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Links #118

Bronwen Tate on five ways to take a real break from creative work. Good tips.

Tjaart on the curious case of the missing period. A weird little SMTP bug.

Web lunch video with Maggie Appleton. Her comment about having no long-term overarching plan for her career resonated with me — with both my day job and my personal projects, it’s always been one step at a time. Once in a while I freak out about that and feel like I need to get things figured out, but as I look back, line upon line has been working out pretty well so far.

Douglas Adams on our reactions to technology as we age. This may have felt particularly apropos in context of how I feel about generative AI. Ha.

Sean Voisen on networked note-taking using tools like Obsidian and Roam. “I’ve found networked note-taking to be a practice that mostly overpromises and under-delivers.” I feel a little better about never actually linking my notes like I always intended to.

Who Can Use, “a tool that brings attention and understanding to how color contrast can affect different people with visual impairments.” This is great.

Jaron Schneider on Looking Glass’s new holographic spatial displays. Cool.