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First Vision Triptych

I’ve wanted to start doing more gospel-related art (along with my science fiction and fantasy illustrations), and this is my first piece, “First Vision Triptych.” It’s also one of my first forays into semi-abstract art. (The main reason I did it this way, though, is that I’m not good at drawing people yet.)

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Dropping the Nets

A new illustration (and yes, it’s been way too long since the last one), called “Dropping the Nets”:

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Sleeping Bird

I was reading Brenda Ueland’s excellent book If You Want to Write last night and felt like making some more art, so here is “Sleeping Bird,” a new illustration I painted in Photoshop. This one’s a different style from my usual:

It was (rather) loosely inspired by Chinese art. And it’s fun trying to achieve a not-so-digital look using digital tools. Next goal: learning how to do woodcut-style illustrations in Photoshop.

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Comet crash

A couple days ago I took an old illustration I did and added some much-needed texture. I’m calling it “Comet Crash”:

Comet Crash

The initial illustration was pure Illustrator, and the textures (six or seven layers composited together) were added in Photoshop.

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