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Latin and Thai chart source files

I’ve posted the PlotDevice source files to GitHub for the following charts:

I’ve also added the alternate vocative version of the declensions chart to the Latin declensions repo.

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Latin declensions chart update

I’ve ported my Latin declensions chart to PlotDevice (from InDesign) and posted the source to GitHub. It’s now fairly easy to change the order of the cases and add new ones like the vocative. The chart itself is slightly different as well — spacing, colors, etc.

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Latin pronouns chart

Nerdy newsflash: I made a Latin pronouns chart to go along with the conjugation charts and declensions chart:


There are several I didn’t include (quis, aliquis, ipse, etc.) because I wanted to keep it from getting too crowded.

As with the conjugations chart, I made this in PlotDevice.

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Thai consonants chart

I’ve wanted to put the Thai alphabet up on our wall so my kids can start learning it, and I’ve learned a lot about design since I made the Thai script card (which was really just a touchup on an existing card design I received in the MTC), so I made a new Thai consonants chart:


This one adds the consonant class (low/medium/high) and colors the initial consonant transliteration so it’s clearer.

I made it in PlotDevice, using a setup very similar to the Latin conjugation charts — YAML data file with a script that turns it into a PDF.

I’m planning to make two companion charts later — one for vowels and one for the miscellaneous marks, numerals, tones, etc.

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Latin conjugation charts

I’m years behind on this, but I’ve finally made some Latin conjugation charts to go along with the declensions chart I made back in 2009:


There’s one for each of the major conjugations (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd i-stem, and 4th).

I made them in PlotDevice, using a YAML data file for each conjugation with a script that takes the YAML and generates the PDF.

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Greek and Latin vocab lists

This is cool: Haverford College has created a tool called Bridge that creates Latin or Greek vocab lists from texts and textbooks. For example, I was able to start with the vocab from Moreland and Fleischer’s Latin: An Intensive Course (the text we used in my first Latin course in college) and then limit it to just nouns and verbs. You can export to Excel/TSV as well. Pretty neat.

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Hebrew alphabet worksheet

I’ve made a graded worksheet to go along with the Hebrew alphabet card I made nine years ago (and I really need to do a new version of that):


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Ogham alphabet worksheets

I’ve put together two graded worksheets to go along with the Ogham alphabet chart I made a few years ago:


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Egyptian uniliterals chart

I’ve missed doing language charts, so I put together one of the Egyptian uniliterals:


To go along with it, I’ve also made some worksheets, intended to be printed and filled out:


The graded worksheet is a new idea I had, to gradually introduce new characters over the course of the worksheet. Both my wife and I worked through it and by the end we both felt fairly confident in our newfound knowledge of the uniliterals.

Oh, and I made all of these in PlotDevice. It’s quite handy, especially for the worksheets where I’m generating the contents programmatically.

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Some fun Anglo-Saxon words

Some words I came across in J. R. Clark Hall’s A Concise Anglo-Saxon Dictionary that struck me as amusing or interesting:

  • alb: white garment
  • brægnloca: brain-house, head
  • cossian: to kiss
  • deaðwang: plain of death
  • dreamcræft: art of music
  • dreamleas: joyless, sad
  • Eastermonað: April
  • faroðstræt: path of the sea
  • felasynnig: very guilty
  • hamfaru: attack of an enemy in his house, a housebreaking
  • handscyldig: condemned to lose a hand
  • insocn: brawl in a house
  • instæpe: entrance
  • lobbe: spider
  • manweorðung: adoration of human beings
  • nydniman: to take by force
  • orðanc: cleverness, skill
  • paddanieg: toad-meadow, frog-island
  • rihtæðelcwen: lawful wife
  • scremman: to cause to stumble
  • tintregðegn: torturer, executioner
  • utlendisc: strange, foreign
  • wælmist: mist of death

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