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Links #137

Henrik Karlsson’s advice on blogging. Some good ideas here, like “what’s odd about you is what’s interesting” and the part about Kafka’s diary.

Alan Jacobs on finishing things and notebooks. “I’m a big fan of contemplation, but I tend to contemplate most effectively when I have a pen in my hand. And a notebook provides endless opportunities to revisit, rethink, fail again, fail better. Though I never re-read my published works, I re-read my notebooks regularly: I consider such revisitations essential to thought, to growth, to intellectual and moral and spiritual maturation.” Enjoyed this.

Alexander Petros on hard page loads in web apps, and how traditional websites have advantages over SPAs here in some regards. Agreed.

Wm Henry Morris on death and destruction in fiction. I’ve felt similarly, though more so when watching films (particularly action films) than when reading fiction. So much damage and destruction, taking or at least ruining the lives of so many normal people — not just property damage, but disability, financial ruin, etc. It doesn’t sit well with me.

Tracy Durnell’s guiding principles for her website. I like this. It’s thoughtful and human.

Venkatram Harish Belvadi’s website redesign post. I love websites that look kind of like books.

Redactle, a fun game where you try to guess the title of a random Wikipedia page where most of the words have been redacted. (I’ve admittedly only played it once since my brain doesn’t like games much these days, but I’d still recommend it.)