The Book of Mormon: Plates Edition

About the book
This edition is an experimental way to read the Book of Mormon. Everything is in the same order as in the standard edition, but I’ve regrouped the books and chapters in a slightly different way. (I’ve also removed the verse and chapter numbers and reparagraphed the text.)
Note: there are no chapter headings or footnotes in this edition, by design.
What it looks like

Table of contents
- The Small Plates of Nephi
- The First Book of Nephi
- The Second Book of Nephi
- The Book of Jacob, brother of Nephi
- The Book of Enos, son of Jacob
- The Book of Jarom, son of Enos
- The Record of Omni, son of Jarom
- The Record of Amaron, son of Omni
- The Record of Chemish, brother of Amaron
- The Record of Abinadom, son of Chemish
- The Record of Amaleki, son of Abinadom
- The Words of Mormon
- The Large Plates of Nephi
- The First Book of Mosiah
- The Record of Zeniff
- The Record of Alma the Elder
- The Second Book of Mosiah
- The First Book of Alma the Younger
- The Account of the Sons of Mosiah
- The Second Book of Alma the Younger
- The Record of Helaman, son of Alma
- The Book of Helaman, son of Helaman
- The Prophecy of Nephi, son of Helaman
- The Prophecy of Samuel, the Lamanite
- The Fourth Book of Nephi, son of Nephi
- The Fifth Book of Nephi, son of Nephi
- The Book of Mormon
- The Record of Moroni
- The Book of Ether
- The Book of Moroni
- The First Epistle of Mormon
- The Second Epistle of Mormon
- The Third Epistle of Mormon
- The Last Words of Moroni
This edition © 2017 Benjamin Crowder. All rights reserved.
Text of the Book of Mormon © 2017 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
The text of this edition is licensed from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints with the following disclaimer: The Product offered by Benjamin Crowder is neither made, provided, approved, nor endorsed by, Intellectual Reserve, Inc. or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Any content or opinions expressed, implied, or included in or with the Product offered by Benjamin Crowder are solely those of Benjamin Crowder and not those of Intellectual Reserve, Inc. or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
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- 2.0 release (3 Aug 2017)
- Initial EPUB release (6 Aug 2010)
- 2.0 (3 Aug 2017): Initial release using licensed text
- 1.3 (6 Apr 2015): Fixed more typos (“the the” and “exccept”)
- 1.2 (26 Jun 2012): Fixed several typos
- 1.1 (2 Nov 2011): Fixed typo in 2 Nephi and reformatted
- 1.0 (6 Aug 2010): Initial release (EPUB)