Blog: #religious RSS feed
- Three new art pieces. Nearer, My God, to Thee: Come unto Christ III: Abide with Me; ’Tis Event...
- Two new typographic art pieces (a thing I’m experimenting with) and two new religious art pieces. Am...
- Four new art pieces (three religious, one family). “Our Savior’s Love” hymn print: “Joy to the Wo...
- Italian Book of Mormon reader's edition
- Five new art pieces. How Great Shall Be Your Joy: A Place to Manifest Himself: “Come, Lord Jes...
- Two new art pieces. That All Men Might Repent: Till We Meet Again III:
- New hymn day! “Amazing Grace,” “This Is the Christ,” “My Shepherd Will Supply My Need,” and “Come, L...
- Four new art pieces. The Lord’s Passover IV: That Bitter Cup: Even as I: Until After the Tr...
- Four new art pieces. In the Celestial Kingdom of Heaven: Be Still and Know That I Am God: Beho...
- My piece Harrowed Up No More was featured today on episode 31 of Behold: Conversations on Book of Mo...
- Four new art pieces. Why Weepest Thou? VI: My Grace Is Sufficient: If Ye Shall Ask: Hearts...
- Three new art pieces. Neither Doth He Vary: In Wisdom and Order: He Hath Talked With Me Face t...
- Excited to see the first batch of songs from the new hymnbook show up this morning, particularly “Co...
- Four new art pieces, including one at the end for Mother’s Day. Follow Thou Me: That Ye May Stand...
- Four new hymn prints, experimenting with some new styles. Amazing Grace: I Am a Child of God:...
- Four new art pieces, with style experiments on some of them. Come unto Christ II: In Your Mind an...
- Four new art pieces. When Ye Are in the Service: That They May Be Light III: Upon the Rock:...
- My piece Harrowed up No More was featured recently in Jennifer Champoux’s Religious Educator article...
- Four new art pieces. To and Fro in the Earth: That They Might Have Joy: I Will Show unto Them:...
- Four new art pieces. And Putteth Off the Natural Man: For Thy Good: In Every Time of Trouble:...
- Just added a Doctrinal Mastery index for my religious art, going off the Church’s list. (Thanks to B...
- Three new art pieces. All Are Alike unto God: Pray Always: Free to Choose:
- A handful of new art pieces. There He Preached to Them: Give Me Strength: He Will Deliver Me I...
- New artwork: In the Celestial Glory.
- New artwork: He Remembereth Us Also.
- New artwork: This Is Eternal Lives.
- New artwork: Whatsoever You Seal on Earth II.
- New artwork: We Shall See Him as He Is.
- New artwork: By the Holy Spirit of Promise.
- New artwork: That Same Sociality II.
- New artwork: The Long Absence.
- New artwork: The Power of the Lord Came upon Him.
- New artwork: The Light of the World.
- New artwork: Whither Thou Goest.
- New artwork: By the Gift and Power of God.
- Merry Christmas! New artwork: Born Is the King of Israel! This piece has three different symbolic me...
- New artwork: Where Two or Three Are Gathered.
- New artwork: Ninety and Nine IV.
- New artwork: And God Shall Wipe Away All Tears from Their Eyes II.
- New artwork: Not of Me.
- New artwork: Prepare Your Minds for the Morrow.
- New artwork: Annunciation III. Experimenting with a looser style.
- New artwork: She Knew That It Was the Power of God. I’ve wanted to do an Abish piece for a while. (E...
- New artwork: Nevertheless III. Inordinately pleased with how the texture turned out on the red squar...
- New artwork: A Welding Link.
- New artwork: How Oft Will I Gather You.
- New artwork: In the Midst of Them. (I almost called this one There Am I II, but the Roman numerals d...
- New artwork: In Their Own Image III.
- New artwork: I Will Give You Rest V. Channeling Mondrian a bit.
- New artwork: I Give unto You Power II.
- New artwork: Wherefore Didst Thou Doubt? IV.
- New artwork: My Yoke Is Easy III.
- New artwork: Why Weepest Thou? V. I originally wanted to paint all these rectangle pieces in Procrea...
- New artwork: First Vision XVII. This is a bit more abstract than most of what I’ve done before, but...
- New artwork: Through the Veil.
- New artwork: I Am a Child of God V. A reference to the Primary song. The rectangles represent (botto...
- New artwork: There Am I.
