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Links #70

Ian G. McDowell on laying out a book with CSS. Covers a lot of the foundation.

John H. Meyer on AI speaking in Steve Jobs’ voice, saying words written by ChatGPT.

Mike Crittenden on the best stuff and the worst stuff. Not caring about stuff does seem ideal.

Typst, a new markup-based typesetting system that wants to take on LaTeX. I don’t know that it’ll be as useful for the kinds of things I typeset, but still interesting.

Matt Webb’s ChatGPT e-ink clock. Cool.

Felt is now a flagship sustaining member of QGIS. Glad to hear. I’ve been playing around with QGIS more lately and it’s pretty powerful.

Jason Kehe’s fairly mean article on Brandon Sanderson and Brandon’s response.

Clive Thompson on ChatGPT not replacing programmers just yet. Also see Paul Kedrosky and Eric Norlin on AI eating software for a different viewpoint. I don’t know what I think.

textra, a macOS command-line app to extract text from images, PDFs, and audio. Cool.

Neil Clarke of Clarkesworld has opened submissions again. But for how long, who knows.

Paul Butler on the WebAssembly rift between WASI and the web platform.

Rich Harris on SvelteKit moving to JS from TS. Intriguing.

Laurence Tratt on how big a programming language should be. Here’s to small languages.

Robin Rendle on reading being messy. I like this. Feels more human.

Steven Heller with a little typographic trivia about a full stop in the New York Times nameplate.

James Cook makes art with typewriters. Wow.

Stanko’s Rayven, a line-hatched 3D renderer. I really like this aesthetic. Also Michael Fogleman’s ln, another line-based 3D renderer, and Piter Pasma on rayhatching.

Tyler Cowen on AI and Americans living in a sort of bubble outside history for the past few decades. Sans the AI part, this is something I’ve often thought about — how Americans have had it atypically nice for a while (when compared to the rest of the world and the rest of history), and how this most likely won’t last.

luckbeaweirdo on curing their asthma by self-infecting with hookworm. Whew.

Matthew Butterick on AI obliterating the rule of law. Cogent points. AIs being above the law doesn’t seem like a great outcome.

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Links #69

Grandstander (Open Font License) would be fun to typeset a children’s book with.

Tiro Typeworks’ Castoro typeface (designed by John Hudson, Paul Hanslow, and Kaja Słojewska) looks lovely. Excited to use it.

Noah Read on AI tools. Agreed. Maybe there are multiplying effects from outsourcing our thinking, but I don’t know, it seems fraught. Plus, I like thinking. And writing, and coding, and making things.

Jancee Dunn on eight-minute phone calls to friends. I like this and need to do it more often. Texting is fine, but the catch-up calls I’ve had with friends have been even better. (Speaking of which: I love making new friends, so feel free to email me to say hi.)

Simone Silvestroni on de-branding your online life.

Tim Bray on LLMs. His conclusions seemed level-headed to me.

Sinclair Target on learning BASIC like it’s 1983. I didn’t grow up with a Commodore 64, but I did start out as a kid with BASIC — BASICA, GW-BASIC, and QBasic. Ah, nostalgia. I remember typing up BASIC programs from library books and running into dialectal differences (particularly with the graphics commands, if I recall correctly).

Hacker News thread on what your personal website/blog has done for you. As for me, I’ve met lots of interesting people (hi, y’all!) and have had several projects come out of it too. Supremely rewarding, 10/10 would do again.

Becca Inglis on, uh, tiny fairy-like robots that could replace dying bumblebees. Not entirely sure how the laser-guided direction would work with millions of these, but a very interesting idea.

MFEKglif, a new typeface editor by a former FontForge maintainer. Interesting.

Michael Eisenstein on using AI to design de novo proteins.

Jack Clark on GPT-4. The part about GPT-4 being political power was particularly interesting and worth reading.

Dave Karpf on phantom citations thanks to AI. It does seem like this is going to become more and more common, sadly.

John Herrman on the nightmare of AI-powered Gmail. Agreed. Using AI to write emails that the receiver isn’t actually going to read but is instead going to summarize via AI seems…superfluous.

Borna Izadpanah on Persian Naskh type design. Mmm.

