Blog: #book-of-mormon
Portuguese Book of Mormon reader’s edition
Just released a Portuguese reader’s edition of the Book of Mormon, in EPUB, Kindle, and PDF.
Spanish Book of Mormon reader’s edition
Today I’m releasing a Spanish version of the Book of Mormon reader’s edition, freely available in EPUB, Kindle, and PDF:
Sixteen Small Stones
In the Arms of His Love
That We May Have Light
Scripture Journals
I’ve released a set of scripture journals — one lined page for each chapter (of the Book of Mormon, D&C, Pearl of Great Price, Old Testament, and New Testament), available in PDF in both college-ish rule and wide-ish rule.
Book of Mormon line edition prototype
This one is experimental, exploring a punctuationless Book of Mormon to recreate in some small measure the original dictation. I’ve capitalized proper names and have broken the text into sense lines to make it readable. The second page of 2 Nephi 2 (PDF):
Feedback appreciated.
(The idea came from two sources: Royal Skousen’s Yale edition, which is broken into sense lines, and an email Zander Sturgill sent me a year ago about his punctuation-free Book of Mormon.)
Book of Mormon large print study edition
By request, I’ve made a large print version of the Book of Mormon wide margin study edition:
Because Lulu’s spiral binding limit is 470 pages, I had to break it up into two volumes.
Book of Mormon reader’s edition 3.0
After far too long, the re-typeset print edition of the Book of Mormon reader’s edition is now available. You can download the PDF or purchase a perfect-bound paperback via Lulu.
There’s also a new spiral-bound wide margin edition. It’s basically the reparagraphed text of the reader’s edition in the wide margin style of the study edition.
Print editions of the D&C reader’s edition, the Pearl of Great Price reader’s edition, and Words of the Prophets are all still forthcoming. (I’m hoping to get to them soon.)
(Note: the EPUB and Kindle editions are still at version 2.1 since nothing changed.)