- New artwork: Deliverance to the Captives. (If I’d known that all I needed to do to get through that...
- New artwork: The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
- New artwork: Through a Glass, Darkly.
- New artwork: Strait Is the Gate. A new take on Narrow Is the Way. Also, Inkscape’s roughen and simpl...
- New artwork: In the Waters of Mormon.
- New artwork: Into the Wilderness.
- New artwork: He Saw and Heard Much.
- New artwork: No Man Can Serve Two Masters. Made in Blender. This also uses a displacement on a plane...
- New artwork: Wise as Serpents, and Harmless as Doves. This uses the Blender heightfield technique I...
- New artwork: Only One. And yes, it also looks like Froot Loops or Cheerios.
- New artwork: They Who Were Converted.
- New artwork: As Many as Believed. And yes, my secret goal is to get y’all to think of my art wheneve...
- New artwork: Suddenly a Light Descended.
- New artwork: That They May Be Light II.
- New artwork: On These Two Commandments II. I think this new (to me) style might end up being a good...
- For the Lord God Giveth Light
- New artwork: Face to Face III.
- New artwork: My Yoke Is Easy II.
- New artwork: Family Prayer VI.
- New artwork: Well Done, Thou Good and Faithful Servant.
- New artwork: Single to the Glory.
- New artwork: Exalted Above the Hills. And yep, I am fully aware it looks like a triforce. And like...
- New artwork: Hearts of the Children V.
- New artwork: Before Our Journey’s Through II.
- New artwork: Mourn With Those That Mourn.
- New artwork: In Their Own Image II.
- New artwork: Even as unto Thee.
- I’ve added a scripture reference index for my religious art, to make it easier to find pieces relate...
- New artwork: I Am a Child of God IV.
- New artwork: I Will Give You Rest IV.
- New artwork: I’ve a Mother There V, for Mother’s Day. Also experimenting with more ornamentation thi...
- New artwork: Where They Shall Rest from All Their Troubles.
- New artwork: I Am the Door.
- New artwork: For Time and All Eternity VI. On this one I painted the original pixel art (5x4px) in P...
- New artwork: Prodigal Son III.
- New artwork: Annunciation II.
- New artwork: Come Forth.
- New artwork: When He Saw That He Was Healed.
- Two new pieces, this time playing around with drop shadows for a faux 3D effect: First Vision XVI:...
- New artwork: The Lord Is My Shepherd.
- New artwork: Behold the Man! Less on the abstract side this time, though it’s still just triangles....
- Two new pieces for Easter: Into Thy Hands: Why Weepest Thou? IV:
- New artwork: If Ye Give Place.
- Two new pieces: The Keys of This Dispensation: The Mount of Transfiguration:
- New artwork: O That We Had Repented.
- New artwork: For Time and All Eternity V.
- New artwork: Wherefore Didst Thou Doubt? III.
- New artwork: Taught by Their Mothers.
- New artwork: When Our Heavenly Parents We Meet IV. The colors in my art normally don’t represent ski...
- New artwork: Harrowed up No More, continuing the Alma the Younger thread.
- New artwork: God Sent His Holy Angel.
- Scripture posters
- New abstract hymn print: Be Still, My Soul. I’m experimenting with a slightly new style here, maskin...
- New artwork: Behold My Beloved Son. Basically a Christ Visits the Nephites but with a different titl...
- A few new pieces tonight. First, To Fulfill All Righteousness III: And then a scripture print fro...
- New artwork: The Time Is at Hand.
- New artwork: Behold Your Little Ones.
- A new abstract hymn print for As Sisters in Zion:
- New artwork: I Give unto you Power. This takes the idea from Principles and Ordinances II and By the...
- New artwork: No Tongue Can Speak.
- Scripture prints
- Abstract hymn prints
- Hymn prints
- Four new pieces tonight. Away in a Manger: Heart, Might, Mind, and Strength III: I’ve a Mother...
- Two new pieces: Together Forever II. This one came out of losing my father. (That said, it isn’t act...
- New artwork: On These Two Commandments.
- New artwork: Before the World Was VII. Exploring the idea of using semicircles to represent Heavenly...
- A few new pieces of art. He Will Deliver Me, about David and Goliath: Everlasting Covenant: Ne...
- New artwork: Lamb of God.
- New artwork: Their Work and Glory V. I wanted to do a warmer, more subtle version of TW&G IV with (I...
