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Links #110

Henry Oliver on smartphones not being the source of all social ills. An interesting counterbalance, worth thinking about given humanity’s general reaction to new technologies over time. I love that I can read books on my phone and keep track of my to-do list and stay in touch with family and friends. (And of course I also recognize that it’s healthy to not be on screens all the time.)

myNoise (via swissmiss) has nice ad-free soundscapes (Irish coast, Japanese garden, distant thunder, white noise, etc.).

Eleanor Konik on maintaining sane task lists. Some useful tips here.

Barry Hess on how blogging doesn’t require writing perfect essays. Good reminder. Having standards is good, but an obsession with perfection can be debilitating if it means you never finish things.

Jeremy Keith on hanging punctuation in CSS. I had no idea hanging-punctuation exists. Browser support isn’t quite there yet, but someday!

Hans Zimmer: Hollywood Rebel documentary on Netflix. Enjoyed this. The thing that resonated with me the most (har har) was Zimmer’s relentless experimentation.

Massimo’s disturbing video of a komodo dragon swallowing a goat in one long extended bite. I don’t know why I’m sharing this.