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Links #80

Leah Spencer on reviving old typefaces for film and TV. Mmm.

The Church released a new version of the mobile Sacred Music app that basically has responsive sheet music, that idea I posted about years ago. (They call it “resize sheet music.”) I used the feature yesterday in sacrament meeting and it was so much easier to read the lyrics. Also see Sejiko’s responsive sheet music with CSS Grid.

Michal Krasnopolski’s minimalist movie posters. These are great.

Henrik Karlsson on publishing less frequently (because of spending more time on writing). “Each time I’ve given in to my impulse to ‘optimize’ a piece it has performed massively better (in terms of how much it’s been read, how many subscribers it’s generated, and, most importantly, the number of interesting people brought into my world).”

Dang, coconut crabs are freaky.

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Links #79

Google’s Typograms, a lightweight web-based image format for describing diagrams. “Unlike libraries like Mermaid, typograms are defined typographically (WYSWYG), rather than semantically (a transformation from a high level description to graphics), which picks a different trade-off: it gives you more control over the rendering (expressivity) at the cost of making you type more (productivity).” I’ve been thinking about using something in this vein (probably more Mermaid than typograms) to outline fiction.

Josh Collinsworth on React. “React has aged, and how I don’t think most people realize how much or how poorly.” I wouldn’t mind bidding adieu to React, though that doesn’t seem particularly likely for many more years given how entrenched it is in the industry.

David Pierce on the upcoming Slack redesign.

OFRAK Tetris, which “is like the Tetris you know and love, except the blocks are assembly instructions.” It uses Unicorn Engine (which branched off QEMU, I believe) to actually execute the instructions in an emulated CPU. I don’t think quickly enough (or know enough assembly) to play it very well, but I love the idea. The aesthetic is fun, too.

Slime Mold Time Mold on vacations and weight loss. “There are lots of stories where an American goes on vacation for a few weeks, to Europe or Asia or wherever, and loses a significant amount of weight without any special effort…. There are also some stories that are exactly the opposite: someone from Europe or Asia or wherever goes on vacation to America for a few weeks, and GAINS a significant amount of weight without any changes.” Fascinating anecdotal phenomenon.

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Links #78

Jess Zafarris on the etymology of outrage, which does not in fact come from either out or rage.

Rachel Zack on Felt’s new zoom-based styling and layer visibility. Ooh. Well done. It feels like this idea could also have application in other types of UI, though I haven’t thought about it enough to know what those might be.

Video of Naveen Kumar setting a new world record for smashing walnuts with one’s forehead. Is this a worthwhile use of a forehead? Humanity is weird sometimes.

Samuel Axon on the passing of Bram Moolenaar, the creator of Vim, at age 62. Sad.

Wikipedia’s 2023 in science so far. A fun page to peruse from time to time. For example, I didn’t know that last month they found naturally occurring graphene for the first time. The “predicted and scheduled events” section is also fun — I didn’t know Rocket Lab was sending a probe to Venus!

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Links #77

Michael John Goodman’s digitized edition of William Morris’s Kelmscott Chaucer. I don’t know that I agree with the “most beautiful book ever produced” bit, but it’s certainly an interesting book, and nice to see another digitized version of it. The ornamentation on the page borders has given me some inspiration, too. (More to come on that later, if anything ever comes of it.)

Doug Wilson on Tobias Frere-Jones designing the Whitney typeface. I also enjoyed the posts about designing Archer and Surveyor.

The Judd Foundation library site. Wow. That’s amazing.

Gabarito, a nice, friendly (and newly open-sourced) geometric sans typeface. Seems like it would work well on a picture book.

Maya on dark mode in the ancient world (purple parchment, etc.), and “ancient” is used loosely here. Never seen any of these before, but wow, they’re fascinating.

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Links #76

bookofjoe with a map of driving orientation by country. Seems too late to ever unify on this globally, but who knows.

Jake Archibald on self-closing tags in HTML. Color me convinced.

