Collected Talks of L. Tom Perry

General conference
1972 – 2015
CES/worldwide devotionals
2001 – 2011
1973 – 2013
1973 – 2012
1988 – 2010
Ensign College
General conference (Church website index)
- Three Pledges
October 1972, Sunday afternoon session
- Consider Your Ways
April 1973, Friday morning session
- “I Will Go and Do the Things Which the Lord Hath Commanded”
October 1973, Saturday morning session
- Build Your Shield of Faith
April 1974, Sunday morning session
- “When Thou Art Converted, Strengthen Thy Brethren”
October 1974, Friday morning session
- A Tribute
April 1975, Friday afternoon session
- For the Time Will Come When They Will Not Endure Sound Doctrine
October 1975, Sunday morning session
- “As a Man Soweth”
April 1976, Sunday afternoon session
- A Report on the Church’s Participation in America’s Bicentennial Celebration
October 1976, Saturday morning session
- But Be Ye Doers of the Word
April 1977, Sunday morning session
- The Role of the Stake Bishops Council in Welfare Services
April 1977, Welfare Services session
- Father—Your Role, Your Responsibility
October 1977, Sunday afternoon session
- “Trust in the Lord”
April 1978, Sunday morning session
- Home Teaching—A Sacred Calling
October 1978, Sunday afternoon session
- The Kingdom of God
April 1979, Saturday morning session
- Making the Right Decisions
October 1979, priesthood session
- Nauvoo—A Demonstration of Faith
April 1980, Sunday afternoon session
- “For Whatsoever a Man Soweth, That Shall He Also Reap”
October 1980, Saturday morning session
- The Need to Teach Personal and Family Preparedness
April 1981, welfare session
- When Ye Are Prepared, Ye Shall Not Fear
October 1981, priesthood session
- Let Us Go Up to the House of God
April 1982, Sunday morning session
- “For a Bishop Must Be Blameless”
October 1982, Saturday afternoon session
- Train Up a Child
April 1983, Sunday afternoon session
- “Our Father Which Art in Heaven”
October 1983, Saturday morning session
- “Go Ye Therefore, and Teach All Nations”
April 1984, Sunday afternoon session
- “And Why Call Ye Me, Lord, Lord, and Do Not the Things Which I Say?”
October 1984, Saturday morning session
- “Born of Goodly Parents”
April 1985, Saturday afternoon session
- “I Confer the Priesthood of Aaron”
October 1985, priesthood session
- The Law of the Fast
April 1986, Saturday afternoon session
- The Joy of Honest Labor
October 1986, Sunday morning session
- “United in Building the Kingdom of God”
April 1987, Saturday afternoon session
- “A Meaningful Celebration”
October 1987, Sunday afternoon session
- “In the World”
April 1988, Saturday morning session
- “Train Up a Child”
October 1988, Sunday afternoon session
- Proclaim My Gospel from Land to Land
April 1989, Saturday morning session
- “The Peaceable Followers of Christ”
October 1989, Sunday afternoon session
- Family Traditions
April 1990, Saturday morning session
- “Serve God Acceptably with Reverence and Godly Fear”
October 1990, Sunday afternoon session
- Called to Serve
April 1991, priesthood session
- Becoming Self-Reliant
October 1991, Sunday morning session
- “But the Labourers Are Few”
April 1992, Saturday afternoon session
- “Behold, the Lord Hath Shown unto Me Great and Marvelous Things”
October 1992, Saturday morning session
- Back to Gospel Basics
April 1993, Sunday afternoon session
- “Choose the Right”
October 1993, Sunday morning session
- “Therefore I Was Taught”
April 1994, Saturday afternoon session
- Heed the Prophet’s Voice
October 1994, Saturday morning session
- An Elect Lady
April 1995, Sunday afternoon session
- “If Ye Are Prepared Ye Shall Not Fear”
October 1995, Saturday afternoon session
- Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper
April 1996, Sunday morning session
- “Run and Not Be Weary”
October 1996, priesthood session
- “That Spirit Which Leadeth to Do Good”
April 1997, Sunday afternoon session
- Receive Truth
October 1997, Sunday morning session
- The Articles of Faith
April 1998, Saturday afternoon session
- Youth of the Noble Birthright
October 1998, Sunday afternoon session
- Teach Them the Word of God with All Diligence
April 1999, Saturday morning session
- A Year of Jubilee
October 1999, Sunday afternoon session
- “Thou Shalt Give Heed unto All His Words”
April 2000, Saturday afternoon session
- Discipleship
October 2000, Sunday morning session
- Building a Community of Saints
April 2001, Saturday afternoon session
- The Returned Missionary
October 2001, Sunday afternoon session
- Becoming Men in Whom the Spirit of God Is
April 2002, priesthood session
- Called of God
October 2002, Saturday morning session
- The Importance of the Family
April 2003, Saturday afternoon session
- We Believe All That God Has Revealed
October 2003, Sunday afternoon session
- Fatherhood, an Eternal Calling
April 2004, Sunday morning session
- What Is a Quorum?
