Collected Talks of M. Russell Ballard

General conference
1976 – 2023
CES/worldwide devotionals
2002 – 2014
1978 – 2020
1978 – 2019
2001 – 2008
Ensign College
2020 – 2020
1988 – 2018
General conference (Church website index)
- The Making of a Missionary
October 1976, Sunday morning session
- Spiritual Development
October 1978, Sunday afternoon session
- You Can Be the Voice
April 1980, priesthood session
- The Savior’s Touch
October 1980, Saturday afternoon session
- Providing for Our Needs
April 1981, welfare session
- Teaching—No Greater Call
April 1983, Sunday afternoon session
- Write Down a Date
October 1984, Saturday morning session
- Prepare to Serve
April 1985, priesthood session
- In Response to the Call
October 1985, Sunday afternoon session
- The Kingdom Rolls Forth in South America
April 1986, Saturday morning session
- We Proclaim the Gospel
October 1986, Saturday afternoon session
- Keeping Life’s Demands in Balance
April 1987, Saturday morning session
- Sacrifice and Self-Sufficiency
October 1987, Sunday afternoon session
- God’s Love for His Children
April 1988, Sunday morning session
- The Hand of Fellowship
October 1988, Saturday afternoon session
- The Effects of Television
April 1989, Sunday afternoon session
- Duties, Rewards, and Risks
October 1989, Saturday afternoon session
- Small and Simple Things
April 1990, Saturday morning session
- Purity Precedes Power
October 1990, priesthood session
- Teach the Children
April 1991, Sunday afternoon session
- The Family of the Prophet Joseph Smith
October 1991, Saturday morning session
- Be an Example of the Believers
October 1991, general women’s meeting
- The Blessings of Sacrifice
April 1992, Sunday afternoon session
- The Joy of Hope Fulfilled
October 1992, Saturday afternoon session
- Keeping Covenants
April 1993, Saturday morning session
- Strength in Counsel
October 1993, Sunday afternoon session
- Equality through Diversity
October 1993, General Relief Society Meeting
- Counseling with Our Councils
April 1994, Saturday afternoon session
- Restored Truth
October 1994, Sunday morning session
- Answers to Life’s Questions
April 1995, Saturday afternoon session
- Hyrum Smith: “Firm As the Pillars of Heaven”
October 1995, Saturday morning session
- Feasting at the Lord’s Table
April 1996, Sunday afternoon session
- Faith in Every Footstep
October 1996, Saturday afternoon session
- “You Have Nothing to Fear from the Journey”
April 1997, Sunday morning session
- Standing for Truth and Right
October 1997, priesthood session
- Marvelous Are the Revelations of the Lord
April 1998, Saturday afternoon session
- Are We Keeping Pace?
October 1998, Saturday morning session
- Like a Flame Unquenchable
April 1999, Sunday afternoon session
- Beware of False Prophets and False Teachers
October 1999, Sunday morning session
- “How Is It with Us?”
April 2000, Saturday afternoon session
- Now Is the Time
October 2000, Sunday afternoon session
- “His Word Ye Shall Receive”
April 2001, Sunday morning session
- Doctrine of Inclusion
October 2001, Saturday afternoon session
- The Peaceable Things of the Kingdom
April 2002, Sunday afternoon session
- The Greatest Generation of Missionaries
October 2002, priesthood session
- The Essential Role of Member Missionary Work
April 2003, Saturday afternoon session
- Let Our Voices Be Heard
October 2003, Saturday morning session
- The Atonement and the Value of One Soul
April 2004, Sunday afternoon session
- Pure Testimony
October 2004, Saturday afternoon session
- One More
April 2005, Sunday morning session
- What Matters Most Is What Lasts Longest
October 2005, Saturday afternoon session
- Creating a Gospel-Sharing Home
April 2006, Sunday afternoon session
- O Be Wise
October 2006, Saturday morning session
- The Miracle of the Holy Bible
April 2007, Sunday morning session
- Faith, Family, Facts, and Fruits
October 2007, Saturday afternoon session
- Daughters of God
April 2008, Sunday afternoon session
- The Truth of God Shall Go Forth
October 2008, Sunday morning session
- Learning the Lessons of the Past
April 2009, Saturday afternoon session
- Fathers and Sons: A Remarkable Relationship
October 2009, priesthood session
- Mothers and Daughters
April 2010, Saturday morning session
- O That Cunning Plan of the Evil One
October 2010, Sunday afternoon session
- Finding Joy through Loving Service
April 2011, Saturday afternoon session
- The Importance of a Name
October 2011, Sunday morning session
- That the Lost May Be Found
April 2012, Sunday afternoon session
- Be Anxiously Engaged
October 2012, Saturday afternoon session
- “This Is My Work and Glory”
April 2013, Saturday morning session
- Put Your Trust in the Lord
October 2013, Saturday afternoon session
- Following Up
April 2014, Sunday morning session
- Stay in the Boat and Hold On!
