Collected Talks of D. Todd Christofferson

General conference
1993 – present
First Presidency Christmas devotionals
2014 – present
CES/worldwide devotionals
2004 – present
1999 – present
2000 – present
2000 – present
Ensign College
1998 – present
2019 – present
General conference (Church website index)
- I Know in Whom I Have Trusted
April 1993, Sunday afternoon session
- The Priesthood Quorum
October 1998, priesthood session
- The Redemption of the Dead and the Testimony of Jesus
October 2000, Saturday morning session
- That They May Be One in Us
October 2002, Sunday morning session
- When Thou Art Converted
April 2004, Saturday morning session
- Let Us Be Men
October 2006, priesthood session
- Born Again
April 2008, Sunday morning session
- Come to Zion
October 2008, Saturday afternoon session
- The Power of Covenants
April 2009, Saturday morning session
- Moral Discipline
October 2009, Sunday afternoon session
- The Blessing of Scripture
April 2010, Saturday afternoon session
- Reflections on a Consecrated Life
October 2010, Saturday morning session
- “As Many as I Love, I Rebuke and Chasten”
April 2011, Sunday afternoon session
- The Divine Gift of Repentance
October 2011, Saturday afternoon session
- The Doctrine of Christ
April 2012, Sunday morning session
- Brethren, We Have Work to Do
October 2012, priesthood session
- Redemption
April 2013, Sunday afternoon session
- The Moral Force of Women
October 2013, Saturday afternoon session
- The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
April 2014, Sunday afternoon session
- Free Forever, to Act for Themselves
October 2014, Saturday morning session
- Why Marriage, Why Family
April 2015, Saturday afternoon session
- Why the Church
October 2015, Sunday afternoon session
- Fathers
April 2016, Sunday morning session
- “Abide in My Love”
October 2016, Saturday afternoon session
- The Voice of Warning
April 2017, Sunday afternoon session
- The Living Bread Which Came Down from Heaven
October 2017, Saturday morning session
- The Elders Quorum
April 2018, general priesthood session
- Firm and Steadfast in the Faith of Christ
October 2018, Saturday afternoon session
- Preparing for the Lord’s Return
April 2019, Sunday morning session
- The Joy of the Saints
October 2019, Saturday morning session
- Sharing the Message of the Restoration and the Resurrection
April 2020, Sunday afternoon session
- Sustainable Societies
October 2020, Saturday afternoon session
- Why the Covenant Path
April 2021, Sunday afternoon session
- The Love of God
October 2021, Saturday morning session
- Our Relationship with God
April 2022, Sunday morning session
- The Doctrine of Belonging
October 2022, Saturday afternoon session
- One in Christ
April 2023, Sunday morning session
- The Sealing Power
October 2023, Saturday morning session
- The Testimony of Jesus
April 2024, Sunday afternoon session
- Burying Our Weapons of Rebellion
October 2024, Saturday afternoon session
First Presidency Christmas devotionals
CES/worldwide devotionals
- A Sense of the Sacred (PDF, MP3, video)
- Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread
- Saving Your Life
- Choice and Commitment
January 12, 2020
- Allegiance to God
October 19, 1999
- A Sense of the Sacred
November 7, 2004
- Moral Agency
January 31, 2006
- Greatness
August 16, 2007
- Our Moral Test
April 22, 2010
- “Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread”
January 9, 2011
- Religious Freedom—A Cherished Heritage to Defend
June 26, 2016
- A Message at Christmas
December 12, 2017
- The First Commandment First
March 22, 2022
- The Aims of a BYU Education
August 22, 2022
- Preserving and Promoting Agency
April 27, 2023
- “Lord God of Hosts, Be with Us Yet”
September 19, 2023
- Responsibility & Repentance
February 15, 2000
- Always Remember Him
January 27, 2009
- The Prophet Joseph Smith
September 24, 2013
- Gratitude, Responsibility, and Faith
December 19, 2018
- Be Strong and of A Good Courage
May 16, 2023
- Legendary Graduates
October 10, 2023
- Devotional address
August 5, 2000
- Commencement address
June 17, 2005
- Learning, Doing, and Being
November 1, 2015
- Executive Committee of BYU–Hawaii’s Board of Trustees
January 24, 2023
Ensign College
- Born of the Spirit
April 14, 1998
- Service and Fulfillment: 2012 Commencement Address
May 1, 2012
- Devotional
June 15, 2021
- “For He That Is Mighty Hath Done to Me Great Things” (PDF)
May 3, 2019 at BYU Women’s Conference