Richard Rutter with some progress on typographic paragraph widows on the web. Promising! Also see the CSSWG thread.

Josh Comeau on AI and the end of frontend development. I think he’s probably right, and that the situation isn’t as dire as some think.

Geoffrey Litt with some interesting ideas on how LLMs could lead to more end-user programming. I hope so! That seems like a win for humanity.

Andy Wingo on WebAssembly for garbage-collected languages. Interesting (even if a good chunk of it went over my head).

Adam Chalmers on using Rust on the backend. I need to try Serde and Diesel out.

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Links #68

Cat Valente on AI replacing jobs. “Because you know, at least here in the good old US of Garbage, they’d rather eat their own eyeballs than even consider something like UBI any time before the actual apocalypse. Even then, it would be $5 in CompanyBux and half an infected hot dog.” Ha. This point felt spot on to me and has stuck with me ever since: “We are not an idle species. We like to feel useful. We like to make things. We like to do things. We aren’t going to stop.”

Chloe Xiang on researchers using AI to generate images based on people’s brain activity. A bit freaky, thinking about how this could be abused.

Herbert Lui on blogging every day for a year. Something I want to get back into the habit of doing.

Carly Ayres interiews Marcin Wichary about Shift Happens.

Marcin Wichary’s typewriter simulation. Fun.

Richard Rutter on text-wrap: balance. Inching closer to getting better typesetting controls on the web. (And how far we’ve already come!)

Prashant Palikhe with some tips on using Chrome DevTools. I somehow hadn’t heard of console.table() until now.

Justus Romijn on removing “should” from unit test descriptions. This seems reasonable to me.

Charles Q. Choi on electronic bandages. Intriguing.

Antonio Scandurra on rendering UIs at 120 fps for Zed, a new text editor from the folks who made Atom and Tree-sitter.

Max Mudie’s fungi photos. Fascinating.

Jim Nielsen on deadlines as technology. I like this a lot and plan to start using it more consciously.

Hannah Devlin on scientists who have created mice with two fathers after making eggs from male cells. Lots of interesting developments in biology (and other branches of research) lately.

B. David Zarley on scientists who have successfully done pre-emptive heart attack therapy on mice.

Ink & Switch’s Upwelling, real-time collaboration + version control for writers. Some interesting ideas here. Agreed on not wanting changes to be visible until I’m done making them.

Prathyush Pramod’s catalog of programming languages for enthusiasts. So cool. Catala especially caught my eye, though Dark and IRCIS (which reminds me of Orca) and Wasp and Battlestar are also interesting.

Prathyush Pramod’s catalog of open typefaces. Stumbled upon this after looking through the programming language catalog and ooh, lots of goodies here.

Charles Q. Choi on super-high-res ultrathin metasurface displays. Looks promising.

Simon Kuestenmacher on the seven countries bordering Türkiye. I had no idea!

Jason Godesky on JavaScript failing more often than you might think. Yep.

Ben Parr on Google Workspace’s new AI tools. And Microsoft Office is doing the same thing. It’s a weird/interesting world we’re quickly moving into. (The rate of change here is exciting and alarming.)

Dan Klammer’s modern font stacks site. Every once in a while I think about moving my site to a system font stack. Maybe someday.

Carl Bugeja on making a PCB motor. Very cool.

Nat Friedman’s Vesuvius challenge, to read some old scrolls from Herculaneum using computer vision and machine learning. Interesting.

Matt Webb on the singularity. “GPT-4 is capable of inventing and purchasing synthesised versions of new molecules, potentially dangerous ones, by conducting lit review, using chemistry tools, and contacting suppliers.”

Ethan Marcotte on AI tools. “These utilities are being created in a country that has minimal regulatory oversight, few privacy safeguards, and even fewer labor protections.” Which isn’t great.

Maggie Appleton on the expanding dark forest and generative AI. “After the forest expands, we will become deeply sceptical of one another’s realness. Every time you find a new favourite blog or Twitter account or Tiktok personality online, you’ll have to ask: Is this really a whole human with a rich and complex life like mine? Is there a being on the other end of this web interface I can form a relationship with?” Very relevant. I promise I’m human.