October 2014, Sunday afternoon session
- The Greatest Generation of Young Adults
April 2015, general priesthood session
- God Is at the Helm
October 2015, Saturday morning session
- Family Councils
April 2016, Saturday afternoon session
- To Whom Shall We Go?
October 2016, Sunday morning session
- Return and Receive
April 2017, Saturday afternoon session
- The Trek Continues!
October 2017, Sunday afternoon session
- Precious Gifts from God
April 2018, Saturday morning session
- The Vision of the Redemption of the Dead
October 2018, Sunday morning session
- The True, Pure, and Simple Gospel of Jesus Christ
April 2019, Saturday afternoon session
- Giving Our Spirits Control over Our Bodies
October 2019, Sunday afternoon session
- Shall We Not Go On in So Great a Cause?
April 2020, Saturday morning session
- Watch Ye Therefore, and Pray Always
October 2020, Sunday morning session
- Hope in Christ
April 2021, Saturday afternoon session
- “Lovest Thou Me More Than These?”
October 2021, Saturday evening session
- Missionary Service Blessed My Life Forever
April 2022, Saturday morning session
- Follow Jesus Christ with Footsteps of Faith
October 2022, Saturday afternoon session
- Remember What Matters Most
April 2023, Sunday afternoon session
- Praise to the Man
October 2023, Sunday morning session
CES/worldwide devotionals
- Be Strong in the Lord, and in the Power of His Might (MP3, video)
- Follow the Doctrine and Gospel of Christ (video)
- Be Still, and Know That I Am God
- You—The Leaders in 1988
May 16, 1978
- “Is It Worth It?”
September 2, 1979
- Abide in the Light of the Gospel
October 21, 1980
- Let Us Think Straight
November 29, 1983
- Future Challenges for an International Church
November 8, 1984
- Choose to Serve
January 5, 1986
- Keep the Commandments—Beginning Right Now!
September 6, 1987
- Unlocking the Doors
November 14, 1989
- Provo 1992 Freedom Festival Fireside
July 2, 1992
- Anchor to the Soul
September 6, 1992
- What Came from Kirtland
November 6, 1994
- When Shall These Things Be?
March 12, 1996
- A Light on a Hill
August 27, 1996
- The Lord Has a Work for You to Do
January 18, 2000
- “Here Am I, Send Me”
March 13, 2001
- Be Strong in the Lord, and in the Power of His Might
March 3, 2002
- Focus on What Matters Most
April 24, 2003
- The Sacred Responsibilities of Parenthood
August 19, 2003
- Engaging Without Being Defensive
August 13, 2009
- Follow the Doctrine and Gospel of Christ
November 7, 2011
- “Let Us Think Straight”
August 20, 2013
- Questions and Answers
November 14, 2017
- Children of Heavenly Father
March 3, 2020
- Be Prepared (unavailable)
February 28, 1978
- Help Others Recognize Worth
September 11, 1979
- Today–A New Beginning
September 15, 1981
- Free Agency
October 23, 1984
- Keep Commitments to God
November 4, 1986
- Make Right Decisions
January 10, 1989
- Obedience to Standards Brings Peace
April 16, 1991
- Commencement address (unavailable)
April 23, 1994
- Right To Choose
September 10, 1996
- Straight Thinking / Right Choices
April 24, 2004
- Making Your Influence Felt
April 11, 2008
- Commencement Address
April 6, 2012
- The Lord’s Hand
December 18, 2019
- That We Might Know
January 25, 2001
- The Price of Religious Freedom
November 2, 2001
- Using New Media to Support the Work of the Church
December 15, 2007
- Toward our Destiny
April 6, 2008
Ensign College
- Be Still, and Know That I Am God
November 3, 2020
- Respond to the Prompting of the Spirit (unavailable)
January 8, 1988, to CES educators
- Here Am I, Send Me (PDF)
2001 at BYU Women’s Conference
- Raising the Greatest Generation of Missionaries (PDF)
2003 at BYU Women’s Conference
- Women of Dedication, Faith, Determination, and Action (PDF)
2015 at BYU Women’s Conference
- To the Saints of the Utah Salt Lake Area
September 11, 2016
- The Chapel: Our Sabbath Sanctuary
June 27, 2017
- Face to Face
November 19, 2017
- Utah North Multistake Conference Broadcast
October 28, 2018