Collected Talks of Neil L. Andersen

General conference
1993 – present
First Presidency Christmas devotionals
2022 – present
CES/worldwide devotionals
2007 – present
2006 – present
2000 – present
2006 – present
Ensign College
1998 – present
2014 – present
General conference (Church website index)
- “Whom the Lord Calls, the Lord Qualifies”
April 1993, Sunday afternoon session
- Prophets and Spiritual Mole Crickets
October 1999, Saturday morning session
- Beware of the Evil behind the Smiling Eyes
April 2005, priesthood session
- It’s True, Isn’t It? Then What Else Matters?
April 2007, Sunday morning session
- You Know Enough
October 2008, Saturday morning session
- Come unto Him
April 2009, Sunday morning session
- “Repent … That I May Heal You”
October 2009, Saturday afternoon session
- Tell Me the Stories of Jesus
April 2010, Sunday afternoon session
- Never Leave Him
October 2010, Saturday afternoon session
- Preparing the World for the Second Coming
April 2011, priesthood session
- Children
October 2011, Saturday afternoon session
- What Thinks Christ of Me?
April 2012, Sunday afternoon session
- Trial of Your Faith
October 2012, Saturday afternoon session
- It’s a Miracle
April 2013, Sunday morning session
- Power in the Priesthood
October 2013, Sunday afternoon session
- Spiritual Whirlwinds
April 2014, Saturday morning session
- Joseph Smith
October 2014, Saturday afternoon session
- Thy Kingdom Come
April 2015, Sunday afternoon session
- Faith Is Not by Chance, but by Choice
October 2015, general priesthood session
- “Whoso Receiveth Them Receiveth Me”
April 2016, Saturday afternoon session
- A Witness of God
October 2016, Saturday morning session
- Overcoming the World
April 2017, Saturday afternoon session
- The Voice of the Lord
October 2017, Sunday afternoon session
- The Prophet of God
April 2018, Saturday morning session
- Wounded
October 2018, Sunday morning session
- The Eye of Faith
April 2019, Saturday afternoon session
- Fruit
October 2019, Sunday afternoon session
- Spiritually Defining Memories
April 2020, Saturday morning session
- We Talk of Christ
October 2020, Sunday morning session
- The Personal Journey of a Child of God
April 2021, Saturday afternoon session
- The Name of the Church Is Not Negotiable
October 2021, Sunday afternoon session
- Following Jesus: Being a Peacemaker
April 2022, Saturday morning session
- Drawing Closer to the Savior
October 2022, Saturday evening session
- My Mind Caught Hold upon This Thought of Jesus Christ
April 2023, Sunday morning session
- Tithing: Opening the Windows of Heaven
October 2023, Saturday afternoon session
- Temples, Houses of the Lord Dotting the Earth
April 2024, Sunday afternoon session
- The Triumph of Hope
October 2024, Saturday morning session
First Presidency Christmas devotionals
CES/worldwide devotionals
- Seeing Through the Generations
May 16, 2006
- Hold Fast to the Words of the Prophets
March 4, 2007
- Preparing for Your Spiritual Destiny
January 10, 2010
- Honesty–The Heart of Spirituality
September 13, 2011
- A Compensatory Spiritual Power for the Righteous
August 18, 2015
- A Holier Approach to Ministering
April 10, 2018
- Time for the Savior at Christmas
December 7, 2021
- Allowing Your Faith in Jesus Christ to Guide Your Life
January 17, 2023
- Educating Our Righteous Desires
August 20, 2024
- Untitled (unavailable)
October 17, 2000
- Patterns of Righteousness
August 1, 2008
- Commencement Address: Wisdom, with a Large W
April 10, 2009
- Complete Honesty, Unselfish Humility
February 14, 2017
- Who Are You Listening To?
April 7, 2022
- Facing Mortality as Adults: Marriage, Children, and the Temple (MP3)
May 19, 2024
- Gratitude for the Goodness of God
November 16, 2006
- Live Younger, Think Older
October 30, 2016
Ensign College
- Grounded, Rooted, Established, Settled
January 13, 1998
- I Thank Thee
November 19, 2019
- Our Prayer for Our Granddaughters (PDF)
2012 at BYU Women’s Conference
- Find Our Cousins!
February 8, 2014 at RootsTech
- A Classroom of Faith, Hope, and Charity
February 28, 2014 at CES instructor broadcast
- Single Adult Face to Face
June 13, 2021