Visualization showing how curved Chile is, because of the curvature of the earth.

HarfBuzz’s new WASM shaper lets you write your own shaping engine in WebAssembly. Interesting.

Christopher Butler on personal machines (like smartphones).

Longshot Space has a kinetic system for launching satellites on the cheap. Ooh. (Speaking for myself here and not for Planet Labs.)

Carla Hurt on how to learn Latin by yourself in 2023. Lots of good stuff here.

Primarium, documenting handwriting models across countries. By TypeTogether.

Jessie Gaynor on gentle parenting in classic literature, from McSweeney’s. Ha.

OrbStack is an interesting lightweight Docker Desktop alternative on macOS. Looking forward to trying this out, just need to upgrade macOS first. (I used to upgrade religiously each year but got burned too many times. tl;dr I’m still on Big Sur.)

Penny Thomson’s amazing moving miniatures. Love these.

Keith Houston visits Narbo Martius. Some lovely inscription photos.

Deepak Gulati on 19th-century ornamental tile illustrations.

Nat Eliason on doing hard things. Yes. I’m still thinking about this weeks later. Recommended.

Elie Mystal on Clarence Thomas.

Lin Yangchen on the Fell typefaces, including some customizations. I love those fonts.

Tsundoku, a word for new books that pile up unread. (Cough.)

Matt Stoller on the new merger guidelines.

Loz Blain on DishBrain, a new computer chip with human brain tissue. We certainly live in interesting times.

Valdemar Erk on using the HarfBuzz WASM shaper to make a long animation in a font. Wow.

Adam Rogers on Silicon Valley predatory pricing. I really don’t like Chicago School economics. Or late-stage capitalism.

Ollie Williams on the new @font-face syntax.

Andy Bell’s experience living through wildfires on Rhodes in Greece. Harrowing.

Bill Chappell on Republicans’ excess death rate spiking after Covid vaccines arrived. No comment.

Henrik Karlsson and Johanna Wiberg on cultivating a state of mind where new ideas are born. Fascinating. I plan to reread this regularly.

Fabien Sanglard on Commander Keen’s adaptive tile refresh technique.

Esther Crawford on her experience at Twitter under Musk.

Carolyn Y. Johnson on scientists reviving a 46,000-year-old roundworm. Wow.

Jess Zafarris on the etymology of the word blackmail (which apparently does not have to do with black or mail).

Eleanor Janega on successor states and social media. This was good.

Amy Hoy on the boom times being over in tech. The answer: “We can build things that people will pay real money to have and use.” Yes, yes, yes.

Suw Charman-Anderson on hyper-independence and whether writing really has to be so solitary.

Axess Lab on why toggles suck. Agreed.

W. David Marx asking why Internet creators haven’t become superstars. I hadn’t thought about it much, but it’s true. Fascinating.

Francisco Pires on the recent potential superconductor breakthrough. Hopefully it pans out.

Mario Wolczko’s crazy Unix system recovery story.

Benjamin Breen on why early modern books are so beautiful. “Printed books from this period cover a huge range of topics and dozens of languages, but for me at least, they have one thing in common: I almost always find them far more interesting — more beautifully designed, more strange, more intriguing — than modern books.”

@gigaj0ule on a new cancer drug. “Small molecule oral cancer drug kills 100% of solid tumors across 70 evaluated cancer types in vitro and in animal models with a therapeutic index of 6 and no discernible side effects.” Wow.

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Links #75

Nate Johnson on pivoting from journalist to electrician. Career pivots intrigue me, having been through one already and wondering whether I have another one coming down the road someday.

Joann is doing some really cool things with AI art.

Louise Perry responds to Brian Caplan on feminism.

0xProto, an open source monospace font, with sane ligatures.

Robert Macfarlane on John McPhee.

Adam Mastroianni on the illusion of moral decline (the “back in the good old days” claims). Interesting research. And note that this is for morality people generally agree upon.

