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Blog: #literature

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I somehow missed hearing about this before now: El Pregonero de Deseret is a Spanish-language Mormon literature newsletter by the Cofradía de Letras Mormonas. They’ve got three issues out (issue 1, issue 2, issue 3). Also see the AML post) introducing it and another post talking about the third issue. Very cool.

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A semi-literary art experiment, wherein each letter gets assigned a color, the user types in a sentence, and the color bar gets drawn on the screen and melted up and down:

The colors are chosen by starting with a few base hues and then doing variations off them. Sometimes it produces gorgeous color schemes, and sometimes (okay, maybe most of the time) they’re jarring. What I should have done was start with a random hue, then build an appropriate color scheme (whether monochromatic or complementary or whatever) off of that.

I’m using a really simple dithering-esque algorithm for doing the melting (pulling from a random nearby neighbor pixel). Part of me wants nice antialiasing instead, but I suppose this has a slight 8-bit charm to it. Right now the left and right edges inadvertently end up pulling in some outer darkness, which I kind of like. (Oddly, though, it only happens in the top half of the screen. Not sure why.)

As usual, the code is on GitHub. There’s a live demo as well.

More examples, all using the default sentence (from Pride & Prejudice, unintentionally in honor of the 200th anniversary of its publication yesterday):

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