Projects: #books
- The Ball and the Cross, by G. K. Chesterton Plain text.
- Beowulf PDF.
- The Blue Fairy Book, by Andrew Lang EPUB, Kindle.
- A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens PDF.
- A Collection of Sacred Hymns, selected by Emma Smith EPUB.
- Corianton: A Nephite Story, by B. H. Roberts EPUB, Kindle, plain text.
- Crime and Punishment (Russian edition) EPUB, Kindle.
- Don Quijote (Spanish edition) EPUB, Kindle.
- Dream of the Rood (Old English edition) EPUB, Kindle.
- Elias: An Epic of the Ages, by Orson F. Whitney EPUB, Kindle, plain text.
- Essentials in Church History, by Joseph Fielding Smith EPUB, Kindle.
- Further Chronicles of Avonlea, by L. M. Montgomery Plain text.
- The Great Apostasy, by James E. Talmage EPUB, Kindle, plain text.
- Greek New Testament reader’s edition EPUB.
- Greek New Testament study edition PDF.
- Hephzibah, by Emmeline B. Wells EPUB, Kindle.
- Heretics, by G. K. Chesterton EPUB, Kindle.
- Histoires ou Contes du temps passé, avec des moralités: Contes de ma mère l’Oye (French edition of Perrault’s Mother Goose tales, 1697) EPUB, Kindle, PDF.
- Historia Calamitatum, by Peter Abélard PDF.
- An Icelandic Primer, by Henry Sweet PDF.
- Iliad (Greek edition) EPUB, Kindle.
- Jane Austen word frequency chart PDF.
- Jane Eyre word frequency chart PDF.
- Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Brontë EPUB, Kindle.
- Joseph Smith as Scientist, by John A. Widtsoe EPUB, Kindle, plain text.
- Joseph Smith the Prophet-Teacher, by B. H. Roberts EPUB, Kindle, plain text.
- Journal of Discourses 26 volumes. EPUB, Kindle.
- Key to the Science of Theology, by Parley P. Pratt EPUB, Kindle, plain text.
- Kilmeny of the Orchard, by L. M. Montgomery Plain text.
- Kinder- und Hausmärchen (German edition of the Grimms’ Tales, 1812/1815) EPUB, Kindle.
- Latin New Testament study edition PDF.
- Le Morte d’Arthur, by Thomas Malory (Middle English edition) EPUB.
- Life of Heber C. Kimball, by Orson F. Whitney EPUB, Kindle, plain text.
- The Light Princess, by George MacDonald EPUB, Kindle.
- Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans, by Plutarch PDF.
- Mediation and Atonement, by John Taylor EPUB, Kindle, plain text.
- Mormon Audiobooks Project Audiobook editions of old out-of-copyright Mormon books.
- Mormon Texts Project Ebook editions of old out-of-copyright Mormon books.
- The Mormons and the Theatre, by John S. Lindsay Plain text.
- My First Mission, by George Q. Cannon EPUB, Kindle.
- Oratio in Catilinam (Latin edition of Cicero’s Catiline Orations) EPUB, Kindle.
- Orthodoxy, by G. K. Chesterton EPUB, Kindle.
- Phantastes, by George MacDonald PDF.
- Rainbow Valley, by L. M. Montgomery Plain text.
- A Rational Theology, by John A. Widtsoe Plain text.
- The Red Fairy Book, by Andrew Lang EPUB, Kindle.
- The Story Girl, by L. M. Montgomery Plain text.
- The Story of Mormonism, by James E. Talmage Plain text.
- The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, by Robert Louis Stevenson PDF.
- Succession in the Presidency, by B. H. Roberts Plain text.
- Thai Book of Remembrance PDF.
- A Voice of Warning, by Parley P. Pratt Plain text.
- A Voyage to Arcturus, by David Lindsay EPUB, Kindle.
- The Wanderer (Old English edition) EPUB, Kindle.
- William Clayton’s Journal EPUB, Kindle.