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New artwork: They Who Were Converted.

They Who Were Converted

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New artwork: As Many as Believed. And yes, my secret goal is to get y’all to think of my art whenever you see a pepperoni pizza.

As Many as Believed

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New artwork: Suddenly a Light Descended.

Suddenly a Light Descended

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New artwork: That They May Be Light II.

That They May Be Light II

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New artwork: On These Two Commandments II. I think this new (to me) style might end up being a good fit for this type of symbolic art.

On These Two Commandments II

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For the Lord God Giveth Light

I have a new piece, For the Lord God Giveth Light, that I painted for the I Lexi exhibition which opens August 18 at Writ & Vision in Provo.

Large white circle at top, three columns of yellow shapes (triangles, circles, diamonds), and three large red shapes at bottom (triangle, circle, diamond)

The piece is a reference to 2 Nephi 31:3. “For my soul delighteth in plainness; for after this manner doth the Lord God work among the children of men. For the Lord God giveth light unto the understanding; for he speaketh unto men according to their language, unto their understanding.” The large white circle represents God; the small yellow shapes represent God’s light; the red shapes at bottom represent us mortals in our variety.

Prints won’t be available until after the exhibition closes. (Though the framed print in the show will be available for sale.)

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Introducing Life of Theseus, from Plutarch’s Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans. Available as a free PDF download.

Title page of the book
First page of the book
Second page of the book

Making-of notes

  • It’s set in LfA Aluminia, a resurrected version of Electra. I enjoyed this article about the making of the typeface.
  • Chrome still has the bizarre copy-paste issue in macOS Preview, so I used Firefox. But Firefox doesn’t yet support hyphenate-limit-chars, sadly. I decided not to stress about it.
  • It’s left-justified since browser justification still isn’t great and I didn’t want to spend eons fine-tuning the spacing. I did, however, tweak word-spacing to eliminate hyphens at the ends of pages and most widows and orphans (though I wasn’t fully strict here). Also manually inserted ­ to insert hyphens as needed (mostly in the Greek names — and I probably got some of those wrong but I did try my best) and turned off ligatures that crossed hyphenation breaks (“ff”).
  • I used Paged.js, which generally worked well. Whenever I made changes, though, reloading the page and finding my place again (usually by cmd+f with some string of text) started getting laborious. Thinking about either building a Firefox extension that maintains scroll position even on hard refresh or building an Electron app that does the same.
  • Not sure yet if I’m going to continue on with typesetting the rest of the Lives, but hopefully I do.

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New artwork: Face to Face III.

Face to Face III

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New artwork: My Yoke Is Easy II.

My Yoke Is Easy II

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A few more parallel language editions of the Book of Mormon:

  • Georgian–English
  • Nepali–English
  • Simplified Chinese–English v2 (the Church updated the text recently)
  • Traditional Chinese–English
  • Traditional Chinese–Simplified Chinese

As mentioned at the end of the third batch post, I was running into an issue with Traditional Chinese where Firefox would hang when I tried to print it. Finally found out that the reason it was hanging was the font — after I switched it from Noto Serif CJK to Noto Serif Traditional Chinese, it started working.

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