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Mormon Artist Issue 12

Mormon Artist Issue 12, our special international issue, is now available. This one’s a gem. Enjoy:

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NYT mention

Google Alerts sent me an email today saying that the New York Times linked to my magazine, Mormon Artist. Here’s what they said:

Plenty of the MagCloud efforts are vanity projects or high-end brochures, but many others are surprisingly interesting, gorgeous, niche magazines — Mormon Artist, San Louie, Stranded, to name a few — that would not look out of place at Barnes & Noble.

Somebody pinch me. (I should add that this is our second mention in the NYT — the first was in March 2009 — and TIME also mentioned us just over a year ago.)

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Mormon Artist Issue 11

Issue 11 of Mormon Artist is up, with some rebranding and redesigning:

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Mormon Artist Issue 10

It took a lot longer than I thought it would, but Mormon Artist Issue 10 is finally up:

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Mormon Artist Issue 9

Mormon Artist Issue 9 (a special issue focusing on Latter-day Saints in New York City) is finally up:

This was our longest issue yet, and while it was hard to pull everything together for it, in the end it’s been one of the most satisfying.

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Mormon Artist Issue 8

Just released Issue 8 of Mormon Artist:

I redesigned the magazine (well, most of it) using a new six-column grid instead of the old two-column one. Much better.

You know, just now I realized that we’ve published nine issues of the magazine so far. Nine! That’s crazy — it still blows my mind to think that I actually publish a magazine. And that it’s survived this long. (It’s going well, by the way. Our next issue will focus on Mormon artists in New York City, and the next will be all about the Mormon pageants.)

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Mormon Artist Young Writers Contest Issue

Just released the special contest issue of Mormon Artist, featuring the winners of the Young Writers Contest we held earlier this year:

Contest Issue

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Mormon Artist Issue 7

Issue 7 of my magazine Mormon Artist is finally up:

Mormon Artist Issue 7

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Mormon Artist Issue 6

We just released issue six of my magazine, Mormon Artist. This issue has interviews with Patrick Madden, Rick Walton, Cambria Evans Christensen, Perla Antoniak, Debra Fotheringham, and Danor Gerald, and we’ve also got an article by Menachem Wecker and an essay by Patrick Madden.

Issue 6

And we’ll have our special contest issue out within the next few weeks, too. After this we’re moving to publishing four times a year instead of six, which’ll hopefully work out better.

It’s hard to believe it’s been a year already. Wow. A year ago I had just a little smidgen of hope that the magazine would still be around twelve months later, and now it blows my mind to think that we’ve profiled almost fifty artists. Crazy.

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Mormon Artist Issue 5

Guess who forgot to blog about releasing Issue 4 of his magazine back in March? Whoops.

Anyway, Issue 5 of Mormon Artist is now available for your reading pleasure. Just hie on over to http://mormonartist.net and either read it online or download the PDF.

Mormon Artist Issue 5

We’ll have our special contest issue coming out in the next month or so, too. (And hopefully another contest shortly after that.)

You know, it kind of blows my mind that the magazine is still around. It’ll be a year next month since I got the idea for Mormon Artist, and here we are five issues later, with eighty-five volunteers helping out. Hard to believe.

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