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First Vision Triptych

I’ve wanted to start doing more gospel-related art (along with my science fiction and fantasy illustrations), and this is my first piece, “First Vision Triptych.” It’s also one of my first forays into semi-abstract art. (The main reason I did it this way, though, is that I’m not good at drawing people yet.)

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NYT mention

Google Alerts sent me an email today saying that the New York Times linked to my magazine, Mormon Artist. Here’s what they said:

Plenty of the MagCloud efforts are vanity projects or high-end brochures, but many others are surprisingly interesting, gorgeous, niche magazines — Mormon Artist, San Louie, Stranded, to name a few — that would not look out of place at Barnes & Noble.

Somebody pinch me. (I should add that this is our second mention in the NYT — the first was in March 2009 — and TIME also mentioned us just over a year ago.)

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Journal of Discourses vols. 5, 6, 7, 8

Volumes 5, 6, 7, and 8 of the Journal of Discourses are now available.

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Dropping the Nets

A new illustration (and yes, it’s been way too long since the last one), called “Dropping the Nets”:

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Catiline Orations ePub (Latin)

I’ve been in a bit of a Latin mood lately, so here is a short ebook of Cicero’s Catiline Orations in the original Latin, available in both EPUB and Kindle formats.

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Javascript entity conversion

For future reference: if you’re using Javascript and want to convert a decimal entity in HTML (Đ, for example) to the Unicode character it represents (“Đ”), this works:

// converts "fiancé" to "fiancé", etc.

newstr = oldstr.replace(/&#([0-9]*);/,
            function(full, charcode) {
                return String.fromCharCode(charcode);

The full parameter is ignored; we want the second one, charcode, which is the first backreferenced match in the regex (the character code).

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Don Quijote ePub (Spanish)

Today’s book release: Don Quijote en español. It’s available in both EPUB and Kindle formats.

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Mormon Artist Issue 11

Issue 11 of Mormon Artist is up, with some rebranding and redesigning:

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Journal of Discourses vols. 2, 3, 4

Just a quick note to say that volumes 2, 3, and 4 of the Journal of Discourses are now available for download. Enjoy.

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Journal of Discourses pre-release

Today I’m pre-releasing volume 1 of the Journal of Discourses, available in both EPUB and Kindle formats.

Why a pre-release? Because there are still a few typos (these editions are based on the Wikisource text, which is mostly correct but not entirely), and I’d like to crowdsource the proofing so I can make these editions available sooner. If you find typos, let me know and I’ll fix them. Each ePub and Kindle file has a version number on the copyright page, so you’ll will be able to know if you’ve got the latest edition or not (like software, basically). These pre-releases are at 0.9, and once the typos are all fixed, I’ll bump the number up to 1.0.

This marks my first Kindle release, by the way. Amazon’s KindleGen does a decent conversion from EPUB to Kindle (Mobipocket, actually) and seems to work just fine. But if you run into any problems with the Kindle edition (or the EPUB, for that matter), let me know.

Twenty-five more volumes to go. It’ll probably take another month or two to get them all out the door, FYI.

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