Collected Talks of Jeffrey R. Holland

General conference
1983 – present
CES/worldwide devotionals
2004 – present
1974 – present
1976 – present
1985 – present
First Presidency Christmas devotionals
2020 – present
2000 – present
General conference (Church website index)
- Within the Clasp of Your Arms
April 1983, priesthood session
- “He Loved Them unto the End”
October 1989, Saturday afternoon session
- “Look to God and Live”
October 1993, Saturday morning session
- Miracles of the Restoration
October 1994, Saturday afternoon session
- Our Priesthood Legacy
April 1995, priesthood session
- “This Do in Remembrance of Me”
October 1995, Sunday morning session
- A Handful of Meal and a Little Oil
April 1996, Saturday afternoon session
- “The Peaceable Things of the Kingdom”
October 1996, Sunday afternoon session
- “Because She Is a Mother”
April 1997, Saturday afternoon session
- “He Hath Filled the Hungry with Good Things”
October 1997, Sunday morning session
- “A Teacher Come from God”
April 1998, Saturday afternoon session
- Personal Purity
October 1998, Sunday afternoon session
- The Hands of the Fathers
April 1999, Saturday morning session
- “An High Priest of Good Things to Come”
October 1999, Saturday afternoon session
- As Doves to Our Windows
April 2000, Sunday afternoon session
- “Sanctify Yourselves”
October 2000, priesthood session
- “Witnesses unto Me”
April 2001, Saturday morning session
- “Like a Watered Garden”
October 2001, Saturday afternoon session
- The Other Prodigal
April 2002, Sunday morning session
- Called to Serve
October 2002, Saturday afternoon session
- A Prayer for the Children
April 2003, Sunday afternoon session
- The Grandeur of God
October 2003, Sunday morning session
- “Abide in Me”
April 2004, Saturday afternoon session
- Prophets, Seers, and Revelators
October 2004, Saturday morning session
- Our Most Distinguishing Feature
April 2005, priesthood session
- To Young Women
October 2005, Saturday afternoon session
- Broken Things to Mend
April 2006, Sunday morning session
- Prophets in the Land Again
October 2006, Sunday afternoon session
- The Tongue of Angels
April 2007, Saturday morning session
- The Only True God and Jesus Christ Whom He Hath Sent
October 2007, Saturday afternoon session
- “My Words … Never Cease”
April 2008, Sunday afternoon session
- The Ministry of Angels
October 2008, Saturday afternoon session
- None Were with Him
April 2009, Sunday morning session
- Safety for the Soul
October 2009, Sunday afternoon session
- Place No More for the Enemy of My Soul
April 2010, Saturday afternoon session
- Because of Your Faith
October 2010, Saturday morning session
- An Ensign to the Nations
April 2011, Sunday afternoon session
- We Are All Enlisted
October 2011, priesthood session
- The Laborers in the Vineyard
April 2012, Saturday afternoon session
- The First Great Commandment
October 2012, Sunday morning session
- “Lord, I Believe”
April 2013, Sunday afternoon session
- Like a Broken Vessel
October 2013, Saturday afternoon session
- The Cost—and Blessings—of Discipleship
April 2014, Saturday morning session
- Are We Not All Beggars?
October 2014, Saturday afternoon session
- Where Justice, Love, and Mercy Meet
April 2015, Sunday morning session
- Behold Thy Mother
October 2015, Saturday afternoon session
- Tomorrow the Lord Will Do Wonders among You
April 2016, Sunday afternoon session
- Emissaries to the Church
October 2016, general priesthood session
- Songs Sung and Unsung
April 2017, Saturday afternoon session
- Be Ye Therefore Perfect—Eventually
October 2017, Saturday morning session
- “Be With and Strengthen Them”
April 2018, Sunday afternoon session
- The Ministry of Reconciliation
October 2018, Sunday morning session
- Behold the Lamb of God
April 2019, Saturday afternoon session
- The Message, the Meaning, and the Multitude
October 2019, Saturday morning session
- A Perfect Brightness of Hope
April 2020, Sunday morning session
- Waiting on the Lord
October 2020, Sunday afternoon session
- Not as the World Giveth
April 2021, Saturday afternoon session
- The Greatest Possession
October 2021, Saturday morning session
- Fear Not: Believe Only!
