Collected Talks of James E. Faust

General conference
1972 – 2007
CES/worldwide devotionals
2002 – 2007
1973 – 2007
1974 – 2003
General conference (Church website index)
- To Become One of the Fishers
October 1972, Saturday afternoon session
- Reaching the One
April 1973, priesthood session
- Happiness Is Having a Father Who Cares
October 1973, Friday morning session
- A New Aristocracy
October 1974, Saturday afternoon session
- The Sanctity of Life
April 1975, Friday afternoon session
- The Keys of the Kingdom
October 1975, Saturday afternoon session
- A Personal Relationship with the Savior
October 1976, Saturday afternoon session
- The Enriching of Marriage
October 1977, Saturday morning session
- Response to the Call
October 1978, Saturday afternoon session
- The Refiner’s Fire
April 1979, Sunday morning session
- Establishing the Church: Welfare Services Missionaries Are an Important Resource
October 1979, welfare session
- Communion with the Holy Spirit
April 1980, Saturday morning session
- These I Will Make My Leaders
October 1980, priesthood session
- The Dignity of Self
April 1981, Saturday morning session
- The Expanding Inheritance from Joseph Smith
October 1981, Sunday afternoon session
- Integrity, the Mother of Many Virtues
April 1982, Sunday morning session
- The Blessings We Receive As We Meet the Challenges of Economic Stress
October 1982, welfare session
- Enriching Family Life
April 1983, priesthood session
- The Keystone of Our Religion
October 1983, Saturday morning session
- The Magnificent Vision Near Palmyra
April 1984, Sunday afternoon session
- The Works of God
October 1984, Sunday morning session
- The Resurrection
April 1985, Saturday afternoon session
- The Abundant Life
October 1985, Saturday morning session
- The Responsibility for Welfare Rests with Me and My Family
April 1986, Saturday afternoon session
- Unwanted Messages
October 1986, Saturday morning session
- “Will I Be Happy?”
April 1987, Sunday afternoon session
- “The Great Imitator”
October 1987, Saturday afternoon session
- The Highest Place of Honor
April 1988, priesthood session
- The Supernal Gift of the Atonement
October 1988, Saturday morning session
- The Gift of the Holy Ghost—A Sure Compass
April 1989, Saturday afternoon session
- Continuous Revelation
October 1989, Saturday morning session
- Gratitude As a Saving Principle
April 1990, Sunday afternoon session
- The Greatest Challenge in the World—Good Parenting
October 1990, Saturday afternoon session
- A Crown of Thorns, a Crown of Glory
April 1991, Sunday morning session
- The Lord’s Day
October 1991, Saturday afternoon session
- Spiritual Healing
April 1992, Saturday morning session
- A Priceless Heritage
October 1992, Sunday afternoon session
- Father, Come Home
April 1993, Saturday afternoon session
- Keeping Covenants and Honoring the Priesthood
October 1993, priesthood session
- Five Loaves and Two Fishes
April 1994, Saturday morning session
- The Keys That Never Rust
October 1994, Sunday afternoon session
- Responsibilities of Shepherds
April 1995, priesthood session
- Heirs to the Kingdom of God
April 1995, Sunday morning session
- Acting for Ourselves and Not Being Acted Upon
October 1995, priesthood session
- Priesthood Blessings
October 1995, Sunday morning session
- The Prophetic Voice
April 1996, Saturday morning session
- What I Want My Son to Know before He Leaves on His Mission
April 1996, priesthood session
- Honesty—a Moral Compass
October 1996, priesthood session
- “Woman, Why Weepest Thou?”
October 1996, Sunday morning session
- The Grand Key-Words for the Relief Society
October 1996, General Relief Society Meeting
- Eternity Lies before Us
April 1997, Saturday morning session
- Power of the Priesthood
April 1997, priesthood session
- Pioneers of the Future: “Be Not Afraid, Only Believe”
October 1997, priesthood session
- The Weightier Matters of the Law: Judgment, Mercy, and Faith
October 1997, Sunday morning session
- “Search Me, O God, and Know My Heart”
April 1998, Saturday morning session
- “We Seek After These Things”
April 1998, priesthood session
- How Near to the Angels
April 1998, general Young Women meeting
- “By What Power … Have Ye Done This?”