Elizabeth Weil’s profile of Emily Bender about AI chatbots. Worth reading.

Daniel Rosenwasser on the TypeScript 5.0 release.

DreamWorks has open sourced MoonRay.

James Bridle on the stupidity of AI. “The belief in this kind of AI as actually knowledgeable or meaningful is actively dangerous.” Also worth reading.

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Links #67

Inigo Quilez on making a 3D character with math. Impressive.

Paul Butler on the bull case for Rust on the web (via WebAssembly, for high-performance apps). Seems reasonable.

Rayon, a web app for collaborative space design. (Space meaning rooms in buildings.) Uses Rust, as mentioned in the previous link. Looks nice.

Jennifer Ouellette about a bionic finger that can see things beneath a material’s surface. Intriguing.

Jon Stokes on AI. A fairly positive take. I don’t know how much I agree with it, but I found it interesting.

Charles Chen on React being the new IBM, in the sense that no one ever got fired for choosing React, in spite of it not performing as well as other frontend frameworks.

Max G. Levy on edgeless lab-grown skin. Cool.

Austin Kleon on books as toys. I like this.

Dave Gauer on Forth. Enjoyed this. Looking forward to learning Forth, too.

Wayfare is serializing The Five Books of Jesus by my friend James Goldberg, with lovely art by Sarah Hawkes.

Winners of the visitors’ choice awards from the Church’s 12th International Art Competition.

Cassandra Willyard on how gut microbes could drive brain disorders. Still early on, but if there’s anything to it, wow.

Zach Caceres on plastic roads. Intriguing!

Rachel Binx on the unbearable sameness of the modern web, referring primarily to common component libraries.

Lingua Latina Legenda, an open-source Latin textbook.

Henrik Karlsson on blog posts being very long and complex search queries to find fascinating people and make them route interesting stuff to your inbox. I like this idea, and I really like meeting new people via this blog (or via their blogs for that matter).

Foone Turing made a cube keyboard. Ha.

Marcin Wichary on Dana Sibera’s alternate-computing-history art. Love these.

Rocky Bergen’s papercraft models of old computers.

Jennifer Senior on how people often think they’re younger than they really are. Yup. Lately I’ve felt around eight or nine years younger than I am. (And this in spite of really liking my actual age.)

Amy Goodchild on using ChatGPT to implement Sol Lewitt’s procedural wall drawings. Interesting, but ChatGPT’s output is also kind of disappointing here.

Chris Loer on Felt’s move to MapLibre for rendering. Cool.

MarioGPT, generating Mario levels via textual descriptions.

Mould Rush, an online game involving real molds in real petri dishes. Ha.

Grant Handy on writing a simple first-person raycasting game in Rust (ala Wolfenstein 3D).

Charlotte Hu on mushroom-based computing. Oh so weird but also fascinating. I wonder how much of the future of computing will be biological like this.

GB Studio, a retro game creator for making Game Boy games, kind of like the game creators for Pico-8 and other fantasy consoles. I never actually use these, but they look fun and eight-year-old Ben would have been all over this.

Pedro Cattori on snake case being the best case. The older I get, the less I think I care about this kind of thing (other than keeping it consistent across the codebase, which seems like a baseline for maintaining sanity).

Eggspensive, a map showing the price of eggs across the U.S. (I should have posted this earlier!)

Jennifer Ouellette on squid skin as an inspiration for making new types of windows. Wow. I love seeing biologically inspired tech that’s more sustainable than what we used to use.

Carl Zimmer on eight previously unknown populations of humans in prehistoric Europe. Oh how I’d love to be able to look back and see what life was like for early humans.

Jared White on the great gaslighting of the JavaScript era. Feisty. I largely agree though nowhere near as vehemently.

Cole Peters on redefining developer experience. Fully agree that user experience matters far, far more than developer experience. Also agreed that the sprawling array of tools a frontend engineer needs to stay on top of these days is…a bit much, and very much agreed about focusing on web platform fundamentals.

Anna Fitzpatrick on how parking lots ruin cities.

Gaurav Sood on Iwaya Giken trying to democratize space tourism. I love reading about space, but dang — zero interest here in going up into space myself. Especially under a flimsy balloon. (Hello, acrophobia.)

