Lightweight research and experimentation, intended to explore ideas. Usually not a finished, polished product.
See the genealogy page for a list of my design experiments — pedigree charts, family sparklines, etc.
Typesetting, bookmaking, & type design
- Caxton Markdown-to-EPUB converter (successor to mdepub).
- Curves Experimental Python library exploring programmatic type design.
- Fledge Small language/shell for processing text and image files.
- Ink Typesetting engine.
- iPhone-sized PDF An experiment in typesetting to a smaller form factor.
- Paper EPUBs An attempt to make ebooks look less digital. (Paper is not actually involved.)
- Press Experimental tool for compiling a text description file to PDF.
- Responsive sheet music A small experiment in typesetting sheet music responsively.
Art & graphics
- 3D texture in Blender Using Blender to simulate more realistic textures for art.
- Circlecells Generative art experiment using cellular automata.
- Grain Experimental script for texturing images.
- Chiptune hymns “The Spirit of God” in an NES-style chiptune.
- Trill Experimental REPL for music composition.