

Hugo Landau on mildly dynamic websites. This. For the last few years I’ve been craving something server-side like PHP (intertwined, no separate running process needed) but with a better language.

Matthew Claxton on Brandon Sanderson’s Kickstarter and the failure of the long tail. I try to make time for less-known authors periodically so that I’m not only reading well-known books. It’s hit and miss, but the hits make up for the misses in my view.

Brian Lovin on incrementally correct personal websites. Agreed. And an interesting three-pane design on desktop.

Nick Scialli on Solid.js feeling like what he always wanted React to be. Intriguing.

The Church’s virtual tour of the D. C. Temple. We enjoyed showing this to our kids.

Matthew Claxton on Martha Wells pre-Murderbot books.

2022 Nommo Awards shortlist. I’d never heard of this (or the African Speculative Fiction Society) before, but I’m glad I have! Looking forward to reading some of these.

Artle, from the National Gallery of Art. I am no good at this.

Wendy Reid on the EPUB 3.3 standard moving to Candidate Recommendation status. Crazy that EPUB 3 has been out for ten years already.

Bionic Reading. An interesting idea. Not sure how I feel about it. The typesetter in me is struggling with it.

Matty B’s Pro Hatch brushes for Procreate. Got these, looking forward to doing something with them sometime.

Jessica Stillman on reading tips from Stripe co-founder Patrick Collison. While I’m less and less enamored of capitalism and billionaires, I still like hearing about people who read.

Markdoc, Stripe’s Markdown extensions.

Matthias Ott on blogging. Also his second post in the series. If any of you have a blog that I don’t know about, email me the link!

Duotrigordle, a 32-at-a-time Wordle. I initially thought it was completely mental, but once you get to ten or so guesses it’s mostly downhill since you have so many guesses to work off of. (I say this as if I play it regularly. In reality, I tried it once and probably won’t play it again, because I’d rather spend my leisure time reading.)

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