Projects: #languages
- Beowulf PDF.
- Book of Mormon word frequency charts Top 400 words by frequency. In 5 languages. Available in PDF.
- The Book of Mormon: Parallel Edition Side-by-side language editions. Available in several languages in PDF.
- The Book of Mormon: Reader’s Edition Reparagraphed, with verse numbers removed. Available in EPUB, Kindle, PDF, paperback, and spiral-bound.
- The Book of Mormon: Study Edition Extra wide margins for journaling and taking notes. Available in 20 languages in PDF and hard copy (Lulu).
- Coptic (Sahidic) alphabet Chart and worksheet (PDF).
- Crime and Punishment (Russian edition) EPUB, Kindle.
- Don Quijote (Spanish edition) EPUB, Kindle.
- Dream of the Rood (Old English edition) EPUB, Kindle.
- Egyptian uniliterals Chart and worksheets (PDF).
- Greek alphabet PDF.
- Greek New Testament reader’s edition EPUB.
- Greek New Testament study edition PDF.
- Hebrew alphabet Chart and worksheet (PDF).
- Hebrew similar characters PDF.
- Histoires ou Contes du temps passé, avec des moralités: Contes de ma mère l’Oye (French edition of Perrault’s Mother Goose tales, 1697) EPUB, Kindle, PDF.
- An Icelandic Primer, by Henry Sweet PDF.
- Iliad (Greek edition) EPUB, Kindle.
- Kinder- und Hausmärchen (German edition of the Grimms’ Tales, 1812/1815) EPUB, Kindle.
- Latin conjugations PDFs.
- Latin declensions PDF.
- Latin New Testament study edition PDF.
- Latin pronouns PDF.
- Le Morte d’Arthur, by Thomas Malory (Middle English edition) EPUB.
- Ogham alphabet Chart and worksheet (PDF).
- Oratio in Catilinam (Latin edition of Cicero’s Catiline Orations) EPUB, Kindle.
- Plan of salvation charts 29 languages. PDF, PNG.
- Russian alphabet PDF.
- Thai 1000 Word List PDF.
- Thai Book of Remembrance PDF.
- Thai consonants PDF.
- Thai script PDF.
- Ugaritic alphabet PDF.
- The Wanderer (Old English edition) EPUB, Kindle.
- Welsh mutations PDF.