Collected Talks of Gordon B. Hinckley

General conference
1971 – 2007
CES/worldwide devotionals
1958 – 2007
1973 – 2005
1986 – 2004
Ensign College
General conference (Church website index)
- “Except the Lord Build the House …”
April 1971, Sunday morning session
- “If Ye Be Willing and Obedient”
October 1971, Sunday afternoon session
- What Will the Church Do for You, a Man?
April 1972, Saturday afternoon session
- Watch the Switches in Your Life
October 1972, priesthood session
- The True Strength of the Church
April 1973, Saturday morning session
- “We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet”
October 1973, Sunday afternoon session
- The Marriage That Endures
April 1974, Friday afternoon session
- A City Set Upon a Hill
October 1974, Sunday afternoon session
- The Symbol of Christ
April 1975, Sunday morning session
- Opposing Evil
October 1975, Saturday morning session
- “An Honest Man—God’s Noblest Work”
April 1976, Sunday morning session
- Everything to Gain—Nothing to Lose
October 1976, Sunday afternoon session
- Joseph the Seer
April 1977, Sunday afternoon session
- Welfare Responsibilities of the Priesthood Quorums
October 1977, Welfare Services session
- “Be Not Faithless”
April 1978, Sunday morning session
- “Behold Your Little Ones”
October 1978, Saturday afternoon session
- And Peter Went Out and Wept Bitterly
April 1979, Sunday morning session
- “An Angel from on High, the Long, Long Silence Broke”
October 1979, Saturday morning session
- “What Hath God Wrought through His Servant Joseph!”
April 1980, Sunday morning session
- “Of You It Is Required to Forgive”
October 1980, Sunday morning session
- The Joseph Smith III Document and the Keys of the Kingdom
April 1981, Saturday afternoon session
- Faith: The Essence of True Religion
October 1981, Saturday morning session
- Four B’s for Boys
October 1981, priesthood session
- Tithing: An Opportunity to Prove Our Faithfulness
April 1982, priesthood session
- Five Million Members—A Milestone and Not a Summit
April 1982, Sunday morning session
- What This Work Is All About
October 1982, Saturday morning session
- The Priesthood of Aaron
October 1982, priesthood session
- Reach Out in Love and Kindness
October 1982, Sunday afternoon session
- He Slumbers Not, nor Sleeps
April 1983, Saturday morning session
- Overpowering the Goliaths in Our Lives
April 1983, priesthood session
- “Fear Not to Do Good”
April 1983, Sunday afternoon session
- Except Ye Are One
October 1983, Saturday morning session
- Be Not Deceived
October 1983, priesthood session
- God Grant Us Faith
October 1983, Sunday morning session
- Let Us Go Forward!
October 1983, Sunday afternoon session
- The Miracle Made Possible by Faith
April 1984, priesthood session
- Special Witnesses for Christ
April 1984, Sunday morning session
- Small Acts Lead to Great Consequences
April 1984, Sunday afternoon session
- “If Thou Art Faithful”
October 1984, general women’s meeting
- The Good and Faithful Servants
October 1984, priesthood session
- The Cornerstones of Our Faith
October 1984, Sunday morning session
- Live the Gospel
October 1984, Sunday afternoon session
- To Please Our Heavenly Father
April 1985, priesthood session
- The Victory over Death
April 1985, Sunday morning session
- God Has a Work for Us to Do
April 1985, Sunday afternoon session
- Joined Together in Love and Faith
October 1985, Saturday morning session
- Questions and Answers
October 1985, priesthood session
- Rejoice in This Great Era of Temple Building
October 1985, Sunday morning session
- “Let Us Move This Work Forward”
October 1985, Sunday afternoon session
- The Question of a Mission
April 1986, priesthood session
- Come and Partake
April 1986, Sunday morning session
- The War We Are Winning
October 1986, priesthood session
- The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
October 1986, Sunday morning session
- Reverence and Morality
April 1987, priesthood session
- The Lengthened Shadow of the Hand of God
April 1987, Sunday morning session
- Take Not the Name of God in Vain
October 1987, priesthood session
- “Lord, Increase Our Faith”
October 1987, Sunday morning session
- The Aaronic Priesthood—a Gift from God
April 1988, priesthood session
- The Empty Tomb Bore Testimony
April 1988, Sunday morning session
- To the Bishops of the Church
October 1988, priesthood session
- The Healing Power of Christ
October 1988, Sunday morning session
- Magnify Your Calling
