Collected Talks of Dallin H. Oaks

General conference
1971 – present
First Presidency Christmas devotionals
2016 – present
CES/worldwide devotionals
2005 – present
1971 – present
1972 – present
2008 – present
Ensign College
2022 – present
2017 – present
General conference (Church website index)
- Strive for Excellence
October 1971, priesthood session
- Why Do We Serve?
October 1984, Saturday morning session
- Taking upon Us the Name of Jesus Christ
April 1985, Sunday afternoon session
- Spirituality
October 1985, Sunday morning session
- Reverent and Clean
April 1986, Sunday morning session
- “Brother’s Keeper”
October 1986, Saturday afternoon session
- Priesthood Blessings
April 1987, priesthood session
- “The Light and Life of the World”
October 1987, Sunday morning session
- Always Remember Him
April 1988, Saturday afternoon session
- “What Think Ye of Christ?”
October 1988, Sunday morning session
- Alternate Voices
April 1989, Saturday afternoon session
- Modern Pioneers
October 1989, Sunday morning session
- World Peace
April 1990, Sunday afternoon session
- Witnesses of Christ
October 1990, Saturday afternoon session
- “Honour Thy Father and Thy Mother”
April 1991, Saturday morning session
- Joy and Mercy
October 1991, Sunday afternoon session
- The Relief Society and the Church
April 1992, Saturday afternoon session
- Bible Stories and Personal Protection
October 1992, priesthood session
- The Language of Prayer
April 1993, Saturday morning session
- “The Great Plan of Happiness”
October 1993, Sunday afternoon session
- “Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ”
April 1994, general Young Women meeting
- Tithing
April 1994, Saturday afternoon session
- Worship through Music
October 1994, Saturday morning session
- Apostasy and Restoration
April 1995, Sunday afternoon session
- Powerful Ideas
October 1995, Saturday afternoon session
- Joseph, the Man and the Prophet
April 1996, Sunday afternoon session
- “Always Have His Spirit”
October 1996, Sunday morning session
- “Bishop, Help!”
April 1997, Saturday afternoon session
- Following the Pioneers
October 1997, Sunday afternoon session
- Have You Been Saved?
April 1998, Sunday morning session
- The Aaronic Priesthood and the Sacrament
October 1998, priesthood session
- The Witness: Martin Harris
April 1999, Saturday afternoon session
- Gospel Teaching
October 1999, Sunday afternoon session
- Resurrection
April 2000, Saturday morning session
- The Challenge to Become
October 2000, Saturday afternoon session
- Focus and Priorities
April 2001, Sunday afternoon session
- Sharing the Gospel
October 2001, Saturday morning session
- The Gospel in Our Lives
April 2002, Saturday afternoon session
- I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go
October 2002, Sunday morning session
- Give Thanks in All Things
April 2003, Sunday afternoon session
- Repentance and Change
October 2003, Saturday afternoon session
- Preparation for the Second Coming
April 2004, Saturday morning session
- Be Not Deceived
October 2004, priesthood session
- Pornography
April 2005, Sunday afternoon session
- Priesthood Authority in the Family and the Church
October 2005, Saturday afternoon session
- All Men Everywhere
April 2006, Sunday morning session
- He Heals the Heavy Laden
October 2006, Saturday morning session
- Divorce
April 2007, Sunday morning session
- Good, Better, Best
October 2007, Sunday afternoon session
- Testimony
April 2008, Saturday afternoon session
- Sacrament Meeting and the Sacrament
October 2008, Saturday morning session
- Unselfish Service
April 2009, Sunday afternoon session
- Love and Law
October 2009, Saturday afternoon session
- Healing the Sick
April 2010, priesthood session
- Two Lines of Communication
October 2010, Sunday morning session
- Desire
April 2011, Saturday afternoon session
- Teachings of Jesus
October 2011, Sunday afternoon session
- Sacrifice
April 2012, Saturday morning session
- Protect the Children
October 2012, Saturday afternoon session
- Followers of Christ
April 2013, Sunday afternoon session
- No Other Gods
October 2013, Sunday morning session
- The Keys and Authority of the Priesthood
April 2014, priesthood session
- Loving Others and Living with Differences
October 2014, Saturday afternoon session
- The Parable of the Sower
April 2015, Saturday morning session
- Strengthened by the Atonement of Jesus Christ
October 2015, Saturday afternoon session
- Opposition in All Things
April 2016, Sunday afternoon session
- Sharing the Restored Gospel
October 2016, Saturday afternoon session
- The Godhead and the Plan of Salvation
April 2017, Sunday morning session
- The Plan and the Proclamation
October 2017, Saturday morning session
- The Powers of the Priesthood
April 2018, general priesthood session
- Small and Simple Things
April 2018, Sunday morning session
- Truth and the Plan
October 2018, Saturday morning session
- Parents and Children
October 2018, general women’s session
- Where Will This Lead?
