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Scripture reference index to religious art

Also see the tag index, the chronological index, the alphabetical index, and the Doctrinal Mastery index.

Old Testament

Genesis 1

Genesis 1:26–27

Genesis 2:24

Genesis 8:6–12

Genesis 22:15–18

Genesis 39:9

Exodus 12:7

Exodus 12:11

Exodus 12:21–23, 26–27

Exodus 13:21–22

Exodus 14:21

Exodus 17:11–12

Exodus 20:8

Joshua 24:15

Ruth 1:16–17

1 Samuel 17:37

2 Kings 5:9–10

2 Kings 6:16

Job 19:26

Psalm 23:1–4

Psalm 24:3–4

Isaiah 1:18

Isaiah 2:2

Isaiah 5:20

Isaiah 29:13–14

Isaiah 45:23

Isaiah 53:3–5

Isaiah 58:13–14

Jeremiah 1:4–5

Ezekiel 37:19

Daniel 2:34-45

Daniel 3

Daniel 6:20

Zechariah 14:4

Malachi 3:8–10

Malachi 4:5–6

New Testament

Matthew 3:13–17

Matthew 3:16

Matthew 4:18–20

Matthew 5:13

Matthew 5:14–16

Matthew 5:43–45

Matthew 6:24

Matthew 7:8

Matthew 7:13–14

Matthew 8:23-27

Matthew 10:16-20

Matthew 11:28

Matthew 11:29–30

Matthew 13:45–46

Matthew 14:19–21

Matthew 14:29–31

Matthew 14:31

Matthew 16:15–17

Matthew 16:24–25

Matthew 17:1–2

Matthew 17:1–5

Matthew 17:20

Matthew 18:20

Matthew 18:21–22

Matthew 20:8–14

Matthew 20:19

Matthew 22:37–40

Matthew 24:27

Matthew 25:1–13

Matthew 25:19–21

Matthew 26:39

Matthew 28:5–6

Matthew 28:6

Mark 10:13–16

Luke 1:30–33

Luke 2:7

Luke 2:10

Luke 2:52

Luke 4:17–21

Luke 15:4

Luke 15:4–7

Luke 15:11–32

Luke 17:12–19

Luke 23:46

John 1:29

John 2:11

John 5

John 6:20

John 10:7–9

John 11:43–44

John 19:1–5

John 19:19

John 20:15–16

Acts 2:38

Acts 10:34–35

1 Corinthians 12:27

1 Corinthians 13:12

1 Corinthians 13:13

1 Corinthians 15:29

1 Corinthians 15:55

2 Thessalonians 2:1–4

Hebrews 10:19–20

Hebrews 13:8

James 1:5

Revelation 20:4

Revelation 21:4

Revelation 21:6

Book of Mormon

Title page

1 Nephi 1:5-6

1 Nephi 2:2-4

1 Nephi 3:7

1 Nephi 6:4-5

1 Nephi 7:16-18

1 Nephi 8, 11

1 Nephi 8:10–12

1 Nephi 8:24

1 Nephi 11:20–23

1 Nephi 11:22

1 Nephi 11:25

1 Nephi 11:33

1 Nephi 18:3

2 Nephi 1:15

2 Nephi 2:6–7

2 Nephi 2:25

2 Nephi 2:27

2 Nephi 4:15–16

2 Nephi 10:22

2 Nephi 10:25

2 Nephi 25:13

2 Nephi 26:33

2 Nephi 28:30

2 Nephi 31:3

2 Nephi 31:5

2 Nephi 31:10

2 Nephi 32:8–9

Jacob 7:13–15

Mosiah 2:17

Mosiah 3:19

Mosiah 4:27

Mosiah 18:8

Mosiah 18:8–10

Mosiah 18:16–17, 30

Alma 7:10–12

Alma 19:16–17

Alma 23:6

Alma 23:8-13

Alma 23:14

Alma 26:32

Alma 32:28

Alma 34:9–10

Alma 34:14

Alma 36:6–7

Alma 36:16–20

Alma 40:11–12

Alma 56:47–48

Helaman 5:12

Helaman 14:4

Helaman 14:5

Helaman 16:2

3 Nephi 1:14–15

3 Nephi 8:23–24

3 Nephi 10:6

3 Nephi 11:6–8

3 Nephi 11:8

3 Nephi 11:10–11

3 Nephi 11:20–22

3 Nephi 11:28–30

3 Nephi 12:48

3 Nephi 14:7

3 Nephi 17:1–3

3 Nephi 17:15–17

3 Nephi 17:23–24

3 Nephi 18:7, 11

3 Nephi 27:20

Ether 3:1

Ether 3:4

Ether 6:10

Ether 12:6

Ether 12:27

Ether 12:38–41

Moroni 4:3

Moroni 7

Moroni 7:25

Moroni 10:4–5

Moroni 10:18–19

Moroni 10:27

Moroni 10:32

Doctrine & Covenants

D&C 1:38

D&C 3:1–2

D&C 3:2

D&C 3:7–8

D&C 4:2

D&C 4:3–5

D&C 4:4–5

D&C 6:36

D&C 8:2

D&C 10:5

D&C 10:27

D&C 10:41–43

D&C 13:1

D&C 18:10–11

D&C 18:13

D&C 18:15–16

D&C 19:16–19

D&C 20:10–12

D&C 20:25–28

D&C 20:77

D&C 21:4–6

D&C 22:1

D&C 24:8

D&C 25:3, 11–12

D&C 26:2

D&C 29:11

D&C 35:6

D&C 45:36

D&C 45:48

D&C 58:42–43

D&C 65:2

D&C 66:2

D&C 76:22–24

D&C 76:70–71, 81

D&C 82:8–10

D&C 84:88

D&C 101:16

D&C 109:5

D&C 110

D&C 110:11

D&C 122:7

D&C 128:15

D&C 128:18

D&C 130:1

D&C 130:2

D&C 130:22

D&C 131:1–4

D&C 132:7

D&C 132:24

D&C 132:46

D&C 137:10

D&C 138:18–19

D&C 138:33–34

D&C 138:50

Pearl of Great Price

Moses 1

Moses 1:1–2

Moses 1:39

Moses 6:59–60

Moses 7:18

Abraham 3:22

Abraham 4:27

Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:26

Joseph Smith—History 1:16

Joseph Smith—History 1:17

Articles of Faith 4


A Child’s Prayer

Abide with Me

Abide with Me; ’Tis Eventide

Amazing Grace

As Sisters in Zion

Away in a Manger

Brightly Beams Our Father’s Mercy

Come, Come, Ye Saints

Come, Follow Me

Come, Lord Jesus

Families Can Be Together Forever

God Be With You Till We Meet Again

Hark, All Ye Nations!

He Is Risen

I Am a Child of God

I Need Thee Every Hour

Joseph Smith’s First Prayer

Joy to the World

Love at Home

Master, the Tempest Is Raging

Nearer, My God, to Thee

O My Father

Oh, What Songs of the Heart

Our Savior’s Love

Prayer Is the Soul’s Sincere Desire

Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel

Silent Night

Sweet Hour of Prayer

Teach Me to Walk in the Light

The First Noel

The Morning Breaks

There Is a Green Hill Far Away

This Is the Christ

Upon the Cross of Calvary

While of These Emblems We Partake

General Conference

May 1992

October 2020