Collected Talks of Russell M. Nelson

General conference
1984 – present
First Presidency Christmas devotionals
2013 – present
CES/worldwide devotionals
2003 – present
1974 – present
1977 – present
1992 – present
2017 – present
General conference (Church website index)
- Call to the Holy Apostleship
April 1984, Sunday morning session
- Protect the Spiritual Power Line
October 1984, Saturday afternoon session
- Reverence for Life
April 1985, Saturday morning session
- Self-Mastery
October 1985, Saturday afternoon session
- In the Lord’s Own Way
April 1986, Saturday afternoon session
- “Joy Cometh in the Morning”
October 1986, Sunday afternoon session
- Life after Life
April 1987, Saturday morning session
- Lessons from Eve
October 1987, general women’s meeting
- Keys of the Priesthood
October 1987, priesthood session
- “With God Nothing Shall Be Impossible”
April 1988, Saturday afternoon session
- Addiction or Freedom
October 1988, Saturday morning session
- The Canker of Contention
April 1989, Sunday afternoon session
- Woman—Of Infinite Worth
October 1989, Saturday afternoon session
- “Thus Shall My Church Be Called”
April 1990, Saturday morning session
- Choices
October 1990, Sunday afternoon session
- Listen to Learn
April 1991, Saturday afternoon session
- “These … Were Our Examples”
October 1991, Sunday morning session
- Doors of Death
April 1992, Sunday afternoon session
- Where Is Wisdom?
October 1992, Saturday morning session
- Honoring the Priesthood
April 1993, priesthood session
- Constancy amid Change
October 1993, Saturday afternoon session
- “Teach Us Tolerance and Love”
April 1994, Sunday morning session
- The Spirit of Elijah
October 1994, Sunday afternoon session
- Children of the Covenant
April 1995, Saturday afternoon session
- Perfection Pending
October 1995, Sunday afternoon session
- “Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods”
April 1996, Saturday morning session
- The Atonement
October 1996, Saturday afternoon session
- Endure and Be Lifted Up
April 1997, Sunday afternoon session
- Spiritual Capacity
October 1997, Saturday morning session
- A New Harvest Time
April 1998, Saturday afternoon session
- We Are Children of God
October 1998, Sunday afternoon session
- Our Sacred Duty to Honor Women
April 1999, priesthood session
- A Testimony of the Book of Mormon
October 1999, Sunday morning session
- The Creation
April 2000, Sunday afternoon session
- Living by Scriptural Guidance
October 2000, Saturday morning session
- Personal Preparation for Temple Blessings
April 2001, Saturday afternoon session
- “Set in Order Thy House”
October 2001, Sunday morning session
- How Firm Our Foundation
April 2002, Sunday afternoon session
- “Blessed Are the Peacemakers”
October 2002, Saturday afternoon session
- Sweet Power of Prayer
April 2003, Saturday morning session
- Personal Priesthood Responsibility
October 2003, priesthood session
- Roots and Branches
April 2004, Saturday afternoon session
- Senior Missionaries and the Gospel
October 2004, Sunday morning session
- Now Is the Time to Prepare
April 2005, Saturday morning session
- Jesus Christ—the Master Healer
October 2005, Sunday afternoon session
- Nurturing Marriage
April 2006, Saturday afternoon session
- The Gathering of Scattered Israel
October 2006, Sunday morning session
- Repentance and Conversion
April 2007, Sunday afternoon session
- Scriptural Witnesses
October 2007, Saturday afternoon session
- Salvation and Exaltation
April 2008, Saturday morning session
- Celestial Marriage
October 2008, Sunday afternoon session
- Lessons from the Lord’s Prayers
April 2009, Saturday afternoon session
- Ask, Seek, Knock
October 2009, Sunday morning session
- Generations Linked in Love
April 2010, Sunday afternoon session
- Be Thou an Example of the Believers
October 2010, priesthood session
- Face the Future with Faith
April 2011, Saturday afternoon session
- Covenants
October 2011, Sunday afternoon session
- Thanks Be to God
April 2012, Sunday morning session
- Ask the Missionaries! They Can Help You!
October 2012, Saturday morning session
- Catch the Wave
April 2013, Saturday afternoon session
- Decisions for Eternity
October 2013, Sunday afternoon session
- Let Your Faith Show
April 2014, Saturday afternoon session
- Sustaining the Prophets
October 2014, Sunday morning session
- The Sabbath Is a Delight
April 2015, Sunday afternoon session
- A Plea to My Sisters
October 2015, Sunday morning session
- The Price of Priesthood Power
April 2016, general priesthood session
- Joy and Spiritual Survival
October 2016, Sunday morning session
- Drawing the Power of Jesus Christ into Our Lives
April 2017, Saturday morning session
- The Book of Mormon: What Would Your Life Be Like without It?