October 1998, priesthood session
- Opening the Windows of Heaven
October 1998, Sunday morning session
- This Is Our Day
April 1999, Saturday morning session
- Obedience: The Path to Freedom
April 1999, priesthood session
- Of Seeds and Soils
October 1999, priesthood session
- Hope, an Anchor of the Soul
October 1999, Sunday morning session
- What It Means to Be a Daughter of God
October 1999, General Relief Society Meeting
- The Shield of Faith
April 2000, Saturday morning session
- The Power of Self-Mastery
April 2000, priesthood session
- Womanhood: The Highest Place of Honor
April 2000, general Young Women meeting
- The Enemy Within
October 2000, priesthood session
- A Growing Testimony
October 2000, Sunday morning session
- “Them That Honour Me I Will Honour”
April 2001, priesthood session
- Born Again
April 2001, Sunday morning session
- The Atonement: Our Greatest Hope
October 2001, Saturday morning session
- “Some Great Thing”
October 2001, priesthood session
- It Can’t Happen to Me
April 2002, priesthood session
- The Lifeline of Prayer
April 2002, Sunday morning session
- What’s in It for Me?
October 2002, Saturday morning session
- I Believe I Can, I Knew I Could
October 2002, priesthood session
- You Are All Heaven Sent
October 2002, General Relief Society Meeting
- The Devil’s Throat
April 2003, priesthood session
- Dear Are the Sheep That Have Wandered
April 2003, Sunday morning session
- The Virtues of Righteous Daughters of God
April 2003, general Young Women meeting
- Lord, I Believe; Help Thou Mine Unbelief
October 2003, Saturday morning session
- The Phenomenon That Is You
October 2003, priesthood session
- Choices
April 2004, priesthood session
- Did You Get the Right Message?
April 2004, Sunday morning session
- Where Do I Make My Stand?
October 2004, Saturday morning session
- The Key of the Knowledge of God
October 2004, priesthood session
- Perseverance
April 2005, priesthood session
- Standing in Holy Places
April 2005, Sunday morning session
- The Light in Their Eyes
October 2005, Saturday morning session
- Called and Chosen
October 2005, priesthood session
- Instruments in the Hands of God
October 2005, General Relief Society Meeting
- A Royal Priesthood
April 2006, priesthood session
- The Restoration of All Things
April 2006, Sunday morning session
- Your Light—a Standard to All Nations
April 2006, general Young Women meeting
- Discipleship
October 2006, Saturday morning session
- Spiritual Nutrients
October 2006, priesthood session
- Salt Lake Tabernacle Rededication
April 2007, Saturday afternoon session
- Message to My Grandsons
April 2007, priesthood session
- The Healing Power of Forgiveness
April 2007, Sunday morning session
CES/worldwide devotionals
- Lost Horizons
August 14, 1973
- The Odyssey to Happiness
January 6, 1974
- Christianity—Repression or Liberation?
June 10, 1975
- The Blessings of Adversity
February 21, 1978
- A Testimony of Christ
March 13, 1979
- Patriarchal Blessings
March 30, 1980
- An Even Balance
March 17, 1981
- Self-Esteem: A Great Human Need
August 23, 1983
- A Message to Our Granddaughters
February 12, 1985
- An Untroubled Faith
September 28, 1986
- Where Is the Church?
September 24, 1989
- The Voice of the Spirit
September 5, 1993
- Enhancing Secular Knowledge Through Spiritual Knowledge and Faith
August 23, 1994
- Trying to Serve the Lord Without Offending the Devil
November 15, 1994
- Personal Epiphanies
January 7, 1996
- Learning for Eternity
November 18, 1997
- We Believe in You!
November 1, 1998
- Our Search for Happiness
September 14, 1999
- Brigham Young: A Bold Prophet
August 21, 2001
- Come Out of the Darkness into the Light
September 8, 2002
- Where Is the Church?
March 1, 2005
- May 2005 Fireside
May 1, 2005
- The Value of Self Esteem
May 1, 2007
- Untitled
March 25, 1974
- The Best Things We Can Do In The Worst of Times
September 6, 1983
- Reach for the Stars
April 17, 1990
- Commencement address (unavailable)
April 27, 1995
- Go Forth as Men and Women of Honor and Loyalty
April 26, 2003