Smithsonian Open Access. Lots of Creative Commons images available for use.

Nannou, a Rust creative-coding framework. The code examples look pretty good, actually — easy to read and reason about.

Dan Wang’s 2022 letter. Fascinating read about last year’s lockdowns in China among other things. The bits at the end about books and food were also quite interesting.

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Links #66

Andrew J. Hawkins on cars rewiring our brains to ignore all the bad stuff about driving. I would love to not have to drive anymore. It’s fun, but too dangerous. I also don’t trust self-driving cars. (Yes, I realize the obvious answer is to move into a big city. Maybe someday.)

Andy Bell on the extremely loud minority when it comes to building for the web. I believe one of the reasons for WordPress’s dominance is the number of sites that are document-like rather than app-like (where React is maybe a somewhat better fit, though I still prefer more minimal solutions).

Type designer Mark Simonson on analog drawing and spending less time on screens. I need to do this more often.

Chris Coyier linking to more 2023 CSS wishlists.

Una Kravets on container queries landing in stable browsers. Awesome. Looking forward to being able to use this.

Matthias Ott on container queries.

Klint Finley on the history and future of CSS.

iOS has accessibility support for playing background sounds like rain and white noise. Had no idea!

Lincoln Michel on unnecessary things in art. I agree that art isn’t meant to be utilitarian.

Sébastien Lorber on adopting React in the early days. Anthropologically interesting.

Rerun, an SDK for logging computer vision. Pretty impressive demo.

Dave Karpf with his reverse-Scooby-Doo theory of tech innovation. A worthwhile corrective.

Local-first web development. Intriguing.

Kevin Schaul on replacing Mapbox with OSS for a Washington Post piece.

Kottke on Alex Hyner’s sky collages. So cool!

Jen Simmons and Brady Eidson on iOS supporting Web Push. In limited cases, but it’s something. And there are other nice changes included (badging, the screen wake lock API, etc.).

John Allsopp on the Webkit/Safari changes.

Openverse has more than 600 million creative works under Creative Commons licenses or in the public domain.

Neil Clarke of Clarkesworld on being bombarded by AI-written submissions. Being a publisher right now seems…really difficult.

Kevin Roose on chatting with Bing’s Sydney chatbot. I read the whole transcript and it’s bonkers. Clearly Sydney is not a person or some other kind of sentient being, but still, that was a crazy read.

Max Matza on foreign accent syndrome. I don’t have this, though my wife and kids might sometimes beg to differ. (The actual thing, though — wow!)

Curious Archive on the complex ecosystem of the indie game Rain World. I doubt the “most complex” hyperbole, but leaving that out, it’s fascinating! Especially the procedural animation.

CAD Sketcher is working on adding more CAD functionality to Blender. (Disclaimer: while I’m interested in CAD and occasionally link to it, I’ve never actually done any CAD.)

Eliot Peper interview with Ray Nayler. Relevant quote: “At no point between life’s starting point 3.7 billion years ago and my and your complex awareness right now has that chain of informational exchange and interpretation been interrupted. If it had been, you would not be here to think of that interruption’s consequences.” That blew my mind — that the ancestral chain of my physical body is unbroken all the way back (as evidenced by the fact that I’m here, and that intermediate links had to survive long enough to reproduce).

Christopher Slye on the end of Type 1 fonts. I haven’t used them in ages (since my desktop Linux days), but goodbye, Type 1!

Andy Bell on just posting (on blogs). Again, if any of y’all have a blog, let me know!

Scott Nedrelow’s Magic Sleeve desk organization system, made from merino wool. Looks cool.

Marc on accessibility being for everyone. Yes, yes, yes.

José M. Gilgado on creation happening in silence. While I can think of several exceptions, there are still some truths here.

Henrik Karlsson on the childhoods of exceptional people. Fascinating reading, even if I have no idea how reliable the conclusions are. As for me, I care a lot more about my children growing up to be good people, and don’t particularly care if they grow up to be exceptional, but doing some of the things listed in the post (within reason) seems like it might be interesting.

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Links #65

Saharan’s zoomable meta Game of Life. Cool. And trippy.