April 2019, general priesthood session
- Cleansed by Repentance
April 2019, Sunday afternoon session
- Trust in the Lord
October 2019, Saturday morning session
- Two Great Commandments
October 2019, women’s session
- The Melchizedek Priesthood and the Keys
April 2020, Saturday evening session
- The Great Plan
April 2020, Sunday afternoon session
- Love Your Enemies
October 2020, Saturday morning session
- Be of Good Cheer
October 2020, women’s session
- What Has Our Savior Done for Us?
April 2021, general priesthood session
- Defending Our Divinely Inspired Constitution
April 2021, Sunday afternoon session
- The Need for a Church
October 2021, Saturday morning session
- Introductory Message
April 2022, women’s session
- Divine Love in the Father’s Plan
April 2022, Sunday afternoon session
- Helping the Poor and Distressed
October 2022, Saturday morning session
- The Teachings of Jesus Christ
April 2023, Sunday afternoon session
- Kingdoms of Glory
October 2023, Saturday morning session
- Covenants and Responsibilities
April 2024, Sunday morning session
- Following Christ
October 2024, Saturday morning session
First Presidency Christmas devotionals
CES/worldwide devotionals
- The Dedication of a Lifetime (PDF, MP3, video)
- Push Back against the World (PDF, MP3, video)
- Truth and Tolerance
- Worldwide Devotional for Young Adults with President and Sister Oaks
May 21, 2023
- Gambling
August 18, 1971
- Why Dress and Grooming Standards?
September 23, 1971
- Be Honest in All Behavior
January 30, 1973
- Challenges for the Year Ahead
September 6, 1973
- The Blessing of Commandments
September 10, 1974
- The Student Body and the President
September 9, 1975
- Expectations at BYU
August 31, 1976
- Where Much Is Given
September 5, 1978
- The Formula for Success at BYU
September 1, 1979
- Revelation
September 29, 1981
- Counsel for Students
September 18, 1984
- “The Desires of Our Hearts”
October 8, 1985
- Spiritual Gifts
March 1, 1986
- Free Agency and Freedom
October 11, 1987
- Sin and Suffering
August 5, 1990
- Meeting the Challenges of the Nineties
August 28, 1990
- Getting to Know China
March 12, 1991
- Our Strengths Can Become Our Downfall
June 7, 1992
- “Another Testament of Jesus Christ”
June 6, 1993
- 1994 Freedom Festival
July 1, 1994
- Sins and Mistakes
August 16, 1994
- Adversity
January 17, 1995
- Judge Not and Judging
March 1, 1998
- Why Do We Serve at BYU?
August 23, 1998
- Weightier Matters
February 9, 1999
- Miracles
January 1, 2000
- Timing
January 29, 2002
- Where Will It Lead?
November 9, 2004
- The Dedication of a Lifetime
May 1, 2005
- Truth and Tolerance
September 11, 2011
- “Hold the Banner High”
April 19, 2012
- Joy at Graduation
August 13, 2015
- Elections, Hope, and Freedom
September 13, 2016
- Racism and Other Challenges
October 27, 2020
- Going Forward in the Second Century
September 13, 2022
- Untitled
April 10, 1972
- Devotional (unavailable)
February 5, 1974
- The Student and the President
October 21, 1975
- Discipline Your Strengths
April 15, 1980
- Gambling—Morally Wrong and Politically Unwise
January 6, 1987
- Spirits Require Nourishment
February 13, 1996
- Education Week devotional (unavailable)
June 8, 2001
- Be Wise
November 7, 2006
- Religious Freedom
October 13, 2009
- Witnesses of God
February 25, 2014
- Living in Challenging Times
February 7, 2017
- The Paradox of Love and Law
October 30, 2018
- Faith
November 16, 2021
- Don’t Be a Slave
June 20, 2008
- Push Back Against the World
February 24, 2017
- Anxiety in Stressful Times
June 11, 2019
Ensign College
- Stand Fast with Love in Proclaiming Truth
May 17, 2022
- Face to Face
November 19, 2017
- A Message from the First Presidency
January 16, 2018
- Face to Face
February 23, 2020
- Going Forward with Religious Freedom and Nondiscrimination
November 12, 2021 at University of Virginia
- Mesa Easter Pageant Devotional
March 26, 2024 in Mesa, Arizona