October 2004, Saturday afternoon session
- What Seek Ye?
April 2005, Sunday afternoon session
- Blessings Resulting from Reading the Book of Mormon
October 2005, Saturday morning session
- As Now We Take the Sacrament
April 2006, Saturday afternoon session
- The Plan of Salvation
October 2006, Sunday morning session
- The Message of the Restoration
April 2007, Sunday afternoon session
- Raising the Bar
October 2007, priesthood session
- The Gospel of Jesus Christ
April 2008, Saturday afternoon session
- Let Him Do It with Simplicity
October 2008, Saturday morning session
- “Bring Souls unto Me”
April 2009, Sunday afternoon session
- The Past Way of Facing the Future
October 2009, Sunday morning session
- Mothers Teaching Children in the Home
April 2010, Saturday afternoon session
- The Priesthood of Aaron
October 2010, Sunday afternoon session
- The Sabbath and the Sacrament
April 2011, Saturday morning session
- Perfect Love Casteth Out Fear
October 2011, Saturday afternoon session
- The Power of Deliverance
April 2012, Sunday afternoon session
- Becoming Goodly Parents
October 2012, Saturday afternoon session
- Obedience to Law Is Liberty
April 2013, Sunday morning session
- The Doctrines and Principles Contained in the Articles of Faith
October 2013, priesthood session
- Obedience through Our Faithfulness
April 2014, Sunday afternoon session
- Finding Lasting Peace and Building Eternal Families
October 2014, Saturday afternoon session
- Why Marriage and Family Matter—Everywhere in the World
April 2015, Saturday morning session
CES/worldwide devotionals
- The Doctrine and Covenants—The Capstone of Our Religion (MP3)
- The Scriptures and the Restoration (PDF, MP3, video)
- We Were the Greatest Generation
- To What Purpose Is This Waste?
July 10, 1973
- Be the Best of Whatever You Are
March 12, 1974
- The Church and the American Bicentennial
February 24, 1976
- “I Need Thee Every Hour”
January 2, 1977
- He Hath Given a Law Unto All Things
November 29, 1977
- Prophecies, Visions, and Dreams
January 7, 1979
- Three Great Gifts
July 1, 1979
- The Heritage of Our Summer Holidays
August 3, 1980
- “In the World”
January 4, 1981
- “What Seek Ye?”
August 21, 1984
- “Choose You This Day Whom Ye Will Serve”
October 27, 1985
- “I Receive You to Fellowship”
August 1, 1986
- “On Staying Power”
March 17, 1987
- Truth and Liberty
September 17, 1987
- The University of Mortality
February 7, 1988
- Brigham Young, Prophet of God
August 6, 1989
- Where There Is No Vision
March 25, 1990
- “And Jesus Increased in Wisdom and Stature, and in Favour with God and Man”
February 11, 1992
- Making Memories
November 1, 1992
- “To Everything There Is a Season”
October 12, 1993
- Enter to Learn—Go Forth to Serve
March 5, 1995
- The Value of a Good Name
February 11, 1997
- The Doctrine and Covenants—The Capstone of Our Religion
March 4, 2001
- Finding a Refuge from the Storm
August 20, 2002
- The Scriptures and the Restoration
November 2, 2003
- The Great Plan of Our God
October 30, 2007
- We Were the Greatest Generation
March 6, 2011
- A World Full of Challenges and Opportunities
April 25, 2013
- Devotional address
November 5, 1973
- How America Is Celebrating Her Bi-Centennial
January 20, 1976
- Where Much Is, Much Is Expected (unavailable)
August 29, 1978
- Establish a Correct Value System
February 8, 1983
- Serve the Lord/Keep the Commandments
April 12, 1988
- Strive to Be Temple Worthy
September 19, 1989
- Temples
January 12, 1993
- Commencement address (unavailable)
April 27, 1996
- Our Changing World
January 24, 2006
- Scaffolding for Our Lives
January 24, 2012
- Devotional address
January 28, 1988
- Commencement address
December 17, 2010
Ensign College
- Preparing Today for a Better Tomorrow
October 15, 1996