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Blog: #greek

More parallel language editions of the Book of Mormon:

  • Afrikaans–English
  • Albanian–English
  • Aymara–English
  • Bulgarian–English
  • Catalan–English
  • Cebuano–English
  • Croatian–English
  • Czech–English
  • Danish–English
  • Estonian–English
  • Fijian–English
  • Finnish–English
  • Greek–English
  • Haitian Creole–English
  • Hawaiian–English
  • Hmong–English
  • Hungarian–English
  • Icelandic–English
  • Igbo–English
  • Iloko–English
  • Indonesian–English
  • Korean–English
  • Malay–English
  • Norwegian–English
  • Polish–English
  • Romanian–English
  • Russian–English
  • Shona–English
  • Swahili–English
  • Swedish–English
  • Tagalog–English
  • Ukrainian–English
  • Vietnamese–English
  • Xhosa–English
  • Yoruba–English
  • Zulu–English
Korean–English side-by-side edition
Ukrainian–English side-by-side edition

I’ll have another batch posted tomorrow, too, with 22 more languages.

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Greek New Testament reader’s edition

Just posted a verseless, paragraphed reader’s edition of the Greek New Testament, available for free download as an EPUB. It uses the paragraphing from the Nestle 1904 source edition.

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Greek New Testament study edition

Just posted a wide margin study edition of the Greek New Testament (the Nestle 1904 Novum Testamentum Graece text). It’s available for free download as a PDF.


And now I can (finally) take “publish a Greek New Testament” off my bucket list.

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Greek and Latin vocab lists

This is cool: Haverford College has created a tool called Bridge that creates Latin or Greek vocab lists from texts and textbooks. For example, I was able to start with the vocab from Moreland and Fleischer’s Latin: An Intensive Course (the text we used in my first Latin course in college) and then limit it to just nouns and verbs. You can export to Excel/TSV as well. Pretty neat.

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On digital Greek and Latin texts

A good blog post by Gregory Crane (editor-in-chief of the Perseus Digital Library at Tufts) back in February about the Digital Loeb Classical library and the digitization of Greek and Latin texts:

We need transcriptions of public domain print editions to provide a starting point for work. These editions do not have to be the most up-to-date and they do not even have to be error free (99% may be good enough rather than 99.95%). If the community has the ability to correct and augment and to add features such as are described above and to receive recognition for that work, then the editions will evolve rapidly and outperform closed editions. If no community emerges to improve the editions, then the edition is good enough for current purposes. This model moves away from treating the community as a set of consumers and towards viewing members of the community as citizens with an obligation to contribute as well as to use.

The post has links to some fascinating projects I didn’t know about, like the Open Philology Project and the Homer Multitext Project.

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Ancient Greek OCR

This is cool:

Ancient Greek OCR is free software to accurately convert scans of printed Ancient Greek into unicode text and PDF files, which can be easily searched, copied, archived, and transformed. It uses the excellent Tesseract OCR engine, tailored for Ancient Greek typography, syntax and vocabulary.

I haven’t used Tesseract in 10+ years, but back then it wasn’t too great. According to their website, however: “Between 1995 and 2006 it had little work done on it, but since then it has been improved extensively by Google.” That’s encouraging. (I wonder if that’s what they’re using behind the scenes for Google Books and Google Drive and their other things.)

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Greek alphabet chart

Per Dan Hanks’ request, here’s a Greek alphabet chart (in PDF):

(Classical Greek, that is, not modern Greek.)

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The Iliad

Today’s release: Ἰλιάς, an EPUB/Kindle edition of Homer’s Iliad in ancient Greek (as part of my Originals series). The EPUB edition looks better than the Kindle edition, at least in iBooks and Digital Editions, but the Kindle edition is pretty usable as well. Enjoy.

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