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Hymn prints

Note: going forward, new hymn prints will show up on the #hymn-prints tag page instead. (Eventually I’ll move these over there.)

Experimental designs with hymn melodies, for people who want sheet music on their walls. The introductory blog post talks a bit about how these were made. For the abstract hymn prints, rhythm is occasionally simplified. High-resolution images for making your own prints are available for free upon request. Related blog posts: #hymn-prints

Music notation


Music notation

Abide with Me!

Prints available

The first few measures of "Abide with Me!"

Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee

Prints available. Note that this is a single melodic line.

The first few measures of "Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee"

The Spirit of God

Prints available

The first few measures of "The Spirit of God"

Abstract hymn prints

As Sisters in Zion

Prints available

Circles and lines representing the first few measures of "As Sisters in Zion"

Be Still, My Soul

Prints available

Circles and lines representing the first few measures of "Be Still, My Soul"

High on the Mountain Top

Prints available

Circles and lines representing the first few measures of "High on the Mountain Top"

I Stand All Amazed

Prints available

Circles and lines representing the first few measures of "I Stand All Amazed"

In Humility, Our Savior

Prints available

Circles and lines representing the first few measures of "In Humility, Our Savior"

Press Forward, Saints

Prints available

Circles and lines representing the first few measures of "Press Forward, Saints"

The Spirit of God

Prints available

Circles and lines representing the first few measures of "The Spirit of God"

Where Can I Turn for Peace?

Prints available

Circles and lines representing the first few measures of "Where Can I Turn for Peace?"

Related blog posts