Jen Simmons on CSS nesting, now available in Safari Technology Preview. Come on, Firefox.

Mike Crittenden with a simple cron for cleaning up your downloads folder. I keep meaning to set something like this up.

Tom MacWright on adding circles to Placemark, and why geospatial circles aren’t as simple as they sound.

Jason Kottke on a new image of the Milky Way with 3.32 billion individual objects. Whew!

Hannah Docter-Loeb about some weird polar vortex off the north pole of the sun.

React.js: The Documentary. I haven’t watched it yet because I’m awful at making time for long videos.

Robin Wieruch on ten web development trends this year.

WHO says no level of alcohol consumption is safe for one’s health.

Turborepo and Turbopack, by Vercel. Supposedly Turbopack is way faster than Vite. Interesting.

Zach Leatherman has been collecting criticisms of React.

Laurie Voss’s rebuttal of Alex Russell’s Market for Lemons post. I can see his point — network effects are real — but I still think we can do better for end users.

Thomas F. Arciuolo and Miad Faezipour with an idea on tapping the Yellowstone supervolcano for energy. And to keep it from erupting. Color me intrigued.

Harry Spitzer on Ryan Dahl and Deno. Enjoyed reading this. I need to play around with Deno some more. And Bun.

Chris Coyier on CSS for spacing between elements. I didn’t know about margin-trim, but it seems like a great future alternative to gap in non-flex/non-grid settings.

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Links #64

Marcin Wichary’s Kickstarter for his Shift Happens book. I backed this because man, I want that book. The livestream was fun to watch, too.

Nick Compton with an introduction on Tyler Hobbs, the generative artist.

Zach Watson’s writeup on his Arcadia generative art series. I love these types of things.

Tushar Sadhwani on adding C-style for loops to Python. Ha.

Stefan Schubert with a map showing the mean center of the U.S. population over time. Fascinating.

Johann Hari on the medium being the message and how it relates to television, social media, and books. A good way to look at it, I think.

Adam Roberts’ Tolkien reread. Good lit crit.

Kristin Houser on Shift Robotic’s new moonwalker shoes. I don’t know that I’d ever use these but they’re interesting!

Jay Hoffmann’s Vague, But Exciting… The Story of the World Wide Web. The first ten chapters are up.

Browsertech Digest, an interesting newish newsletter about modern browser technology: “We’re talking WebAssembly, WebRTC, WebGL, WebGPU, WebSockets, WebCodecs, WebTransport, Web-everything.” Right up my alley.

Womp, an in-browser 3D editor that uses signed distance fields instead of meshes. Fascinating! This was quite fun to play with. Also see the Browsertech issue where I learned about it.

Lunatic, an Erlang-inspired runtime for WebAssembly. Currently has libraries for Rust and AssemblyScript but can be used from any language that compiles to Wasm. The motivation page was worth reading.

Alex Russell with some strong words against the bigger JS frameworks. The footnotes were helpful for understanding things. I don’t know that I feel anywhere near as strongly about it as Alex does, but I very much agree that JS frameworks should be focused on the end user first and then the developer.

Eric Meyer’s 2023 CSS wishlist. Anchors sure would be nice. And from Dave Rupert’s wishlist, I very much want <selectmenu> and the View Transitions API for MPAs.

Richard Crossman reading part of the Scots edition of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stane. (Yes, stane.) This was fun.

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Links #63

Carbonyl, a Chromium browser in a terminal. More impressive than I expected.

Andrew Plotkin on the new 3D VR version of Colossal Cave. I spent many hours of my childhood playing interactive fiction like Colossal Cave and Zork, building my own with TADS and AGT, frequenting the IFDB and the annual IF Competition. Ah, memories. I’ve tried to play some of the old text adventures with Frotz, but I’m no longer a gamer and my brain refuses; it would rather read books. (I also struggle to watch movies for the same reason. I know this is weird.)

Hundred Rabbits’ Oquonie game. Gamer though I’m not, games still interest me, and I love the art on this one. The new pixel art version they’re working on also looks good.

Stephen Winick at the Library of Congress on the origins of ring-around-the-rosie. It’s more modern than I expected.

