Collected Talks of Boyd K. Packer

General conference
1971 – 2015
CES/worldwide devotionals
2003 – 2011
1962 – 2011
1995 – 2002
General conference (Church website index)
- “The Spirit Beareth Record”
April 1971, Tuesday morning session
- The Only True and Living Church
October 1971, Friday morning session
- Why Stay Morally Clean
April 1972, Sunday morning session
- The Saints Securely Dwell
October 1972, Saturday afternoon session
- Behold Your Little Ones
April 1973, Saturday afternoon session
- Inspiring Music—Worthy Thoughts
October 1973, Friday morning session
- We Believe All That God Has Revealed
April 1974, Sunday morning session
- Where Much Is Given, Much Is Required
October 1974, Sunday morning session
- An Appeal to Prospective Elders
April 1975, Sunday afternoon session
- The Redemption of the Dead
October 1975, Sunday afternoon session
- Spiritual Crocodiles
April 1976, Saturday afternoon session
- Message to Young Men (video)
October 1976, priesthood session
- The Mediator
April 1977, Sunday morning session
- The Balm of Gilead
October 1977, Sunday morning session
- Solving Emotional Problems in the Lord’s Own Way
April 1978, general welfare session
- The Relief Society
October 1978, Saturday morning session
- “Judge Not According to the Appearance”
April 1979, Sunday afternoon session
- Prayers and Answers
October 1979, Saturday afternoon session
- A Tribute to the Rank and File of the Church
April 1980, Sunday morning session
- The Circle of Sisters
October 1980, General Relief Society Meeting
- The Choice
October 1980, Saturday afternoon session
- Marriage
April 1981, Saturday morning session
- The Aaronic Priesthood
October 1981, priesthood session
- The Gospel—The Foundation for Our Career
April 1982, welfare session
- Scriptures
October 1982, Sunday morning session
- Agency and Control
April 1983, Sunday afternoon session
- The Mystery of Life
October 1983, Saturday morning session
- Feed My Sheep
April 1984, priesthood session
- The Pattern of Our Parentage
October 1984, Sunday morning session
- “From Such Turn Away”
April 1985, Saturday afternoon session
- The Only True Church
October 1985, Sunday afternoon session
- “The Things of My Soul”
April 1986, Sunday morning session
- Little Children
October 1986, Saturday morning session
- Covenants
April 1987, Saturday afternoon session
- Balm of Gilead
October 1987, Saturday morning session
- Atonement, Agency, Accountability
April 1988, Sunday afternoon session
- Funerals—A Time for Reverence
October 1988, Saturday afternoon session
- To Young Women and Men
April 1989, Sunday morning session
- Revelation in a Changing World
October 1989, Saturday morning session
- The Library of the Lord
April 1990, priesthood session
- Teach Them Correct Principles
April 1990, Member Finances Fireside
- Covenants
October 1990, Sunday afternoon session
- The Moving of the Water
April 1991, Saturday morning session
- Reverence Invites Revelation
October 1991, Saturday afternoon session
- Our Moral Environment
April 1992, Sunday morning session
- “To Be Learned Is Good If …”
October 1992, Sunday afternoon session
- The Temple, the Priesthood
April 1993, Saturday morning session
- For Time and All Eternity
October 1993, Saturday afternoon session
- The Father and the Family
April 1994, Saturday morning session
- Personal Revelation: The Gift, the Test, and the Promise
October 1994, Sunday morning session
- “The Shield of Faith”
April 1995, Saturday morning session
- The Brilliant Morning of Forgiveness
October 1995, Saturday morning session
- The Word of Wisdom: The Principle and the Promises
April 1996, Saturday morning session
- The Twelve Apostles
October 1996, Saturday morning session
- Washed Clean
April 1997, Saturday morning session
- Called to Serve
October 1997, Saturday morning session
- The Relief Society
April 1998, Sunday afternoon session
- Parents in Zion
October 1998, Saturday afternoon session
- The Bishop and His Counselors
April 1999, Sunday morning session
- The Spirit of Revelation
October 1999, Saturday afternoon session
- The Cloven Tongues of Fire
April 2000, Saturday morning session
- “Ye Are the Temple of God”
October 2000, Sunday afternoon session
- “The Touch of the Master’s Hand”
April 2001, Saturday afternoon session
- The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ
October 2001, Sunday morning session
- Children
April 2002, Saturday morning session
- The Stake Patriarch
October 2002, priesthood session
- The Golden Years
April 2003, Sunday afternoon session
- “The Standard of Truth Has Been Erected”
October 2003, Saturday afternoon session
- Do Not Fear
April 2004, Sunday morning session
- The Least of These
October 2004, Sunday afternoon session
- The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ—Plain and Precious Things
April 2005, Saturday morning session
- On Zion’s Hill
October 2005, Sunday morning session
- “I Will Remember Your Sins No More”
April 2006, Saturday afternoon session
- A Defense and a Refuge
October 2006, Sunday afternoon session
- The Spirit of the Tabernacle
April 2007, Saturday afternoon session
- The Weak and the Simple of the Church
October 2007, Saturday morning session
- The Twelve
April 2008, Sunday morning session
- The Test
October 2008, Sunday afternoon session
- Counsel to Young Men
April 2009, priesthood session
- Prayer and Promptings
October 2009, Saturday afternoon session
- The Power of the Priesthood
April 2010, Saturday morning session
- Cleansing the Inner Vessel
October 2010, Sunday morning session
- Guided by the Holy Spirit
April 2011, Saturday afternoon session
- Counsel to Youth
October 2011, Saturday morning session
- And a Little Child Shall Lead Them
April 2012, Saturday morning session
- The Atonement
October 2012, Sunday morning session
- These Things I Know
April 2013, Saturday morning session
- The Key to Spiritual Protection
October 2013, Saturday afternoon session
- The Witness
April 2014, Sunday afternoon session
- The Reason for Our Hope
October 2014, Saturday morning session
- The Plan of Happiness
April 2015, Saturday morning session
CES/worldwide devotionals
- The Instrument of Your Mind and the Foundation of Your Character (video)
- Truths Most Worth Knowing
- Your Articles of Faith
March 21, 1962
- Keeping Christmas
December 12, 1962
- Eternal Love
November 3, 1963
- Follow the Brethren
March 23, 1965
- Eternal Marriage
April 14, 1970
- Called of God by Prophecy
March 27, 1973
- Self Reliance
March 2, 1975
- The Arts and the Spirit of the Lord
February 1, 1976
- Follow the Rule
January 14, 1977
- Ordinances
February 3, 1980
- Roland and Dora Mae
October 29, 1985
- “I Say unto You, Be One”
February 12, 1991
- The Snow-White Birds
August 29, 1995
- The Instrument of Your Mind and the Foundation of Your Character
February 2, 2003
- Lehi’s Dream and You
January 16, 2007
- Fledgling Finches and Family Life
August 18, 2009
- Truths Most Worth Knowing
November 6, 2011
- Unreleased address (unavailable)
September 19, 1995
- The Twenty-Mark Note
March 12, 2002
- Devotional address (unavailable)
March 1, 2005
- Commencement address
December 16, 2005
- Equally Yoked Together
April 3, 1975
- The Drama of All Ages
May 13, 1995
- The One Pure Defense
February 6, 2004
- Children of God (PDF)
2006 at BYU Women’s Conference