Blog: #photoshop RSS feed
- New artwork: Peace, Be Still. I dialed up the SVG turbulence filters to get the effect on the left....
- New artwork: The Night Shall Not Be Darkened. On this one I used an erosion filter along with turbul...
- A few other new pieces: Nothing Shall Be Impossible unto You (about faith), Roll Forth (about the st...
- New artwork: Tree of Life II. I used the same circle packing technique to generate the circles, cons...
- New artwork: Within the Walls of Your Own Homes. I realized (this is the very small breakthrough I m...
- New artwork: Plan of Salvation. Inspired by a comment my friend Naomi made about another piece. This...
- New artwork: Before the World Was II. It’s (in my opinion) a much better execution of Before the Wor...
- Some WIP experimentation with art. Brief backstory: when I’m doing my minimalist religious art, I us...
- New artwork: Love at Home.
- New artwork: Prodigal Son.
- New artwork: The Lord’s Passover. Also, this one wasn’t digital. (Acrylic on canvas board.) Definite...
- New artwork: Mine Angels Round About You.
- Two new pieces of art: Pressing Forward (from Lehi’s vision) and New and Everlasting.
- New artwork: The Millennium.
- New artwork: Before the World Was. I wrote a DrawBot script to generate the circles and randomly dis...
- New artwork: To Save Us All. On this one I decided to go back to clean lines, rather than the distre...
- New artwork: Light of Truth and Love.
- New artwork: Families Can Be Together Forever.
- Another new piece: As Sisters in Zion. (Today is apparently an art day.)
- Another new painting based on a hymn: When Our Heavenly Parents We Meet.
- New artwork: I Am a Child of God.
- Father's Blessing
- My Soul Delighteth II
- Let the Lower Lights Be Burning
- The Angels of God Were There
- Their Work and Glory II
- The Third Day
- No Respecter of Persons
- Trailing Clouds of Glory II
- My Soul Delighteth
- Abide with Me
- First Vision Triptych III
- Yet in My Flesh Shall I See God
- Family Prayer V
- Ninety and Nine II
- Of Heavenly Parents
- For Time and All Eternity II
- Upon the Cross of Calvary
- Hearts of the Children II
- In Your Royal Courts on High
- I've a Mother There
- It Is I; Be Not Afraid
- Wherefore Didst Thou Doubt?
- Baptized for the Dead
- Spirit of Elijah
- I Will Give You Rest
- Whatsoever You Seal on Earth
- Every Knee
- Reunion II
- Slain for the Sins of the World
- In the Arms of His Love II
- To Keep It Holy
- It Is the Same
- April 6, 1830
- On the Third Day
- Prophets, Seers, Revelators II
- Nevertheless
- He Is Not Here
- First Vision XIV
- Tell Me the Stories of Jesus
- Gethsemane
- Holiness to the Lord
- His Holy House
- Their Work and Glory
- Before Our Journey's Through
- Shoulder to the Wheel II
- Let Him Ask of God
- Weapons of War
- Sixteen Small Stones
- Godhead II
- In Remembrance
- First Vision XIII
- First Vision XII
- First Vision XI
- In Your Mind and in Your Heart
- In the Arms of His Love
- That We May Have Light
- Airplane
- Weekend Adventure
- Maternal Bond
- After Work
- Together
- Long Time No See
- Nom Nom Nom Nom
- Nom Nom Nom
- First Vision X
- Face to Face
- Sons and Daughters
- Family Prayer IV
- Family Prayer III
- Family Prayer II
- Lost in a Book
- Reading Together
- Good Tidings of Great Joy
- O Grave, Where Is Thy Victory?
- Together Forever
- In Good Hands
- Trailing Clouds of Glory
- Together Again
- Going Home
- Not Very Far Away II
- Hearts of the Children
- Not Very Far Away
- Descending Like a Dove
- Emblems
- First Vision IX
- First Vision VIII
- Nom Nom
- When Magic Came into the World
- I Need Thee Every Hour
- Cube Family at the Pool
- Cube Family Portrait
- Lullaby
- Mountain of the Lord
- Hear Him
- Reunion
- Name and Blessing
- Family Prayer
- By the Laying on of Hands
- For Time and All Eternity
- First Vision VII
- He Is Risen
- The Soul's Sincere Desire
- Morning Feed
- Though Your Sins Be as Scarlet
- A Child's Prayer
- Eternal Progression
- Christ Visits the Nephites II
- Of These Emblems
- Between Heaven and Earth
- The Last Three
- Lost Among the Worldpools
- Humpty's Daring But Ultimately Futile Escape
- Nobody to Play With
- Family Outing
- Das Mädchen und der Froschkönig
- Scared Stiff
- Goodbye, Moon
- Return from Exile
- Death be not proud
- The Departure
- The Arrival
- First Vision Triptych (Color)
- Son of Sisyphus
- Atonement
- Restoration of the Priesthood
- Wrong Turn
- Oblivious