Fiona Harvey on Colossal Biosciences trying to de-extinct the dodo. This is the company that’s also trying to bring back the woolly mammoth and that clearly took the wrong message away from Jurassic Park.

Bertrand Delacretaz on the web platform being back. “We strongly believe in making maximum use of the Web Platform for our current and future developments, and in being frugal with anything that we put on top of it.” Yes.

Jason Wang’s videos showing exoplanets orbiting their stars. That first one! (HR 8799.) Wow!

Ewen Callaway on a study showing that microbiomes become similar among cohabitants over time. Which could have interesting ramifications.

Amelia Pollard on the intriguing architecture of the Vancouver House apartment tower. I would not live in that tower. Whew.

Rach Smith on a recommendation from Steven Pressfield: “Start whatever you’re writing with ‘this is what a bad version of this idea looks like:’, or something similar to free yourself from thinking that whatever you write needs to be good.” I like that a lot.

Felt map showing the number of times each U.S. state appears in an NYT crossword. No idea why Utah and Ohio are so popular.

Oliver Burkemann on how to forget what you read. I like that idea, of forgetting as a filter. (I probably like it especially because I never take notes anymore.)

Andy Bell on speed for developers vs. users. Yep.

Lincoln Michel on qualities of fairy tales. This is good and makes me want to write some fairy tales with these qualities.

Animation Obsessive on how to paint like Hayao Miyazaki.

Tyler Johnson on soulcraft at BYU. I liked this, and also quite liked Laura Miller’s watercolor illustrations for the piece.

Information Is Beautiful on the most successful Hollywood movies of all time, including some new ways of looking at the data.

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Links #62

@elsif’s Genuary 9 generative art piece. Love the painterly feel of this.

Ian Sample on scientists steering lightning bolts with lasers for the first time. A sentence I never thought I’d write.

Jason Kottke with a video of a drone diving the full height of the Burj Khalifa. Whew.

The Book Cover Review, where they review book covers. I love book covers.

Chris Coyier on scalable CSS. I’ll mention here that I don’t really like Tailwind. Used it at a job and while I get the appeal, it takes away the joy of CSS for me.

Michelle Barker on a couple downsides of using a CSS framework like Tailwind. Yep.

Autogram on design systems and AI.

Scott Alexander on the ethics of eating insects. Food for thought. (Har, har.) Did I ever mention the time I bought waxworms and ate them? Looks like I blogged my plan to buy them back in 2018 but forgot to post about it afterwards. Eating one live was traumatizing and felt like a car accident in my mouth. I froze and then fried the rest and ate them in tacos and they were surprisingly good!

Bill Ferris on how to blurb someone’s book. Ha.

Gluon, a new framework for creating desktop apps from websites (like Electron or Tauri) using normal system-installed browsers, for a much smaller footprint. Intriguing.

Jim Nielsen on the anti-capitalist web. Yes, yes, yes. That’s probably one of the main reasons I love the web, too, now that I think about it.

Esther Hi‘ilani Candari’s ARTbook project, an art companion to the 2024 Book of Mormon Come Follow Me curriculum, aimed to be more diverse and inclusive. This is great.

Jeremy Keith on three attributes for better web forms. I didn’t know a lot of this!

Jessie Inchauspé on how the order we eat food actually matters. This changed my life, in the sense that it was a notable revision to my mental model that’s going to affect how I eat going forward.

Robb Owen on hand-thrown frontends (as opposed to assembling Lego bricks). I like this.

bsandro made a monochrome terminal for an e-ink monitor. Mmm. I really hope that larger e-ink displays with fast refresh rates become an affordable thing in the future.

Mirza Silajdzic on how Wi-Fi routers can be used to produce 3D images of humans. Fascinating and a little creepy.

Daniel Sims on gravity batteries in abandoned mines. This sounds really cool, actually.

git-sim lets you pre-visualize Git operations, which could come in handy.

The misleading St. Louis Fed graph. (And oh how I wish the U.S. would take a big chunk of its military spending and put it towards something more humane.)

Gideon Burton about children leaving the faith. A really good article. This is something I think about a lot, having children of my own and also seeing siblings and cousins leave.

Steven Garrity on efficiency over performance. Yes, agreed.

