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Inspired by Manu Moreale’s and harking back to the old days of the web. (And, like Manu, I love getting in touch with people like you.) I add each entry manually, so new ones won’t show up immediately.

Only the message and bot filter are required. For the latter, enter the title of this page (the heading above the first paragraph). You can write Markdown in the message.

Guestbook entries

Isabel on May 13, 2024

Just discovered your Latin tables - you’ve just saved my Latin GCSE. Thanks a million.

Chris on April 5, 2024

I love links posts … They are the best way to discover new content.

I’ve added your feed into my RSS reader

Bryan on March 24, 2024

Hey Ben, just dropping in to say hi. It seems like you’re always publishing something new on your site, whether it’s artwork, ebooks, design work, or posts. Love to see it all—keep up the great work.

Christoph on March 18, 2024

I found your site years ago searching for Latin declension tables and their design and typography got me instantly. I follow your blog through RSS and especially like the link and book posts. We never met and surely never will, but like other bloggers I somehow feel connected through this medium.

Christof on March 18, 2024

This is lovely.
I completely forgot about guestbooks.
I guess they went the way of the dodo once comments on blogs and news sites became popular.
All you need now is an “under construction” GIF somewhere on the page :-)
While I don’t have a guestbook, the About page on my blogger blog has a comment section. Which is a bit weird.

Hlib Bokii on March 17, 2024

Hi, there! Just wanted to say - thank you!

Your Latin tables are one of the cleanest I found on the Internet (same can be said about this whole site, tbh.) and they really helped with my studies.