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Things on my mind #8

  • I realized recently that I never use Siri anymore. Voice input isn’t my thing, apparently.
  • The importance of saving mental state when working on something. (Usually via keeping a journal/log or a to-do list.) Makes it much easier to pick the project up again months or years later.
  • Another thing I noticed recently: my dreams are never in a secondary world. A pity. I have no idea why this is.
  • I’ve set myself a rule where I need to spend at least ten minutes blogging each day before I’m allowed to read books. It’s working, as you may have noticed with the increase in posting this past week or two.
  • I was today years old when I learned how to do jumping jacks. I’ve apparently been doing them wrong my whole life. (Not that I’ve done them a ton. But still.)
  • Our local theater charges around twice as much per ticket as it used to. I have no idea when it changed.
  • On my phone I much prefer reading with fonts that are slightly heavier. Digital type is often too anemic, too wispy. No substance.