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Journal of Discourses completed

It’s taken a bit longer than I expected, but I’ve released the remaining volumes of the Journal of Discourses, in EPUB and Kindle formats.

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Journal of Discourses vols. 5, 6, 7, 8

Volumes 5, 6, 7, and 8 of the Journal of Discourses are now available.

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Journal of Discourses vols. 2, 3, 4

Just a quick note to say that volumes 2, 3, and 4 of the Journal of Discourses are now available for download. Enjoy.

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Journal of Discourses pre-release

Today I’m pre-releasing volume 1 of the Journal of Discourses, available in both EPUB and Kindle formats.

Why a pre-release? Because there are still a few typos (these editions are based on the Wikisource text, which is mostly correct but not entirely), and I’d like to crowdsource the proofing so I can make these editions available sooner. If you find typos, let me know and I’ll fix them. Each ePub and Kindle file has a version number on the copyright page, so you’ll will be able to know if you’ve got the latest edition or not (like software, basically). These pre-releases are at 0.9, and once the typos are all fixed, I’ll bump the number up to 1.0.

This marks my first Kindle release, by the way. Amazon’s KindleGen does a decent conversion from EPUB to Kindle (Mobipocket, actually) and seems to work just fine. But if you run into any problems with the Kindle edition (or the EPUB, for that matter), let me know.

Twenty-five more volumes to go. It’ll probably take another month or two to get them all out the door, FYI.

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