Shapecatcher, where you can draw a Unicode character and it’ll find the code point for you.

Katja Grace on AI and people saying we don’t trade with ants. Enjoyed this.

Thierry de Pauw on letting unreviewed code go to production. Interesting! Don’t know how I feel about this.

Mike Crittenden on toddlers polluting analytics. I hadn’t thought of this before, but it makes a lot of sense.

Vsauce on whether people used to look older.

Davis Kedrosky defends Jared Diamond’s Guns, Germs, and Steel. Which was nice to see since I’ve largely only seen reviews that put it down.

Shariar Shahrabi on procedural Chinese landscapes with Blender’s geometry nodes. I need to learn how to use geometry nodes.

Chris Siebenmann on creating HTML via string templates.

Sol Reader, a reading-focused VR headset. This is the kind of thing that piques my interest (I spend a lot of time lying on my back, and holding my phone up to read is hard on my hands and wrists), but the text display does not look all that great (surprisingly low resolution with bitmapped fonts, at least from the image I saw).

Gretchen McCulloch on why pirate speech sounds the way it does. Fun.

A macOS Automator script to print booklets from PDFs. Used this to help make a girls camp booklet.

Mori, a new genealogy web app. The version control especially intrigues me.

Matthias Ott on CSS as a design tool. Agreed. Figma is great, but there’s still a fairly large disconnect between designs and implementation.

Jakob Greenfeld on talking to people. Yes.

Akshay on plain text journaling. I somehow didn’t realize I could create custom little one-off syntax highlighting rules in Vim. Ended up adding some for my work to-do file and log file.

Jennifer Sandlin on Mr. Doodle’s house. Wow.

Tomas Pueyo on how maps twist our perception of the world.

Morgan Housel on what happened to the U.S. economy after WWII. This was good.

Christian Heilmann defending frontend engineering as a full-time job.

Rasmus Andersson is hiring founding engineers for Playbit, which looks super interesting (new OS for creative work).

Nobody Has Time for Python on hype cycles. Tongue in cheek but there’s a lot of truth to it.

Saurabh with some advanced macOS commands. I didn’t know about some of these.

Julian Gough with some last-minute gravitational wave predictions. I have no idea if it’s right, but wow, the evolving universe idea (where black holes are a universe’s offspring, giving birth to baby universes) is fascinating. Also, the International Pulsar Timing Array idea is genius. Wow.

Blender 3.6 is released.

Oscar Holland on a handbag smaller than a grain of salt. Wow.

Mark Poulier’s architectural shadow art. I’ve been meaning for years to make art in this vein (monochrome art made only of shadows, basically).

James Stanley on incongruous technologies. Reminds me of the “lateral thinking with seasoned technology” idea (which I first heard about from Robin Sloan, but I can’t find a link so instead I’ll link to Alan Jacobs). I’d be very interested in seeing what else could be done with watchmaking-scale gears.

Paul Graham on how to do great work. This is super long and I haven’t read all of it yet, but the parts I did read seemed reasonable. Lots of food for thought here.

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Links #74

More catching up.

Ian Sample on the first UK baby with DNA from three people born after new IVF procedure. Science fiction concepts continue to take over the world.

Austin Kleon on artists being allowed to make bad work. This resonated a lot with me. I certainly feel like I frequently have experimental periods with my art that end up being more failure than success, anyway.

Jason Kottke on how big the biggest black holes are. Whew.

@emilm on some lovely Krita brushes. Used one of these on my last piece for the brushstroke texture. Great examples at the top of the thread, too.

What Midjourney thinks professors look like, based on their department. Ha. Stereotypical but with some truth to it.

Christopher Butler on the internet. “Pockets of life within the propped-up corpse of the internet might be it. It may be the best we get. But I’d prefer to be more optimistic than that. I’d like to think that those of us living on in small ways inside this thing have a collective, good reason to keep it alive. I’d like to think that what’s happening in here can spread and once again reach the surface.”

ast-grep is super interesting.