October 2017, Saturday afternoon session
- Introductory Remarks
April 2018, general priesthood session
- Ministering with the Power and Authority of God
April 2018, general priesthood session
- Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives
April 2018, Sunday morning session
- Ministering
April 2018, Sunday afternoon session
- Let Us All Press On
April 2018, Sunday afternoon session
- Opening Remarks
October 2018, Saturday morning session
- Sisters’ Participation in the Gathering of Israel
October 2018, general women’s session
- The Correct Name of the Church
October 2018, Sunday morning session
- Becoming Exemplary Latter-day Saints
October 2018, Sunday afternoon session
- We Can Do Better and Be Better
April 2019, general priesthood session
- “Come, Follow Me”
April 2019, Sunday morning session
- Closing Remarks
April 2019, Sunday afternoon session
- Witnesses, Aaronic Priesthood Quorums, and Young Women Classes
October 2019, Saturday afternoon session
- Spiritual Treasures
October 2019, women’s session
- The Second Great Commandment
October 2019, Sunday morning session
- Closing Remarks
October 2019, Sunday afternoon session
- Opening Message
April 2020, Saturday morning session
- Opening the Heavens for Help
April 2020, Saturday evening session
- Hear Him
April 2020, Sunday morning session
- Hosanna Shout
April 2020, Sunday morning session
- Go Forward in Faith
April 2020, Sunday afternoon session
- Moving Forward
October 2020, Saturday morning session
- Embrace the Future with Faith
October 2020, women’s session
- Let God Prevail
October 2020, Sunday morning session
- A New Normal
October 2020, Sunday afternoon session
- Welcome Message
April 2021, Saturday morning session
- What We Are Learning and Will Never Forget
April 2021, general priesthood session
- Christ Is Risen; Faith in Him Will Move Mountains
April 2021, Sunday morning session
- COVID-19 and Temples
April 2021, Sunday afternoon session
- Pure Truth, Pure Doctrine, and Pure Revelation
October 2021, Saturday morning session
- The Temple and Your Spiritual Foundation
October 2021, Sunday morning session
- Make Time for the Lord
October 2021, Sunday afternoon session
- Preaching the Gospel of Peace
April 2022, Saturday morning session
- The Power of Spiritual Momentum
April 2022, Sunday morning session
- Now Is the Time
April 2022, Sunday afternoon session
- What Is True?
October 2022, Saturday morning session
- Overcome the World and Find Rest
October 2022, Sunday morning session
- Focus on the Temple
October 2022, Sunday afternoon session
- Peacemakers Needed
April 2023, Sunday morning session
- The Answer Is Always Jesus Christ
April 2023, Sunday afternoon session
- Think Celestial!
October 2023, Sunday afternoon session
- Rejoice in the Gift of Priesthood Keys
April 2024, Sunday afternoon session
- The Lord Jesus Christ Will Come Again
October 2024, Sunday afternoon session
First Presidency Christmas devotionals
- Jesus the Christ—Our Prince of Peace
- Four Gifts That Jesus Christ Offers to You
- Divine Gifts
December 6, 2020
- “Come, Let Us Adore Him”
December 3, 2023
CES/worldwide devotionals
- Young Adults and the Temple (MP3, video)
May 4, 2003
- Faith and Families (PDF, MP3, video)
February 1, 2005
- Power and Protection Provided by Worthy Music (PDF, MP3, video)
May 4, 2008
- Youth of the Noble Birthright: What Will You Choose?
September 6, 2013
- Becoming True Millennials
January 10, 2016
- Prophets, Leadership, and Divine Law
January 8, 2017
- Hope of Israel
June 3, 2018
- Choices for Eternity
May 15, 2022
- Four Lessons from One Life
May 14, 1974
- What’s in a Name?
June 24, 1980
- Begin with the End in Mind
September 30, 1984
- Truth…And More
August 1, 1985
- I’ll Go, I’ll Do, I’ll Be: Three Steps Toward A Monumental Life
August 19, 1986
- The Magnificence of Man
March 29, 1987
- Thanks for the Covenant
November 22, 1988
- Reflection and Resolution
January 7, 1990
- Standards of Standard-Bearers of the Lord
January 6, 1991
- Jesus the Christ—Our Master and More
February 2, 1992
- Integrity of Heart
February 23, 1993
- “A More Excellent Hope”
January 8, 1995
- The Exodus Repeated
September 7, 1997
- Gratitude for the Mission and Ministry of Jesus Christ
August 18, 1998
- Identity, Priority, and Blessings
September 10, 2000
- Christ the Savior is Born
December 10, 2002
- Faith and Families
February 6, 2005
- Power and Protection Provided by Worthy Music
May 4, 2008
- “Neither Trust in the Arm of Flesh”
April 23, 2009
- Disciples of Jesus Christ–Defenders of Marriage
August 14, 2014
- To Do and To Be
August 13, 2015
- The Love and Laws of God
September 17, 2019
- Take Care of Your Body (unavailable)
March 1, 1977
- What Are You Doing With Your Life?
September 11, 1984
- The Purpose of Life
September 6, 1988
- Devotional address
November 12, 1990
- Love of the Lord—in Language and Living
April 28, 2001
- Commencement address (unavailable)
April 29, 2006
- Education—A Religious Responsibility
January 26, 2010
- Leaders Worthy of Emulation
December 17, 2010
- The Lord Uses the Unlikely to Accomplish the Impossible
January 27, 2015
- Devotional address
May 14, 1992
- Visions Past, Present, and Future
April 9, 2011
- RootsTech Family Discovery Day—Opening Session 2017
February 11, 2017
- A Message from the First Presidency
January 16, 2018
- Remarks at Worldwide Priesthood Celebration
June 1, 2018
- Jesus Is the Living Christ, Our Lord and Savior
August 15, 2018
- President Nelson Shares Message of Hope during Coronavirus Outbreak
March 17, 2020
- On the Healing Power of Gratitude
November 20, 2020
- Oklahoma/Kansas member devotional (selected quotes)
October 17, 2021
- Europe area member devotional (selected quotes)
January 23, 2022