- New artwork: When Our Heavenly Parents We Meet III.
- The Doors of Death, based on a conference talk instead of a scripture (which is something I haven’t...
- More new artwork: Though Your Sins Be as Scarlet II. I haven’t been happy with the original and want...
- New artwork: Holiness to the Lord II. I wanted to make a new version of Between Heaven and Earth and...
- I Need Thee Every Hour II
- Projects — Prints 2.1
- New artwork: But If Not.
- Two new pieces. First is He Sent Forth a Dove, a reference to Noah and the ark: Second is Taken H...
- Three more new pieces: An High Mountain Apart (the Mount of Transfiguration), By the Laying on of Ha...
- New artwork: One in Mine Hand.
- New artwork: From Everlasting Death.
- New artwork: Beginning of Miracles.
- New artwork: Glories.
- New artwork: As Sisters in Zion II.
- Another new piece: Veil, in which we finally break free of our two-dimensional habits and get an ort...
- New artwork: Wherefore Didst Thou Doubt? II.
- And another new piece: Principles and Ordinances II.
- Two new pieces: My Yoke Is Easy and The Word of God. (Exploring this hollow circle style a bit more....
- New artwork: The Waters Were Divided II.
- New artwork: For Time and All Eternity III and For Time and All Eternity IV. (Two variations on the...
- New artwork: The Love of God II.
- New artwork: Their Work and Glory III. Another exploration in symbolic ways to represent our Heavenl...
- New artwork: Principles and Ordinances.
- New artwork: Of These Emblems II.
- New artwork: The Gathering of Israel. For a few months I’d been thinking about how to symbolically r...
- New artwork: Alpha and Omega.
- New artwork: Why Weepest Thou? (a variation on Woman, Why Weepest Thou?).
- New artwork: A Broken Heart and a Contrite Spirit. Another style experiment to find something that I...
- New artwork: Take up Thy Bed. (This was an attempt to go back to a style that I think isn’t as hard...
- New artwork: Let God Prevail.
- New artwork: Before the World Was III.
- New artwork: Keystone.
- New artwork: This Is My Beloved Son.
- New artwork: I Will Give You Rest II.
- New artwork: He Is Not Here II.
- New artwork: Where Can I Turn for Peace? On this one I tried a new texturing technique which I’ll ex...
- New artwork: New and Everlasting II and New and Everlasting III, a matching set.
- New artwork: That Same Sociality. I’m finding, by the way, that Cirque continues to come in handy. P...
- New artwork: Salt of the Earth.
- New artwork: Suffer the Little Children to Come unto Me.
- New artwork: Heart, Might, Mind, and Strength. This is the first piece I’ve painted in Procreate wit...
- New artwork: How Great Is His Joy.
- New artwork: Already to Harvest.
- New artwork: It Shall Be Opened unto You.
- New artwork: In Every Thought.
- New artwork: In Your Mind and in Your Heart II. A bit more abstract than my first attempt at this id...
- New artwork: Upon This Mount.
- New artwork: Son of the Living God. (I decided the Monday/Thursday release schedule is a little too...
- New artwork: Pillar of Light.
- New artwork: Fishers of Men.
- New artwork: Always Have His Spirit to Be With Them. It was a little hard to keep this one from look...
- New artwork: Yesterday, Today, and Forever.
- New artwork: Reunion III. A more minimalist take on my earlier reunion/veil pieces. I like the intro...
- New artwork: Woman, Why Weepest Thou? (Taking the idea from He Is Risen and going a little further w...
- New artwork: Seventy Times Seven.
- New artwork: Come unto Christ. This one started as a piece about Lorenzo Snow’s couplet “As man now...
- New artwork: Ministering of Angels.
- New artwork: In Swaddling Clothes. (Figured it was time for another Christmas piece.)
- New artwork: The Waters Were Divided.
- New artwork: Servant of the Living God.
- New artwork: Faith, Hope, Charity. Figma is working great for me, by the way. Right now I’m using it...
- New artwork: When the Light Shall Begin to Break Forth.
- New artwork: Line upon Line. Going for a slightly more varied background texture this time.
- New artwork: Face to Face II. It’s a more minimal, more focused version of my earlier Face to Face p...
- New artwork: Oil in Their Vessels. I’m taking more artistic license than usual with this one (how oi...
