Projects: #javascript
- Alphabet Super simple web app for reviewing the alphabet.
- Asteroids Simple web-based Asteroids clone.
- Botswana Web-based game engine for bot wars, programmable via JavaScript.
- Bubble Pursuit Small 3D game written for a class project.
- Cirque Small web app for generating circle-packing art.
- Crosswrite Small web app for audio transcription.
- Emperor Script for embedding pedigree charts in web pages.
- Erasure Simple web app for memorizing paragraphs of text, erasing a few words at a time.
- Family Analysis Proof of concept for analyzing family relationships.
- Family pedigree charts A new style of family pedigree chart.
- Speed Electron app to help with writing X words in Y minutes.
- Spin Small game where gravity rotates every five seconds.
- Tabular pedigree charts A simple table-based pedigree chart.
- Typlate Small web-based tool for generating templates for type design.
- Unicode Inspector Simple web app showing Unicode code points for a string of text.