April 2022, Saturday afternoon session
- Lifted Up upon the Cross
October 2022, Sunday morning session
- Motions of a Hidden Fire
April 2024, Saturday morning session
- “I Am He”
October 2024, Sunday morning session
CES/worldwide devotionals
- Terror, Triumph, and a Wedding Feast (PDF, MP3, video)
- Lessons from Liberty Jail (video)
- Israel, Israel, God Is Calling
- The Institute Journey: To Take or Be Taken?
March 7, 2021
- Worldwide Devotional for Young Adults
January 2023
- Borne Upon Eagles’ Wings
June 2, 1974
- Call upon God
August 20, 1974
- Remembered and Nourished by the Good Word of God
September 26, 1976
- Soul-Butter and Hogwash: Mark Twain and Frontier Religion
March 8, 1977
- “Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall”: A Look at the “Me Decade”
February 20, 1979
- For Times of Trouble
March 18, 1980
- “Are You True?”
September 2, 1980
- “That Our Children May Know”
August 25, 1981
- Virtus et Veritas
September 8, 1981
- The Inconvenient Messiah
February 2, 1982
- “A Faithful Friend Is a Strong Defense”
September 7, 1982
- However Long and Hard the Road
January 18, 1983
- The Demands of Discipleship
September 13, 1983
- A Robe, a Ring, and a Fatted Calf
January 31, 1984
- “In the Thick of Life’s Urgencies”
September 11, 1984
- Some Things We Have Learned—Together
January 15, 1985
- Nailing Our Colors to the Mast
September 10, 1985
- Oh, Lord, Keep My Rudder True
January 21, 1986
- “Unless You’re a Mormon”
September 9, 1986
- The Bitter Cup and the Bloody Baptism
January 13, 1987
- “Who We Are and What God Expects Us to Do”
September 15, 1987
- Souls, Symbols, and Sacraments
January 12, 1988
- A School in Zion (PDF)
August 22, 1988
- At Their Most Enlightened and Alert
September 6, 1988
- The Will of the Father
January 17, 1989
- “A Standard unto My People”
August 9, 1994
- “Come unto Me”
March 2, 1997
- “Cast Not Away Therefore Your Confidence”
March 2, 1999
- How Do I Love Thee?
February 15, 2000
- Terror, Triumph, and a Wedding Feast
September 12, 2004
- Lessons from Liberty Jail
September 7, 2008
- “Remember Lot’s Wife”: Faith Is for the Future
January 13, 2009
- Religion: Bound by Loving Ties
August 16, 2016
- Banishing All Shadows
April 26, 2018
- The Second Half of the Second Century of Brigham Young University
August 23, 2021
- “A Saint Through the Atonement of Christ the Lord”
January 18, 2022
- Do As You Have Been Commanded—Even the Easy Things
September 21, 1976
- The Glory of God Is Intelligence/Make the Most of Your Education (unavailable)
September 13, 1977
- When Making Decisions, Trust In God (unavailable)
November 15, 1977
- Priesthood: A Divine Calling of Manhood (unavailable)
February 14, 1978
- 1978 Inauguration Address
October 20, 1978
- Untitled
March 12, 1979
- Untitled (unavailable)
February 11, 1980
- Will We Finish The Temple Brother Brigham?
March 10, 1981
- Today, The Most Important Time of Your Life
November 2, 1982
- If Your Testimony is Not Strong Lean on Mine
March 6, 1984
- Importance of Education
October 10, 1989
- Be Faithful Be Close to God
February 15, 1994
- Christmas Comfort
December 1, 1998
- The Third Great Commandment and Other Thoughts
April 23, 2005
- Zion Revisited
December 20, 2006
- Living after the Manner of Happiness
September 23, 2014
- Lean Into the Wind
September 15, 2015
- Remember
April 12, 2019
- Devotional address
January 11, 1985
- Devotional address
November 7, 1986
- Devotional address
January 5, 1989
- Devotional address
November 18, 1993
- A Parable of BYU–Hawaii
December 17, 2011
- Zion: Temples of Learning and Temples of Faith
October 23, 2019
- To Every Thing There Is a Season
May 12, 2020
- A Historic and Special Day
October 19, 2021
First Presidency Christmas devotionals
- The Dreams of Bethlehem
December 6, 2020
- Therefore, What?
August 8, 2000
- What Time Is This? (PDF)
2007 at BYU Women’s Conference
- Face to Face
March 8, 2016
- Face to Face
March 4, 2017
- Bearing One Another’s Burdens
June 21, 2017
- The Measure of the Stature of the Fulness of Christ
February 9, 2020