- New artwork: Water, Spirit, Blood. Years ago, by the way, I first tried executing this idea, but I w...
- New artwork: I Am a Child of God II. A remix of I Am a Child of God using the recent loose stained-g...
- New artwork: In the Beginning. I’ve been trying for a couple weeks to figure out how to do this piec...
- Another new artwork: The Lord’s Passover II. (I’ve wanted to do a simpler, better version of The Lor...
- The hiatus may or may not be over. New artwork: Mother in Heaven. I used Cirque to create the small...
- New artwork: Christ Visits the Nephites III, a third installment in the series. This time round I ex...
- New artwork: Nothing Shall Be Impossible unto You II. A slightly different take on the same idea as...
- New artwork: Peace, Be Still. I dialed up the SVG turbulence filters to get the effect on the left....
- New artwork: Body of Christ. For this piece I re-used most of the code from Tree of Life II, with mi...
- Two new pieces: They Could Not Hit Him (Samuel the Lamanite on the wall) and Pearl of Great Price (a...
- New artwork: The Night Shall Not Be Darkened. On this one I used an erosion filter along with turbul...
- A few other new pieces: Nothing Shall Be Impossible unto You (about faith), Roll Forth (about the st...
- New artwork: Tree of Life II. I used the same circle packing technique to generate the circles, cons...
- New artwork: Within the Walls of Your Own Homes. I realized (this is the very small breakthrough I m...
- New artwork: Plan of Salvation. Inspired by a comment my friend Naomi made about another piece. This...
- New artwork: Before the World Was II. It’s (in my opinion) a much better execution of Before the Wor...
- Another First Vision lecture! On Sunday night, Eric Jepson gave a lecture entitled Triangulating God...
- Last night Richard L. Bushman gave a Center for Latter-day Saint Arts Zoom keynote: In commemoration...
- New artwork: Love at Home.
- I’ve been enjoying Emily McQueen’s The Green Hymnbook project (@greenhymnbook) — typewritten hymn te...
- New artwork: Prodigal Son.
- BYU Studies cover
- New artwork: The Lord’s Passover. Also, this one wasn’t digital. (Acrylic on canvas board.) Definite...
- New artwork: Mine Angels Round About You.
- Two new pieces of art: Pressing Forward (from Lehi’s vision) and New and Everlasting.
- New artwork: The Millennium.
- New artwork: Before the World Was. I wrote a DrawBot script to generate the circles and randomly dis...
- New artwork: To Save Us All. On this one I decided to go back to clean lines, rather than the distre...
- New artwork: Light of Truth and Love.
- New artwork: Families Can Be Together Forever.
- Another new piece: As Sisters in Zion. (Today is apparently an art day.)
- Another new painting based on a hymn: When Our Heavenly Parents We Meet.
- New artwork: I Am a Child of God.
- Father's Blessing
- My Soul Delighteth II
- Let the Lower Lights Be Burning
- The Angels of God Were There
- Their Work and Glory II
- The Third Day
- No Respecter of Persons
- Trailing Clouds of Glory II
- My Soul Delighteth
- Abide with Me
- First Vision Triptych III
- Yet in My Flesh Shall I See God
- Family Prayer V
- Ninety and Nine II
- Of Heavenly Parents
- For Time and All Eternity II
- Upon the Cross of Calvary
- Hearts of the Children II
- In Your Royal Courts on High
- I've a Mother There
- It Is I; Be Not Afraid
- Wherefore Didst Thou Doubt?
- Baptized for the Dead
- Spirit of Elijah
- I Will Give You Rest
- Whatsoever You Seal on Earth
- Every Knee
- Reunion II
- Slain for the Sins of the World
- In the Arms of His Love II
- To Keep It Holy
- It Is the Same
- April 6, 1830
- On the Third Day
- Prophets, Seers, Revelators II
- Nevertheless
- He Is Not Here
- First Vision XIV
- Tell Me the Stories of Jesus
- Gethsemane
- Holiness to the Lord
- His Holy House
- Their Work and Glory
- Before Our Journey's Through
- McArthur Krishna interviewed me over at the Seeking Heavenly Mother blog about I Have a Mother There...
- A Girl's Guide to Heavenly Mother
- Shoulder to the Wheel II
- I completely forgot to post this earlier: back in November/December, I made a family prayer piece fo...
- Let Him Ask of God
- Weapons of War