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Blog: #russian

More parallel language editions of the Book of Mormon:

  • Afrikaans–English
  • Albanian–English
  • Aymara–English
  • Bulgarian–English
  • Catalan–English
  • Cebuano–English
  • Croatian–English
  • Czech–English
  • Danish–English
  • Estonian–English
  • Fijian–English
  • Finnish–English
  • Greek–English
  • Haitian Creole–English
  • Hawaiian–English
  • Hmong–English
  • Hungarian–English
  • Icelandic–English
  • Igbo–English
  • Iloko–English
  • Indonesian–English
  • Korean–English
  • Malay–English
  • Norwegian–English
  • Polish–English
  • Romanian–English
  • Russian–English
  • Shona–English
  • Swahili–English
  • Swedish–English
  • Tagalog–English
  • Ukrainian–English
  • Vietnamese–English
  • Xhosa–English
  • Yoruba–English
  • Zulu–English
Korean–English side-by-side edition
Ukrainian–English side-by-side edition

I’ll have another batch posted tomorrow, too, with 22 more languages.

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More scripture releases

Today I’m releasing version 2.0 of Words of the Prophets: Selected Sermons from the Book of Mormon and the plates edition of the Book of Mormon, both now using the licensed text. (And the plates edition is also available in Kindle format for the first time.)

I’m also releasing the Book of Mormon study edition in 14 new languages: Afrikaans, Cebuano, Danish, Dutch, Hmong, Hungarian, Norwegian, Romanian, Russian, Swahili, Swedish, Tagalog, Turkish, and Vietnamese.

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Russian alphabet chart

Just finished the aforementioned Russian alphabet chart:


It’s available in PDF as usual.

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I’m working on a Russian alphabet chart at the moment. Things are mostly in place, with some spacing to do on some of the IPA bits, possibly adding cursive, and then sending the chart to some Russian speakers for proofing. It’s close.

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Crime & Punishment Kindle edition

Now that the Kindle supports Cyrillic, I’ve put together a Kindle edition of the Russian Crime & Punishment, to match the EPUB I released a year ago. I’ve also made the EPUB formatting a little nicer. Enjoy.

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Crime & Punishment EPUB (Russian)

My second book release for today is Преступление и наказание (Crime & Punishment). This is an EPUB edition of Dostovesky’s novel (which I love) in the original Russian.

This marks my first attempt at creating an EPUB from a text in a non-Roman script (Cyrillic), and I was pleasantly surprised at how well it all went. I should note that Stanza displays the book just fine, but I haven’t yet tested it in iBooks.

I designed the cover in Photoshop. There’s a higher resolution version available on Flickr.

And no, I don’t read Russian. Yet.

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