April 1989, priesthood session
- Let Love Be the Lodestar of Your Life
April 1989, Sunday morning session
- Rise to the Stature of the Divine within You
October 1989, general women’s meeting
- The Scourge of Illicit Drugs
October 1989, priesthood session
- An Ensign to the Nations
October 1989, Sunday morning session
- A Word of Benediction
October 1989, Sunday afternoon session
- Keeping the Temple Holy
April 1990, priesthood session
- Blessed Are the Merciful
April 1990, Sunday morning session
- “Sacred Resolves”
April 1990, Sunday afternoon session
- Rise to a Larger Vision of the Work
April 1990, Member Finances Fireside
- “This Work Will Go Forward”
October 1990, Saturday morning session
- “In … Counsellors There Is Safety”
October 1990, priesthood session
- Mormon Should Mean “More Good”
October 1990, Sunday morning session
- The State of the Church
April 1991, priesthood session
- What God Hath Joined Together
April 1991, Sunday morning session
- His Latter-day Kingdom Has Been Established
April 1991, Sunday afternoon session
- Daughters of God
October 1991, general women’s meeting
- Christ Is the Light to All Mankind
October 1991, Saturday morning session
- Our Solemn Responsibilities
October 1991, priesthood session
- Our Mission of Saving
October 1991, Sunday morning session
- “Believe His Prophets”
April 1992, priesthood session
- “A Chosen Generation”
April 1992, Sunday morning session
- Our Great Mission
April 1992, Sunday afternoon session
- Sin Will Not Prevail
October 1992, Saturday morning session
- Building Your Tabernacle
October 1992, priesthood session
- The Church Is on Course
October 1992, Sunday morning session
- Some Lessons I Learned as a Boy
April 1993, priesthood session
- This Peaceful House of God
April 1993, Sunday morning session
- “A Prophet’s Testimony”
April 1993, Sunday afternoon session
- My Testimony
October 1993, priesthood session
- Bring Up a Child in the Way He Should Go
October 1993, Sunday morning session
- God Is at the Helm
April 1994, priesthood session
- The Greatest Miracle in Human History
April 1994, Sunday morning session
- Don’t Drop the Ball
October 1994, priesthood session
- Save the Children
October 1994, Sunday morning session
- The Light within You
April 1995, general Young Women meeting
- This Work Is Concerned with People
April 1995, priesthood session
- This Is the Work of the Master
April 1995, Sunday morning session
- We Have a Work to Do
April 1995, Sunday afternoon session
- Stand Strong against the Wiles of the World
October 1995, General Relief Society Meeting
- As We Gather Together
October 1995, Saturday morning session
- Of Missions, Temples, and Stewardship
October 1995, priesthood session
- Stay the Course—Keep the Faith
October 1995, Sunday morning session
- The Fabric of Faith and Testimony
October 1995, Sunday afternoon session
- Stand True and Faithful
April 1996, general Young Women meeting
- “Be Ye Clean”
April 1996, priesthood session
- This Glorious Easter Morn
April 1996, Sunday morning session
- “Remember … Thy Church, O Lord”
April 1996, Sunday afternoon session
- Listen by the Power of the Spirit
October 1996, Saturday morning session
- “This Thing Was Not Done in a Corner”
October 1996, priesthood session
- Women of the Church
October 1996, Sunday morning session
- “Reach with a Rescuing Hand”
October 1996, Sunday afternoon session
- May We Be Faithful and True
April 1997, Saturday morning session
- Converts and Young Men
April 1997, priesthood session
- “True to the Faith”
April 1997, Sunday morning session
- Our Testimony to the World
April 1997, Sunday afternoon session
- Drawing Nearer to the Lord
October 1997, Saturday morning session
- Some Thoughts on Temples, Retention of Converts, and Missionary Service
October 1997, priesthood session
- Look to the Future
October 1997, Sunday morning session
- Latter-day Saints in Very Deed
October 1997, Sunday afternoon session
- We Bear Witness of Him
April 1998, Saturday morning session
- Living Worthy of the Girl You Will Someday Marry
April 1998, priesthood session
- Testimony
April 1998, Sunday morning session
- New Temples to Provide “Crowning Blessings” of the Gospel
April 1998, Sunday afternoon session
- Walking in the Light of the Lord
October 1998, General Relief Society Meeting
- Welcome to Conference
October 1998, Saturday morning session
- To the Boys and to the Men
October 1998, priesthood session
- What Are People Asking about Us?
