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Mormon Artist Issue 3

I’m pleased to announce that Issue 3 of my magazine Mormon Artist is now available:

Mormon Artist Issue 3

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Mormon Artist Issue 2

After pulling two twelve-hour days on Friday and Saturday and working on the magazine since 2:30 this morning, I’ve finally finished Issue 2 of Mormon Artist:

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Mormon Artist on Twitter

My magazine, Mormon Artist, is now on Twitter: http://twitter.com/mormonartist. I’ll be posting relatively frequent updates on how the magazine’s going, so if you’re interested in keeping up with it, follow away.

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Mormon Artist: print edition available

We’d like to announce that the print edition of Issue 1 is now available via the print-on-demand magazine publisher MagCloud.com. And it costs $10.25 ($8.85 plus $1.40 shipping):

Order Issue 1 from MagCloud

Note #1: MagCloud.com will eventually allow you to subscribe to the magazine the way you subscribe to an ordinary magazine, but for now subscribing simply means that you’ll get an email when the next issue is released.

Note #2: While 20 cents per page for print-on-demand is a really good deal, we do hope to someday be able to charge only a few dollars for the magazine, like other magazines. But it’ll take a while to generate that capital, so for now we have slightly higher prices.

Note #3: During MagCloud’s beta period, they’re only shipping to U.S. addresses. If you’d like to buy a copy but live outside the U.S., email us and we’ll work something out.

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Mormon Artist

I’m proud to announce that the first issue of my new magazine, Mormon Artist is now available!

Mormon Artist

I’ve been working on this for the last two months, though a lot of the work got done today (I’ve been working on it for eleven hours now — next issue, I’m going to plan things better so I don’t have to do this).

The web version is okay, but I recommend the PDF, which looks a lot better and has more pictures to boot. But the choice is yours. (There’s a print version that’ll be available via MagCloud.com once I get the proof copy back and make sure everything’s okay. I’m guessing it’ll take a week or so.)

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