Collected Talks of Joseph B. Wirthlin

General conference
1975 – 2008
CES/worldwide devotionals
1979 – 2004
1987 – 2005
Ensign College
General conference (Church website index)
- Anchored in Testimony
April 1975, Sunday afternoon session
- The Language of the Spirit
October 1975, Sunday afternoon session
- “There Am I in the Midst of Them”
April 1976, Sunday morning session
- Dikes versus Living Water
October 1976, Friday afternoon session
- Let Your Light So Shine
October 1978, priesthood session
- Let Every Man Learn His Duty
October 1980, Sunday afternoon session
- Pondering Strengthens the Spiritual Life
April 1982, Saturday afternoon session
- Restoring the Lost Sheep
April 1984, priesthood session
- Pulling in the Gospel Net
October 1986, Sunday morning session
- Patience, a Key to Happiness
April 1987, Saturday afternoon session
- Never Give Up
October 1987, Saturday morning session
- Without Guile
April 1988, Sunday afternoon session
- The Priesthood of God
October 1988, priesthood session
- Seeds of Renewal
April 1989, Saturday morning session
- Running Your Marathon
October 1989, Sunday afternoon session
- Personal Integrity
April 1990, Saturday afternoon session
- The Straight and Narrow Way
October 1990, Sunday morning session
- Peace Within
April 1991, Saturday afternoon session
- Fruits of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ
October 1991, Saturday morning session
- Seeking the Good
April 1992, Sunday afternoon session
- Spiritual Bonfires of Testimony
October 1992, Saturday afternoon session
- Spiritually Strong Homes and Families
April 1993, Sunday morning session
- Our Lord and Savior
October 1993, Saturday morning session
- Live in Obedience
April 1994, priesthood session
- Deep Roots
October 1994, Sunday afternoon session
- Living Water to Quench Spiritual Thirst
April 1995, Saturday morning session
- Windows of Light and Truth
October 1995, Sunday afternoon session
- Faith of Our Fathers
April 1996, Saturday afternoon session
- Christians in Belief and Action
October 1996, Sunday afternoon session
- “True to the Truth”
April 1997, Saturday morning session
- Valued Companions
October 1997, Saturday afternoon session
- The Time to Prepare
April 1998, Saturday morning session
- Cultivating Divine Attributes
October 1998, Saturday afternoon session
- Inspired Church Welfare
April 1999, Sunday afternoon session
- Growing into the Priesthood
October 1999, priesthood session
- Finding a Safe Harbor
April 2000, Sunday morning session
- Pure Testimony
October 2000, Saturday afternoon session
- The Law of the Fast
April 2001, Sunday afternoon session
- One Step after Another
October 2001, Saturday afternoon session
- “Follow Me”
April 2002, Saturday morning session
- Shall He Find Faith on the Earth?
October 2002, Sunday afternoon session
- The Unspeakable Gift
April 2003, Saturday afternoon session
- Three Choices
October 2003, Sunday morning session
- Earthly Debts, Heavenly Debts
April 2004, Saturday afternoon session
- Press On
October 2004, Sunday afternoon session
- The Virtue of Kindness
April 2005, Saturday afternoon session
- Journey to Higher Ground
October 2005, Saturday morning session
- The Abundant Life
April 2006, Sunday afternoon session
- Sunday Will Come
October 2006, Saturday afternoon session
- Life’s Lessons Learned
April 2007, priesthood session
- The Great Commandment
October 2007, Saturday afternoon session
- Concern for the One
April 2008, Saturday morning session
- Come What May, and Love It
October 2008, Saturday afternoon session
CES/worldwide devotionals
- The Two Guiding Lights (video)
- A Word to You: Generation of Destiny!
June 12, 1979
- Little Things Count
October 26, 1986
- “The Lord’s Side”
August 2, 1992
- “Choose the Right”
September 4, 1994
- Being Righteous in Our Hearts
January 21, 1997
- Lessons Learned in the Journey of Life
November 7, 1999
- “Live in Thanksgiving Daily”
October 31, 2000
- Improving Our Prayers
January 21, 2003
- The Two Guiding Lights
February 1, 2004
- Value Your Heritage
February 24, 1987
- Success Comes from Obedience
December 3, 1991
- Devotional address
April 17, 1995
- The Temple at Nauvoo
October 15, 2002
- A More Excellent Way
February 13, 2005
- Commencement address (unavailable)
December 16, 2006
Ensign College
- 5 Keys to Happiness
May 4, 2005