Nate Oman on possible ways to theologically reconcile same-sex sealings. Interesting food for thought.

Mark Hachman on Sightful’s new Spacetop AR laptop. Want.

Maggie Harrison on a new wooden satellite. Very cool.

Liz Busby on religion in speculative fiction. I think I generally prefer slightly more analogous than explicit, but I also haven’t been reading much overtly Latter-day Saint fiction lately.

Bun 0.6.0 can build standalone executables.

Isabella Rosner on some amazing 17th- and 18th-century Quaker names. Love these.

Strawberry, a tiny build-free frontend framework. Love the website. Also see VanJS. I don’t know if I’d actually use either, but I’m certainly interested in tiny build-free frontend frameworks.

Jim Nielsen on .well-known/avatar. I like the idea. Ended up putting mine at bencrowder.net/avatar.jpg, because my Unix roots make .well-known feel weird to me, like it’s a hidden directory.

Elizabeth Rayne on a sensitive robot hand. “This hand doesn’t just pick things up and put them down on command. It is so sensitive that it can actually ‘feel’ what it is touching, and it’s dextrous enough to easily change the position of its fingers so it can better hold objects, a maneuver known as ‘finger gaiting.’ It is so sensitive it can even do all this in the dark, figuring everything out by touch.”

Mark Shwartz on a new nontoxic powder that uses sunlight to quickly disinfect contaminated drinking water. I hope this works as well as it sounds like it would.

Dwarkesh Patel on lessons from Robert Caro’s The Years of Lyndon Johnson. This got me started with The Power Broker again (which I started a year ago but ended up dropping).

The cognitive load developer’s handbook. A good lens.

Meta on multilingual models that can do speech-to-text and text-to-speech for 1,100+ languages. Wow.

Andre Fuchs’ ultimate list of kerning pairs (for type design).

Molly Templeton on two kinds of unforgettable reading experiences. Many of my reading memories are tied to where I was when I was reading those books — I remember reading Lord of the Rings for the first time at the UTA bus stop my freshman year of college, reading Goethe’s Faust while pacing my bedroom, reading The Sword of Kaigen while waiting at the bus stop, reading Heir to the Empire on the floor of my bedroom when I was a kid, and apparently all my memories are either at the bus stop or in my bedroom. Ha.

Austin Kleon on disability and art. This was heartening.

John Warner on originality being undervalued. “Artistically, the question of how faithful something is to another thing that already exists is simply fundamentally uninteresting. It asks us to respond to art primarily through the lens of nostalgia, rather than on the art’s own terms.”

Simon Willison on that lawyer who ChatGPTed himself into a load of trouble.

John Ousterhout on scar tissue in relationships. Good metaphor.

Rob Stein on IVG. “The researchers used cells from the tails of adult mice to create induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, and then coaxed those iPS cells to become mouse sperm and eggs. They’ve even used those sperm and eggs to make embryos and implanted the embryos into the wombs of female mice, which gave birth to apparently healthy mouse pups.”

Eric Karrfalt on swallowing upside down as a way to combat GERD. “A novel exercise is described for resistance training of the lower esophageal sphincter. Resistance is provided by gravity as food is swallowed and pushed up an incline into the stomach. The incline is established by kneeling with the head bowed lower than the stomach. After several months of daily repetitions, symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux ceased and the exercise was discontinued without relapse.” I’ve started trying this.

Hannah Devlin on suspended animation with rats. More science fiction poking its head in. Crazy!

Joel Cuthbertson on Connie Willis and her upcoming novel. I still need to read All Clear and Blackout.

Daniel Huffman with another walkthrough of one of his mapmaking projects. Loved this.

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Links #73

I’ve been a slacker when it comes to posting these, so we’re going to go a little lighter on commentary in an effort to get caught up.

Shin Oh’s Malaysian voxel illustrations. Love these so much.

Harold Cooper’s spinning diagrams with CSS. Fun.

