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Reunion II

Reunion II

A more compact sequel to Reunion and one of a number of veil pieces (as I call them).

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Slain for the Sins of the World

Slain for the Sins of the World

A reference to 1 Nephi 11:33. (Seemed like the right choice for Good Friday today.)

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In the Arms of His Love II

In the Arms of His Love II

A reference to 2 Nephi 1:15. A sequel to In the Arms of His Love. (I wanted to tweak the arms a bit and do it in more of a flat style.)

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To Keep It Holy

To Keep It Holy

A reference to Exodus 20:8.

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It Is the Same

It Is the Same

A reference to Doctrine & Covenants 1:38. The top circle represents God and the bottom circle represents the prophets. The white overlapped triangles represent the word of God going forth to fill the world.

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April 6, 1830

Figured today’s a good day to release this.

April 6, 1830

The circles represent the six organizers present at the organization of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on April 6, 1830. (Others were present as well, though I’ve left them out for minimalism’s sake.)

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On the Third Day

Another Easter piece:

On the Third Day

The white circle at top represents the resurrected Jesus Christ ascending into heaven, leaving the empty tomb behind (represented by the dark circle below). A companion piece to He Is Risen and He Is Not Here.

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Prophets, Seers, Revelators II

Prophets, Seers, Revelators II

The white circle at top represents Jesus Christ. The row of three circles represents the First Presidency, and the remaining rows represent the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.

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And in the same vein as Gethsemane:


The title is a reference to Matthew 26:39. The triangles represent the Savior, and the golden circle represents divinity and holiness.

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He Is Not Here

An Easter piece, in the same vein as He Is Risen:

He Is Not Here

The circle represents the empty tomb, and the light rectangle represents the stone rolled away.

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