October 1998, Sunday morning session
- Benediction
October 1998, Sunday afternoon session
- The Work Moves Forward
April 1999, Saturday morning session
- The Shepherds of the Flock
April 1999, priesthood session
- “He Is Not Here, but Is Risen”
April 1999, Sunday morning session
- Thanks to the Lord for His Blessings
April 1999, Sunday afternoon session
- Find the Lambs, Feed the Sheep
April 1999, February 1999 Conversion and Retention Broadcast
- Welcome to Conference
October 1999, Saturday morning session
- Why We Do Some of the Things We Do
October 1999, priesthood session
- At the Summit of the Ages
October 1999, Sunday morning session
- Good-bye to This Wonderful Old Tabernacle
October 1999, Sunday afternoon session
- To All the World in Testimony
April 2000, Saturday morning session
- The Stake President
April 2000, priesthood session
- My Testimony
April 2000, Sunday morning session
- A Time of New Beginnings
April 2000, Sunday afternoon session
- Your Greatest Challenge, Mother
October 2000, General Relief Society Meeting
- A Great Family in Reverence and Worship
October 2000, Saturday morning session
- “Great Shall Be the Peace of Thy Children”
October 2000, priesthood session
- This Great Millennial Year
October 2000, Sunday morning session
- “An Humble and a Contrite Heart”
October 2000, Sunday afternoon session
- How Can I Become the Woman of Whom I Dream?
April 2001, general Young Women meeting
- The Work Goes On
April 2001, Saturday morning session
- The Perpetual Education Fund
April 2001, priesthood session
- The Miracle of Faith
April 2001, Sunday morning session
- Good-bye for Another Season
April 2001, Sunday afternoon session
- Living in the Fulness of Times
October 2001, Saturday morning session
- Reaching Down to Lift Another
October 2001, priesthood session
- The Times in Which We Live
October 2001, Sunday morning session
- “Till We Meet Again”
October 2001, Sunday afternoon session
- The Church Goes Forward
April 2002, Saturday morning session
- Personal Worthiness to Exercise the Priesthood
April 2002, priesthood session
- We Walk by Faith
April 2002, Sunday morning session
- We Look to Christ
April 2002, Sunday afternoon session
- “O That I Were an Angel, and Could Have the Wish of Mine Heart”
October 2002, Saturday morning session
- To Men of the Priesthood
October 2002, priesthood session
- The Marvelous Foundation of Our Faith
October 2002, Sunday morning session
- Each a Better Person
October 2002, Sunday afternoon session
- The Condition of the Church
April 2003, Saturday morning session
- Loyalty
April 2003, priesthood session
- War and Peace
April 2003, Sunday morning session
- Benediction
April 2003, Sunday afternoon session
- You Are a Child of God
April 2003, Special Satellite Broadcast for Children
- To the Women of the Church
October 2003, General Relief Society Meeting
- The State of the Church
October 2003, Saturday morning session
- The Shepherds of Israel
October 2003, priesthood session
- An Ensign to the Nations, a Light to the World
October 2003, Sunday morning session
- Let Us Live the Gospel More Fully
October 2003, Sunday afternoon session
- Stay on the High Road
April 2004, general Young Women meeting
- The Church Grows Stronger
April 2004, Saturday morning session
- “I Was an Hungred, and Ye Gave Me Meat”
April 2004, priesthood session
- The Dawning of a Brighter Day
April 2004, Sunday morning session
- Concluding Remarks
April 2004, Sunday afternoon session
- Condition of the Church
October 2004, Saturday morning session
- A Tragic Evil among Us
October 2004, priesthood session
- The Women in Our Lives
October 2004, Sunday morning session
- Closing Remarks
October 2004, Sunday afternoon session
- Opening Remarks
April 2005, Saturday morning session
- Gambling
April 2005, priesthood session
