Religious projects, primarily having to do with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and Christianity.
Over the last ten years or so I’ve been making minimalist, semi-geometric religious art, where I try to convey gospel concepts and stories using as few shapes as possible. Prints are available for most pieces. Related projects:
- Hymn prints Experimental designs with hymn melodies.
- Mormon Artist Online magazine devoted to covering the Latter-day Saint arts world.
- Scripture posters Artistic designs featuring the words of the scriptures in large-type poster format.
- Scripture prints Artistic designs featuring the words of the scriptures.
- Book of Mormon reading charts In 10 languages. Available in PDF.
- Book of Mormon word frequency charts Top 400 words by frequency. In 5 languages. Available in PDF.
- The Book of Mormon: Parallel Edition Side-by-side language editions. Available in several languages in PDF.
- The Book of Mormon: Plates Edition Organized into the small and large plates of Nephi. Available in EPUB and Kindle.
- The Book of Mormon: Reader’s Edition Reparagraphed, with verse numbers removed. Available in EPUB, Kindle, PDF, paperback, and spiral-bound.
- The Book of Mormon: Study Edition Extra wide margins for journaling and taking notes. Available in 20 languages in PDF and hard copy (Lulu).
- Come, Follow Me reader’s edition Reader’s edition of the Book of Mormon grouped by Come, Follow Me sections.
- Doctrine & Covenants word frequency charts Top 400 words by frequency. Available in PDF.
- Doctrine & Covenants: Reader’s Edition Reparagraphed, with verse numbers removed and titles added to sections. Available in EPUB and Kindle.
- Doctrine & Covenants: Study Edition Extra wide margins for journaling and taking notes. Available in PDF and hard copy (Lulu).
- The New Testament: Study Edition Extra wide margins for journaling and taking notes. Available in PDF and hard copy (Lulu).
- The Old Testament: Study Edition Extra wide margins for journaling and taking notes. Available in PDF and hard copy (Lulu).
- The Pearl of Great Price: Reader’s Edition Reparagraphed, with verse numbers removed. Available in EPUB and Kindle.
- The Pearl of Great Price: Study Edition Extra wide margins for journaling and taking notes. Available in PDF and hard copy (Lulu).
- Scripture journals Lined pages (PDF).
- Scriptures in Google Docs The Latter-day Saint standard works in Google Docs format.
- Scriptures in JSON The Latter-day Saint standard works in JSON format.
- Scriptures in Word The Latter-day Saint standard works in Word format.
- Words of the Prophets Selected sermons from the Book of Mormon. Available in EPUB and Kindle.
General conference
- Collected talks of the Quorum of the Twelve Addresses of the Quorum of the Twelve, including general conference, Church school devotionals, and more.
- General conference scripture references Scriptures cited in the April 2013 conference.
- General conference tracker Reading chart for the October 2013 conference.
- Last conference talks The last general conference talks given by each member of the Quorum of the Twelve before their passing.
Other books & publications
- A Collection of Sacred Hymns, selected by Emma Smith EPUB.
- Corianton: A Nephite Story, by B. H. Roberts EPUB, Kindle, plain text.
- Elias: An Epic of the Ages, by Orson F. Whitney EPUB, Kindle, plain text.
- Essentials in Church History, by Joseph Fielding Smith EPUB, Kindle.
- The Great Apostasy, by James E. Talmage EPUB, Kindle, plain text.
- Hephzibah, by Emmeline B. Wells EPUB, Kindle.
- Joseph Smith as Scientist, by John A. Widtsoe EPUB, Kindle, plain text.
- Joseph Smith the Prophet-Teacher, by B. H. Roberts EPUB, Kindle, plain text.
- Journal of Discourses 26 volumes. EPUB, Kindle.
- Key to the Science of Theology, by Parley P. Pratt EPUB, Kindle, plain text.
- Life of Heber C. Kimball, by Orson F. Whitney EPUB, Kindle, plain text.
- Mediation and Atonement, by John Taylor EPUB, Kindle, plain text.
- Mormon Audiobooks Project Audiobook editions of old out-of-copyright Mormon books.
- Mormon Texts Project Ebook editions of old out-of-copyright Mormon books.
- The Mormons and the Theatre, by John S. Lindsay Plain text.
- My First Mission, by George Q. Cannon EPUB, Kindle.
- Plan of salvation charts 29 languages. PDF, PNG.
- A Rational Theology, by John A. Widtsoe Plain text.
- The Story of Mormonism, by James E. Talmage Plain text.
- Succession in the Presidency, by B. H. Roberts Plain text.
- Thai Book of Remembrance PDF.
- A Voice of Warning, by Parley P. Pratt Plain text.
- William Clayton’s Journal EPUB, Kindle.
- Ministering changes scratchpad Web app for prototyping ministering changes.