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Moving to Cast

As of today, this site is now built by Cast, a new custom static site generator I’ve been writing. There shouldn’t be any visible changes on your end, but if you experience some weirdness (like all the recent RSS items showing up as new in your feed), that’s probably why.


  • Before now, this site was using a PHP CMS called Blackbullet that I wrote in 2013. I wanted to simplify by getting rid of the PHP dependency and serving up static HTML files instead.
  • I initially started the project as a Go app in 2021, abandoned it shortly thereafter, and then picked it up again this past December with some new ideas on how to implement it. Also switched to Node.
  • I wrote my own rather than using 11ty or Jekyll or another existing engine because, well, I wanted to.
  • Right now it rebuilds the site from scratch each time and takes 8–12 seconds. Compilation is fast enough that I’m probably going to leave it this way for now, rather than adding support for incremental builds.
  • No plan at this time to release Cast as open source.