- The Great Things Which God Has Revealed
April 2005, Sunday morning session
- Closing Remarks
April 2005, Sunday afternoon session
- Opening Remarks
October 2005, Saturday morning session
- If Ye Are Prepared Ye Shall Not Fear
October 2005, priesthood session
- Forgiveness
October 2005, Sunday morning session
- Benediction
October 2005, Sunday afternoon session
- The Need for Greater Kindness
April 2006, priesthood session
- Seek Ye the Kingdom of God
April 2006, Sunday morning session
- Until Again We Meet
April 2006, Sunday afternoon session
- In the Arms of His Love
October 2006, General Relief Society Meeting
- We Bear Testimony to the World
October 2006, Saturday morning session
- Rise Up, O Men of God
October 2006, priesthood session
- The Faith to Move Mountains
October 2006, Sunday morning session
- Closing Remarks
October 2006, Sunday afternoon session
- Let Virtue Garnish Thy Thoughts Unceasingly
April 2007, general Young Women meeting
- A Tabernacle in the Wilderness
April 2007, Saturday afternoon session
- “I Am Clean”
April 2007, priesthood session
- The Things of Which I Know
April 2007, Sunday morning session
- Closing Remarks
April 2007, Sunday afternoon session
- Slow to Anger
October 2007, priesthood session
- The Stone Cut Out of the Mountain
October 2007, Sunday morning session
- Closing Remarks
October 2007, Sunday afternoon session
- Seven Pillars of Wisdom
June 5, 1958
- The Consequences of Conversion
January 28, 1959
- Building An Eternal Home
November 4, 1959
- “What Shall I Do Then with Jesus Which Is Called Christ
December 14, 1960
- “And Be Not Faithless But Believing”
January 3, 1962
- How Lucky Can You Be!
October 13, 1964
- Caesar, Circus, or Christ
October 26, 1965
- Joseph, the Seer
December 5, 1967
- The Loneliness of Leadership
November 4, 1969
- It’s True, Isn’t It?
December 14, 1971
- God Shall Give unto You Knowledge by His Holy Spirit
September 25, 1973
- Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
October 29, 1974
- Things Are Getting Better
April 8, 1976
- Forget Yourself
March 6, 1977
- “And the Greatest of These Is Love”
February 14, 1978
- We Need Not Fear His Coming
March 25, 1979
- Joseph Smith: “Praise to the Man”
November 4, 1979
- Dedication of the John Taylor Building
September 14, 1982
- If I Were You, What Would I Do?
September 20, 1983
- The Widow’s Mite
September 17, 1985
- The Church in the British Isles 1837-1987
January 31, 1987
- A Unique and Wonderful University
January 1, 1988
- A Wonderful Summer
September 3, 1989
- Out of Your Experience Here
October 16, 1990
- Joseph Smith Building Dedication
December 10, 1991
- This I Believe
March 1, 1992
- Trust and Accountability
October 13, 1992
- The Lord Is at the Helm
March 6, 1994
- Codes and Covenants
October 18, 1994
- To a Man Who Has Done What This Church Expects of Each of Us
October 17, 1995
- Our Fading Civility
April 25, 1996
- Stand Up for Truth
September 17, 1996
- These Noble Pioneers
February 2, 1997
- The BYU Experience
November 4, 1997
- The Quest for Excellence
November 10, 1998
- Keep the Chain Unbroken
November 30, 1999
- Give Something of Yourself
April 11, 2000
- Remarks at the Inauguration of President Cecil O. Samuelson
September 9, 2003
- Remarks at the Dedication of the Joseph F. Smith Building at Brigham Young University
September 20, 2005
- Experiences Worth Remembering
October 31, 2006
- True to the Faith
September 18, 2007
- Devotional address
November 27, 1973
- Devotional address
March 15, 1976
- Untitled
September 7, 1999
- Commencing
April 27, 2002
- Gordon B. Hinckley Building Dedication
October 22, 2002
- Inauguration Address
October 11, 2005
- Devotional address
June 13, 1986
- Devotional address
February 17, 1989
- Be Not Afraid, Only Believe
December 11, 2004
Ensign College
- Legacy of Bryant S. and Ada Bitner Hinckley
March 8, 2005