Blenderheads, a documentary about the people making Blender. Cool.

TBRCon2023, a virtual sci-fi/fantasy/horror convention. I was surprised by how many well-known authors they had. I’ve only watched parts of a few panels (video is not my thing and I struggle to make time for it), but what I saw was great.

JinjaX, a way to do Jinja includes via component instead of extension. Cool.

Kellan Elliott-McCrea on complexity in software. Yup.

Deena Theresa on a newly discovered anti-aging gene that apparently rewinds heart age by ten years. Hopefully this ends up being usable (and safe) for humans.

Haley Nahman on the contagious visual blandness of Netflix.

Becky Ferreira on a liquid metal robot that can escape a cage. It’s slower and clunkier than you might expect, but still fascinating.

Jason Kottke on sunburn photographic printing. Disturbing yet fascinating.

Chronophoto, a web game where you try to guess what year each photo was taken.

Tom Critchlow on the magic of small databases.

eBoy’s TiliX reference, a howto on drawing isometric pixel art.

Meta’s Text-To-4D dynamic scene generation paper. What is this new devilry.

widget.json, “a file format designed to push content from the web to your home screen.”

Joe Miller’s Screens, Research and Hypertext book. A fascinating exploration of hypertext and the web.

Chris Lattner’s introduction to LLVM, in the Architecture of Open Source Applications.

Robin Rendle on hypertext, which led me to the next link.

Kicks Condor interviews Nadia Asparouhova. Quoted in the Robin Rendle piece, this bit stood out to me: “Someone (I think Eugene Wei?) once tweeted that all Twitter accounts eventually sound like fortune cookies. I don’t want to become a fortune cookie. So I like things like newsletters, and my notes page, which are still discoverable and semi-public, but aren’t subject to short feedback loops. I also removed comments on my blog for the same reason, and I never look at my site analytics.” Also this: “The problem with likes is it naturally draws your eye towards the most-liked stuff, instead of deciding for yourself what’s most interesting. It almost feels like I’d be taking agency away from the reader by doing that.” This is one of the several reasons why I much prefer posting here.

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Links #61

Alexandre Prokoudine on 2023 in preview for Libre Arts. Looking forward to Metal support in Blender.

The MuseScore 4.0 announcement video. When I used MuseScore recently for the hymn prints, I didn’t realize it was a new version and had completely forgotten what the old one was like. 4.0 is so much better. Wow.

Tantacrul with an in-depth video on how they made MuseScore 4. This was great, loved it. I wish there were videos like this more often for open source projects. (Maybe there are and I just haven’t seen them.) The new instruments and playback quality are incredible and have me itching to get back into composing, now that I can export audio that will actually sound good.

Tantacrul on designing Leland, MuseScore’s music font. Loved this. Especially liked learning about SCORE.

Oktophonie on engraving changes in MuseScore 4.0. A lot of this is covered by the video, but I still really enjoyed reading through it. Mmm. (Very impressed by the engraving quality in 4.0, too.)

SMuFL, the Standard Music Font Layout. Bookmarking this here in case I ever end up getting into type design for real and want to design my own music notation font.

BlenderBIM, a BIM plugin for Blender. I have no need for this but I wish I did! (Alternate timeline.)

The Visual Dome, AI art from a semi-consistent secondary world. Freaky but fascinating.

Andy Matuschak on cultivating depth and stillness in research. This resonated — both the part about feeling the need to release work frequently and the part about social media making it hard to think slow thoughts and read books. (Some of that might be more my takeaway than things he actually says, by the way.)

David Heinemeier Hansson on why 37signals is largely leaving the cloud for their own servers. Bravo. Decentralization is a good thing, and AWS’s monopoly is a bit worrisome for the future of the internet.

Zach Leatherman on the JavaScript community. I hadn’t seen that only 3% of sites use React and a staggering 77% still use jQuery. Wow. While I do use React at work, I too have felt the disconnect (as is probably clear from some of these link posts) and have often feel at odds with the direction of contemporary frontend engineering. More JavaScript isn’t the answer, at least for me. (Which I say in spite of really liking JS. It’s my favorite language to write code in at the moment.)

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