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Another scripture poster, this time in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish:

Go with him twain (Matthew 5:41)

Go with him twain

How I made these:

  • Make a 4000×5000px background texture in Affinity Photo (lots of layers and blending modes) and save to go-with-him-twain-bg.png
  • Lay out the text in Figma (900×1125px frame, bold Asap font at 126px, 150px line height, 6% letter spacing, white text on black background).
  • Export the frame as an SVG, go-with-him-twain.svg
  • Add the following to the beginning of the SVG file (after the opening tag) and change the seed values:
<filter id="filter">
  <feTurbulence seed="4389" type="turbulence" baseFrequency="0.5" numOctaves="2" result="turbulence2"/>
  <feDisplacementMap in2="turbulence2" in="SourceGraphic" scale="2" xChannelSelector="R" yChannelSelector="G" result="disp"/>

  <feTurbulence seed="4378" type="turbulence" baseFrequency="0.05" numOctaves="2" result="turbulence" />
  <feDisplacementMap in2="turbulence" in="disp" scale="3" xChannelSelector="R" yChannelSelector="G" />

<style type="text/css">
  path { filter: url(#filter); }
  • Convert the SVG to a 4000×5000px PNG: /Applications/Inkscape.app/Contents/MacOS/inkscape go-with-him-twain.svg --export-type=png --export-width=4000
  • Erode/dilate: convert go-with-him-twain.png -morphology erode disk:12 -morphology dilate disk:15 go-with-him-twain-eroded.png
  • Composite: convert go-with-him-twain-bg.png \( go-with-him-twain-eroded.png -normalize +level 0,55% \) -compose screen -composite go-with-him-twain-composite.png (I usually do this in Affinity Photo but I wanted to try using Imagemagick)
  • Upscale to 8000×10000px with Real-ESRGAN: ./realesrgan-ncnn-vulkan -i go-with-him-twain-composite.png -o go-with-him-twain-full.png -s 2
  • Add noise (8% monochromatic) in Affinity Photo and export final PNG (I could do this in Imagemagick, need to port it over)

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Scripture posters

Another experimental new project: scripture posters. Definitely leaning more on the graphic design side of things here. The other day I happened to see This Is How We Do It (a children’s book by Matt Lamothe) lying around, and seeing the cover suddenly gave me an itch to make something similar but with words from the scriptures. I’m sure others have already made designs like this, but I haven’t (till now), so here you go.

Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings (Alma 37:37)

Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings

I will go and do (1 Nephi 3:7)

I will go and do

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New abstract hymn print: Be Still, My Soul.

I’m experimenting with a slightly new style here, masking the notes (after adding noise to the outlines with SVG filters and then eroding/dilating with Imagemagick) and painting inside the mask in Procreate. (And then texturing it in Affinity Photo as usual.)

Be Still, My Soul

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New artwork: Behold My Beloved Son. Basically a Christ Visits the Nephites but with a different title, one actually from the scriptures.

I painted this in Procreate, and goodness, it messed up my back a bit. (Which is unfortunate because I really like the woodcut-style look on the white triangle. I may still do occasional pieces this way, when there’s not a billion little circles like I have here.) It’s frustrating when my spondylolisthesis keeps me from making art the way I want to. At some point I’ll probably try to figure out a way to do this style with code. (Speaking of which, I generated the circles here with a little bit of JavaScript. It was fun doing a piece that’s a little more three-dimensional.)

Behold My Beloved Son

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I’ve got a new exhibition coming soon! It opens next Friday, February 3, at Writ & Vision in Provo, and runs through Saturday, February 25. The show will feature the twelve illustrations at the head of each chapter of In the Image of Our Heavenly Parents: A Couple’s Guide to Creating a More Divine Marriage (edited by McArthur Krishna and Bethany Brady Spalding).


It’s not up yet on the Writ & Vision gallery page but will be soon.

Edit: here’s the Writ & Vision gallery page.

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A few new pieces tonight. First, To Fulfill All Righteousness III:

To Fulfill All Righteousness III

And then a scripture print from 2 Nephi 2:

Art with several verses from 2 Nephi 2 laid out in it

And finally, an abstract hymn print of Where Can I Turn for Peace?:

Circles and lines representing the first few measures of “Where Can I Turn for Peace?”

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New artwork: The Time Is at Hand.

The Time Is at Hand

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New artwork: Behold Your Little Ones.

Behold Your Little Ones

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A new abstract hymn print for As Sisters in Zion:

Circles and lines representing the first few measures of “As Sisters in Zion”

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New artwork: I Give unto you Power. This takes the idea from Principles and Ordinances II and By the Laying on of Hands II and applies it to Christ ordaining Nephi. Also similar to Father’s Blessing.

I Give unto You Power

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