David Popa’s ice floe art. Cool.

BYU campus HFAC demolition video. Sad to see it go — I had plenty of classes and dates there.

Oliver Darkshire with Neil Gaiman’s cover quote for his book. Ha.

Neal Agarwal’s space elevator page. Cool.

Sørvágsvatn, a cool-looking lake in the Faroe Islands.

Victor Tangermann on scientists potentially figuring out how to regenerate lost hearing.

Samuel Arbesman on his upcoming book, The Magic of Code.

Natasha Lomas on hydraulic haptics for touchscreens. Cool. I look forward to something like this going mainstream. Seems like it could be especially helpful for those with impaired vision.

Jo M’s trainbot (stitching together images of passing trains).

Felix Häcker on his IKEA chair making his screen black out. When I read this, I wondered if my IKEA chair was causing the random Bluetooth glitches I’ve been seeing for the past couple years. (Every once in a while — sometimes as often as once a day — the Bluetooth on my laptop would shut off for around thirty seconds, so my earbuds and keyboard and trackpad would stop working. This usually happened during Zoom calls, conveniently. And it happened on several different laptops from different companies.) I changed chairs a couple weeks ago and haven’t had any glitches since then, though it feels still too early to know if the IKEA chair really was the culprit.

François Valentin on old maps and new maps.

Baldur Bjarnason on AI. Agreed, AGI is not near.

James Somers on AI.

Dina Genkina on a new wooden transistor. Cool.

Fabien Sanglard on the polygons of Another World on the Amiga 500.

Robin Hanson on chasing your reading. Agreed. (Though I don’t do it often enough.)

Ben Werdmuller on AI in the newsroom.

Amelia Wattenberger on the UX of chatbots (and how it’s not great because there aren’t any affordances).

Chrome is replacing the lock icon.

Chris Coyier on CSS logical properties.

Jim Nielsen on the web’s backwards compatibility. Yes, 100%.

Andi with a detailed look at WebGPU.

Oliver Burkemann on using “just go to the shed” as a way to start on something.

Molly Templeton on readers being more than just consumers of books.

madhadron on the seven ur programming languages (interesting even if I don’t quite agree on the specific categorizations), also see the discussion on Hacker News.

Jessica Taylor Price on orcas that have been killing sharks and removing their livers.

Mary C. Dyson’s Legibility, an online book about how typography affects ease of reading.

Warp is integrating AI into their terminal.

Vadim Demedes’ Ink. Basically React for CLIs. Interesting.

Naomi Klein on AI. Wise words. This take resonated with me more than most others I’ve read.

Julian Gough on cosmology.

Charlie Becker on doing the weirdest thing that feels right. An interesting lens, might try this.

Jason Kottke on SineRider (Line Rider + math).

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Links #72

Jo Walton’s reading posts on Tor. Lots of good recommendations throughout these posts. I need to read her An Informal History of the Hugos.

If the person who named walkie talkies had named everything. Ha.

Liz Climo’s cartoons are fun.

Kottke on customizing AirPods Pro for even better sound. Fascinating use case for those with some hearing loss.

Semaphore, a full-body keyboard using computer vision. Ha. And cool.

David Merritt Johns on nutrition science showing that ice cream is actually good for you. Sort of. At least that’s the takeaway I’m going to charge off with.

Shareware Heroes, a book by Richard Moss about shareware games from the ’80s and ’90s. Can’t wait to read this.

Sarah Constantin on why she isn’t an AI doomer and why she doesn’t think AGI will kill us all. Agreed.

Spectral.js, a nice JS color-mixing library from Ronald van Wijnen. Looks useful for generative art.

David Moldawer on rambling, in context of Robert Jordan writing Wheel of Time. I occasionally do something like this with writing, though I’ve thought of it just as journaling rather than as a dialogue with myself. (But now that I’ve read Chatter, the latter framing seems potentially more advantageous.)

