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Blog: #words-of-the-prophets

More scripture releases

Today I’m releasing version 2.0 of Words of the Prophets: Selected Sermons from the Book of Mormon and the plates edition of the Book of Mormon, both now using the licensed text. (And the plates edition is also available in Kindle format for the first time.)

I’m also releasing the Book of Mormon study edition in 14 new languages: Afrikaans, Cebuano, Danish, Dutch, Hmong, Hungarian, Norwegian, Romanian, Russian, Swahili, Swedish, Tagalog, Turkish, and Vietnamese.

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Words of the Prophets EPUB

The EPUB edition of my book Words of the Prophets: Selected Sermons from the Book of Mormon is now available for download.

(The book is a reader’s edition compilation of twenty-two sermons from the Book of Mormon. It’s also available in PDF and you can print a hard copy through Lulu.com.)

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Words of the Prophets

Back in May, I posted about Words of the Prophets: Selected Sermons from the Book of Mormon, a book I was typesetting. Well, it’s done. It’s available as a PDF from my website or on Lulu as a perfect-bound paperback.


The Lulu edition is 5.5×8.5″ and uses publisher-grade paper (it’s white, pretty much like standard printer paper, and happens to be a bit cheaper). Eventually I’ll do a 6×9″ edition using Lulu’s standard cream-colored paper, but for now this will have to do.

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Selected sermons

I’ve been working on a new book for the past little while, and it’s almost done. The book is called Words of the Prophets: Selected Sermons from the Book of Mormon and is (as the title makes pretty clear) a compilation of sermons from the Book of Mormon — twenty-two, to be exact. I’ve pulled out the verse and chapter numbers and reparagraphed the text, so it looks like this:

Selected Sermons

Once it’s done, I’ll release it on my website (in PDF and EPUB) and put it up on Lulu as well so people can get hard copies (both paperback and hardcover) if they want.

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