Collected Talks of David B. Haight

General conference
1971 – 2004
1970 – 1999
1983 – 2002
General conference (Church website index)
- “Teach One Another”
April 1971, priesthood session
- A Foundation Whereon Men Cannot Fall
April 1972, Sunday morning session
- Planting Gospel Seeds of Spirituality
October 1972, Saturday afternoon session
- Power of Evil
April 1973, Saturday afternoon session
- You Are Different
October 1973, Friday afternoon session
- What Does Jesus Mean to Modern Man?
April 1974, Saturday afternoon session
- Feed the Flock
April 1975, Friday morning session
- “Why Can’t We?”
October 1975, Saturday afternoon session
- He Is the Son of God
April 1976, Saturday afternoon session
- Families Are Forever
October 1976, Friday afternoon session
- “We Beheld His Glory”
April 1977, Saturday morning session
- Young Women—Real Guardians
October 1977, Sunday morning session
- The Primary Enriches the Lives of Children
April 1978, Saturday afternoon session
- The Stake President’s Role in Welfare Services
October 1978, welfare session
- “Feed My Sheep”
April 1979, Sunday morning session
- Joseph Smith the Prophet
October 1979, Saturday afternoon session
- “He Is Not Here. He Is Risen”
April 1980, Saturday morning session
- “The Keys of the Kingdom”
October 1980, Sunday afternoon session
- The Responsibility of Young Aaronic Priesthood Bearers
April 1981, priesthood session
- People to People
October 1981, Sunday morning session
- Jesus Is Our Savior
April 1982, Sunday afternoon session
- Love All
October 1982, Saturday morning session
- The Sacrament
April 1983, Saturday morning session
- Become a Star Thrower
October 1983, priesthood session
- Marriage and Divorce
April 1984, Saturday morning session
- Personal Morality
October 1984, Sunday afternoon session
- The Resurrected Christ
April 1985, Sunday morning session
- A Prophet Chosen of the Lord
April 1986, Saturday morning session
- Spiritual Crevasses
October 1986, priesthood session
- My Neighbor—My Brother!
April 1987, Sunday morning session
- Ethics and Honesty
October 1987, Saturday morning session
- Our Lord and Savior
April 1988, Saturday afternoon session
- A Call to Serve
October 1988, Sunday afternoon session
- The Sacrament—and the Sacrifice
October 1989, Sunday morning session
- Filling the Whole Earth
April 1990, Saturday afternoon session
- Temples and Work Therein
October 1990, Sunday morning session
- Linking the Family of Man
April 1991, Sunday afternoon session
- A Time for Preparation
October 1991, priesthood session
- Come to the House of the Lord
April 1992, Saturday morning session
- Successful Living of Gospel Principles
October 1992, Sunday afternoon session
- Personal Temple Worship
April 1993, Saturday afternoon session
- Missionary Work—Our Responsibility
October 1993, Sunday morning session
- Jesus of Nazareth
April 1994, Sunday afternoon session
- Solemn Assemblies
October 1994, Saturday morning session
- Sustaining a New Prophet
April 1995, Saturday afternoon session
- Seek First the Kingdom of God
October 1995, Sunday afternoon session
- This Work Is True
April 1996, Saturday afternoon session
- Prophets Are Inspired
October 1996, Saturday morning session
- The Basics Have Not Changed
April 1997, priesthood session
- Hymn of the Obedient: “All Is Well”
October 1997, Sunday afternoon session
- Live the Commandments
April 1998, Saturday morning session
- Sustaining the Prophets
October 1998, Saturday afternoon session
- Love and Service
April 1999, Sunday morning session
- Faith, Devotion, and Gratitude
April 2000, Saturday afternoon session
- Be a Strong Link
October 2000, Saturday morning session
- Gratitude and Service
April 2001, Sunday afternoon session
- Faith of Our Prophets
October 2001, Saturday afternoon session
- Were There Not Ten Cleansed?
October 2002, Saturday afternoon session
- Growing into the Priesthood
April 2003, priesthood session
- How Great the Wisdom and the Love
April 2004, Saturday morning session
- America
April 20, 1970
- Come, Listen to a Prophet’s Voice
March 7, 1976
- Your Purpose and Responsibility
September 4, 1977
- “The Uttermost Part of the Earth”
November 5, 1978
- Constancy Amid Change
January 6, 1980
- “By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them”
December 7, 1980
- Our Faith Is Centered on the Living Christ
January 29, 1983
- Joseph Smith: The Prophet
March 2, 1986
- The Streams of Your Life
November 24, 1987
- Commencement, August 1999
August 12, 1999
- Becoming Great
March 8, 1983
- Obedience Key to Perfection
February 19, 1991
- Remember Who You Are
March 14, 2000
- Commencement address (unavailable)
August 23, 2002
- Carried by Our Covenants (PDF)
2003 at BYU Women’s Conference