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Blog: #latin

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Latin declensions chart update

I ported my Latin declensions chart from PlotDevice (which was Mac-only and thus not accessible to people without Macs) to HTML/CSS.

Some notes:

  • My goal with this was to make a chart that’s modifiable as easily as possible without building a full chart-generation app.
  • Because this HTML and CSS is intended for print and not at all for the responsive web, there are a few ways I did things that I probably wouldn’t have used on a web project.
  • I considered using on-page JavaScript to generate the table HTML, since right now there’s a lot of duplication, but I opted to stick with straight HTML to make it easier for non-technical people to modify.
  • The column widths are manually set so that things line up across tables. I could have done one big table instead, but the editing ergonomics would have been substantially worse.
  • Chrome still can’t print lines less than 1pt in width, so I used Firefox to export the PDF.
  • I wish custom properties worked in @page. I also plan to eventually refactor this so that more of the CSS is configurable via custom properties. (At this point it’s just column widths/gaps and colors.)
  • This 3.0 version of the chart changes the font from Museo Sans / Minion Pro to EB Garamond, so that the font is freely available. (EB Garamond also feels more appropriate to Latin than Museo Sans.)

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Latin New Testament study edition

To go along with the Greek New Testament study edition, I’ve just posted a wide margin study edition of the Latin New Testament (the 1914 Clementine Vulgate). It’s available for free download as a PDF.


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Updated the Latin 1st conjugation chart — the passive subjunctive pluperfect plural was incorrectly using the singular forms. Thanks to John Batali for the heads up!

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Updated the Latin declensions chart with a fix for fructus, which was incorrectly feminine (it’s masculine). Thanks to Chih-cheng Yuan for the heads up!

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Latin and Thai chart source files

I’ve posted the PlotDevice source files to GitHub for the following charts:

I’ve also added the alternate vocative version of the declensions chart to the Latin declensions repo.

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Latin declensions chart update

I’ve ported my Latin declensions chart to PlotDevice (from InDesign) and posted the source to GitHub. It’s now fairly easy to change the order of the cases and add new ones like the vocative. The chart itself is slightly different as well — spacing, colors, etc.

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Latin pronouns chart

Nerdy newsflash: I made a Latin pronouns chart to go along with the conjugation charts and declensions chart:


There are several I didn’t include (quis, aliquis, ipse, etc.) because I wanted to keep it from getting too crowded.

As with the conjugations chart, I made this in PlotDevice.

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Latin conjugation charts

I’m years behind on this, but I’ve finally made some Latin conjugation charts to go along with the declensions chart I made back in 2009:


There’s one for each of the major conjugations (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd i-stem, and 4th).

I made them in PlotDevice, using a YAML data file for each conjugation with a script that takes the YAML and generates the PDF.

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Greek and Latin vocab lists

This is cool: Haverford College has created a tool called Bridge that creates Latin or Greek vocab lists from texts and textbooks. For example, I was able to start with the vocab from Moreland and Fleischer’s Latin: An Intensive Course (the text we used in my first Latin course in college) and then limit it to just nouns and verbs. You can export to Excel/TSV as well. Pretty neat.

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