Adam Mastroianni on strong-link problems and weak-link problems, particularly in relation to science. Liked this. I also liked his posts on psychology being hogwash and underrated ideas in psychology and ideas not being harder to find.

Slime Mold Time Mold on reality being weird. I was also fascinated by their posts on the gender gap in chronic illness and the potato diet for weight loss and the root cause of the obesity epidemic.

Tom MacWright on AI. “I also just don’t especially want to stop thinking about code. I don’t want to stop writing sentences in my own voice. I get a lot of joy from craft.” That resonates.

Hexagony, an esoteric programming language on a hexagonal grid, by Martin Ender. “The name is a portmanteau of hexagon and agony, because…well, give programming in it a go.” Ha.

True Millennial on David Alexander’s story of conversion and getting baptized. Loved this.

Adam Stoddard on craft at scale. I suspect he’s right.

Henrik Karlsson on the borderland between essays and code, and how AI might change that. Interesting take.

Julian Gough’s The Egg and the Rock, a book being written on Substack. One of the most interesting things I’ve read in a while, about cosmology and science. Absolutely going to be reading this as it’s posted.

John Thyer on making small games. Enjoyed this. Planning to make another small game sometime. (That’s the only kind I’ve ever made, as it happens.)

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Links #71

Cursor, a text editor made for programming with AI. Interesting.

Simon Willison on AI-enhanced development. This post made me think that maybe there’s something to this after all.

John Gruber on Wavelength, a messaging app with built-in AI. I installed this but haven’t yet had anyone to talk with besides the chatbot.

Adam Posen on U.S. zero-sum economics and how relocating manufacturing production back to the U.S. isn’t actually a good thing. I have no idea if he’s right, but I’m generally in favor of globalization.

Scott O’Hara on the new HTML searchelement. Cool.

Adam Morgan’s Esquire profile of Brandon Sanderson. Way better than the Wired one.

Culturalytics with a table of cultural distances between countries. I don’t know how accurate/measurable this really is, but it’s interesting.

Christian Thalmann on the Korean-like script he designed for Netflix’s Shadow and Bone series. Cool.

Sian Bayley on Penguin’s new 1984 cover design from David Pearson. Loved this.

Blender 3.5 is released. The hair stuff is impressive, and the vector displacement maps for sculpting are also intriguing.

Marcelo de Oliveira Rosa Prates’s prettymaps Python package. I like this!

Alex Murrell on the age of average.

Hillel Wayne on ten weird things you can buy online. Ha.

Simon Willison on LLMs like ChatGPT being a calculator for words. This is a good way to think about it, definitely a better mental model than “I’m talking to something that might actually be sentient.”

Mike Crittenden on the physiological sigh. I read about this technique a couple years ago and have been using it regularly since then, and it does seem to work.

Brandon Sanderson on writing and feeling like an outsider.

Lincoln Michel on prose-forward writing. I like this way of thinking about it, more than character vs. plot, etc.

Max Gladstone about texture and aerodynamics in prose. Part of that same conversation.

Molly Templeton also on prose, and also part of that conversation.

Alexander Miller on grids. A fun read.

Mrigakshi Dixit on peanut allergies possibly being treatable by mRNA-based medicine. A lot of interesting things coming out of mRNA tech.

Linda Geddes on upcoming cancer and heart-disease mRNA vaccines. Can’t wait to see how this all plays out.

CourtBouillon on printing via the web (transforming HTML/CSS into PDFs, that is).

Andy Baio on his color blindness. A good reminder of how experiences can differ, and what we can do to make things more accessible for people.

Lian Cho on learning how to draw 200 dragons. I liked this. A good example of how to break apart a big task.

Austin Kleon with a bunch of quotes on not worrying about style as an artist.

Kepler.gl, an open source geospatial analysis tool for large-scale data sets. Cool, hadn’t heard of it before.

Make Something Wonderful: Steve Jobs in his own words. Nice use of CSS scroll snap and web components.

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