Scriptures in JSON

JSON editions of the Latter-day Saint standard works.
- Book of Mormon: text, title page, original book/chapter headings (not the chapter summaries added later), testimonies
- Doctrine & Covenants: text, title page
- Pearl of Great Price: text, title page, facsimiles
- Old Testament: text, title page
- New Testament: text, title page
These JSON editions do not include copyrighted material (footnotes, chapter summaries, the Book of Mormon introduction, etc.)
For more information, see the README
Related links
- Old and New Testaments (blog post, 2016-10-02)
- Updated files (blog post, 2016-10-01)
- D&C/PoGP release (blog post, 2016-07-31)
- Initial release (blog post, 2016-07-15)
These files are in the public domain.
See the README